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A DIY Dilemma


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Hey there guys, i have came here seeking answers from those who know better than me!


I have a dilemma- i am working on my own Chapter (the Shadow Falcons) who are air assault specialists who excel in ranged firefights and although i have read over the BA Codex several times now, i still can't decide whether or not its feasible to create a shooty force from it. Can anyone convince me otherwise?


Also, how does using Tycho compare to the likes of Sicarius? Who's better? (He's the only character who i can use in line with my fluff, which to me, is the more important than winning.)


Thanks, trub.

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Well there's always drop podding tactical squads for the firepower. Blood Angels are the chapter of choice when it comes to aerial hijinks, however, the nature of assault marines means that they're primarily there to get in the foe's grill meaning they lack a long range solution. You could utilise the Stormrave quite well in your fluff. Have it drop off a tactical squad plus a rifleman dread, almost as if it's being used to rapidly deploy a firebase.
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