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Mark III Iron Armor for Dark Angels


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Hello Brothers,


I was wondering how to use the Mark III Iron Armor from Forgeworld in my Dark Angels army. The armor is so brutal looking and cool, but I'm not sure how to use it. It's a specialized armor for use in full blown frontal assaults or shipboarding, and I really want to use it, but I dont just want to disperse them throughout my squads randomly. Any suggestions? Maybe Vets, Devastator squads, or just some random parade armor?


Just wanted your imput. Thanks in advance :D

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I`ll use mines on company vets. Did just one for the moment, but the others will go the same way for sure. Didnt put any squad number on them to keep them generic, that way they can also go lead some squad if the gear is the correct one :)


The arms are thw bolt holding ones, I chopped its hands off and replaced them with some plastic ones, you need to tweak them a little so they fit nicely, but it isnt a lot of work. Some pinning would hold them in place more safely.


http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1181/davet01.th.jpg http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/9641/davet06.th.jpg http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/8796/davet03.th.jpg


I posted a few more pics in some thread on the hall of honor IIRC.

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I tend to feel the ancients relics of the Chapter would be dispersed to the Vets and higher ups. using it for Vets as you suggested or perhaps sergeant of any squad here or there seems suitable or even special and/or heavy weapons marines - though there may not be any fluff to prove it, I also feel that those who have been granted a special weapon of some sort are usually more veteran types of a sqaud.


"It's a specialized armor for use in full blown frontal assaults or shipboarding"


Though I was not aware of it's specialization, it immediately has me thinking of assault marines.

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I think the armour looks more heavy and brutish, if I were to pick a squad I would say devastators (Brutal armour and Brutal weapons). The armour is somewhat a relic though compared to the newer marks so I can agree with EPK with the armour being used for vets.
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I have seven suits of MK III plate in my DA army, primarily Company Vets, though I have one tossed into a Tac Squad, because I decided that Fifth Squad, 3rd Company is in nothing but old marks of armour. Five are from Forge World, the other two are just the old school 'I'm just standing here... standing' metal models. All are maddeningly cool and look like they would knock in your head with their face plates just because they can. :wink:


I wouldn't necessarily recommend restricting where you put them to one unit, but they do look better combined with other, old marks of armour and agree that they belong with some really decked-out vets.

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