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Tournament Army


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Playing in my first 40K tournament ever next weekend, and I would like to see what you guys think of my list. I've been reading B/C for a few months and the forum has helped immensely. The guys in my area play heavy CSM, Dark Eldar, and SW.... those are the bulk of my opposing armies. 30 players registered so far and my goal is top 10.

Here's the list


2 Baal Preds w/heavy B's and hunter killers

2 Dreadnoughts 1 MM - 1 AC/heavy flamer

Drop Pod

Land raider with MM / 10 man tactical with Melta/ML

RAS with 2 meltas

Astorath the grim

5 Death Company assault squad- 3 PW/thunder hammer/hand flamer/JP


1850 on the dot.


The primary debate in my mind is the land raider... whether I should bring it or not. I figure DP one of the dreadnoughts depending on what i need to kill early (mech or inf) then use the rhino as cover for my DC with astorath. The Baals always do work and are automatic for a BA list.


I've been playing for 4 months and have played a good number of games, but I'd like to make a good showing at the tournament. Any help would be much appreciated.

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