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Ravenwing Battleforce


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I think it depends on the age of the battleforce as the have updated the some of the stuff as newer items came out (i.e. my first 2 RW battle forces came with the old rectangular biker bases, my 2 more recent ones came with the rounded bases.) That said, the one regular speeder box I bought was much harder to assemble than the ones I assembled from the RW bok set. (The RW ones are one solid piece for the top of the speeder the other box was multiple pieces.)
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I just recently purchased one and it came with the old style land speeder.


I'll second that.


(Sidenote- I actually didn't realize that what came in the RWBF was an older style land speeder until I bought an additional (newer) speeder the other week and was amazed it how much more easily it went together)

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