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New army guilt

Pavement Artist

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This is somewhat related to a thread i read not long ago in the DA sub forum, partly also to do with my recent decision to play Blood Angels.


I've been playing for around about 7 years or so know. I started the hobby when i was 14 with death guard and then have since moved on to fantasy and dalliances with dark eldar. Inevitably i've dabbled with marines (i think most people cant go through their hobby career without touching some power armour). I've played space wolves briefly and also Black Templars but i've never felt a connection with them particularly; you know that sort of love and enthusiasm for an army that says to you "Yes, these are absolutely my guys."? I feel like i have that with the Dark Eldar. I've been playing them for around two and a bit years now and was the sole player at my local GW that fielded them, so i couldnt help but feel a sense of identity with them.


With space marines, one of the things ive noticed is that a lot of the time they are almost first loves. Im sure a lot of you will have started the hobby with marines (not suprising, theyre the iconic figureheads of the game) and for the most part im sure you all stared doe-eyed at the colours and fell upon a chapter you liked (for whatever reasons they may be). I've seen folks on here updating two or even three generations worth of Dark Angels or Space wolves and i personally think that's fantastic. Im also rather envious because i never had that level of connection from the off. Though ive fielded marines, i've never felt they were my guys.


So, fast forward to the present. I've found myself drawn to Blood Angels. I have a list drawn up, i know what i want to buy but still there's a nagging sensation in the back of my mind. The trouble i suppose is timing, you guys are still the freshest marine army out there which in terms of power level seems to equate to bestest evar. This is something compounded by the folks who are competitive gamers first and foremost, who hop on new releases and their brains immediately whir into place thinking of 1750 pt lists. There's obviously been a proliferation of Blood Angels players who are going for the force because it is a strong codex and a lot of people who genuinely like the chapter.


I am a creature of fluff. I enjoy the background and the narrative that goes with the universe aswell as the individual history and tropes of each force. This is why i dont feel as constrained by the established chapters as some people (my friend is adamant that they are too restrictive and is all for DIY) I personally enjoy the idea of shaping a force that adheres to the style and history of the chapter. Now for the Blood Angels, everyone and their aunt knows about them in terms of the broad strokes (The flaw, sanguinius, Red armour). It wasn't until this latest codex that i took the time to sit down and read into the history of the chapter that i truly fell in love with the tragedy and complexity of Sanguinius' sons. I started in 3rd edition which was littered with pamphlet codexes and then the BA were updated with a PDF which offered me no meat on the fluff bones. I wouldn't have had anything to sustain my interest in the chapter until now.


Sadly i feel like im one of the band wagoners who have been struck down with new army syndrome. I was wondering what you more veteran Blood angels players felt on this matter. Do you enjoy the wave of new recruits or do you feel that some people are out to get a competitive fix and will fade away as soon as the next power armoured hussy turns the corner?

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don't believe it matters.


people join this hobby for a mirad of reason, people pic thier armies for a miriad of reasons (i chose the BA because none of my firends were playing them when i started, 13ish years ago) and i stopped using then and played orks for a while because i didn't like the pdf dex)


someone playing for thier entire lives as one through thick and thin doens't make them any better of a person then one who playes a new army every month, though it may make them a better player of thier army (though not always, the change from 3rd to pdf was to much for me, i hated the way it played, i like the new one much better as it fits more with how i played in 3rd)


you should never have to justify choosing an army, if you want to buy the book and paint the minis, then do it. (though i prefer people play the correct codex for the army, it's not mandatory though)


just my opinion:)

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It wasn't until this latest codex that i took the time to sit down and read into the history of the chapter that i truly fell in love with the tragedy and complexity of Sanguinius' sons. I started in 3rd edition which was littered with pamphlet codexes and then the BA were updated with a PDF which offered me no meat on the fluff bones. I wouldn't have had anything to sustain my interest in the chapter until now.



This paragraph alone tells me that you're here for more than just flavor of the month/new codex army. Whatever the reason you've chosen the BA, welcome and enjoy.

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Oh it absolutely doesnt matter mate. I'm lucky enough to have a group of friends as regular opponents and we are all very relaxed in how we play. I agree, whatever army you choose to play is the decision of the player and i wasn't looking for justification in so much that i felt mildly guilty because i can see how it can be misconstrued as someone as lumping for the new codex.


It rankles me slightly when i see people who blatantly just hop from the most competitive force to it's sucessor. I've always preferred to get my teeth into an army and develop a connection with them however and i do understand that some people enjoy the competitive aspect of the hobby so each to their own really.

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Oh it absolutely doesnt matter mate. I'm lucky enough to have a group of friends as regular opponents and we are all very relaxed in how we play. I agree, whatever army you choose to play is the decision of the player and i wasn't looking for justification in so much that i felt mildly guilty because i can see how it can be misconstrued as someone as lumping for the new codex.


It rankles me slightly when i see people who blatantly just hop from the most competitive force to it's sucessor. I've always preferred to get my teeth into an army and develop a connection with them however and i do understand that some people enjoy the competitive aspect of the hobby so each to their own really.



as i said, been playing BA for a long time, stopped because i just didn't like playing them (i see no reason to play with no fun)... some people play purly to try and win and the strongest army does that for them and newer codex have a habit of being stronger if not harder to beat till they are figured out (though most of the time it's just perceived that way)


my point, even if you were jumping to the new shiney, it wouldn't matter:)


that being said, welcome to the ranks, paint, kill, enjoy

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys, it means a lot. The thread was inspired partly by a post by a chap in the DA forums in which an ultramarine player was asking for tips on how to build an all terminator 1st company army using Deathwing rules. A couple of the DA players seemed a bit...defensive with regards to this guy wanting to use their book. Almost as if theyd been so used to being a sub par army, they're reticent to let anyone use them in a competitive/viable way.


I thought i'd be a bit annoyed by the wave of Dark eldar players after being used to being the only guy within a city's distance using them but it's actually been refreshing to have a new community of people you can discuss the force with. (That and i'd rather have a new model range than be the only sad sack mewling over the army like an over protective gollum)

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys, it means a lot. The thread was inspired partly by a post by a chap in the DA forums in which an ultramarine player was asking for tips on how to build an all terminator 1st company army using Deathwing rules. A couple of the DA players seemed a bit...defensive with regards to this guy wanting to use their book. Almost as if theyd been so used to being a sub par army, they're reticent to let anyone use them in a competitive/viable way.


I thought i'd be a bit annoyed by the wave of Dark eldar players after being used to being the only guy within a city's distance using them but it's actually been refreshing to have a new community of people you can discuss the force with. (That and i'd rather have a new model range than be the only sad sack mewling over the army like an over protective gollum)


strangely, i read that thread on accident, and laughed...


i found that an interesting corundum, i want to play Ultras, but i want a first co army, can i play using DA list... normally i say no, you have a set army you use the book... but on something that specialized, and as long as i know it's a deathwing, i don't' see a problem...


Personally i hate the idea that it's OUR book or THEIR book.. i own every dex they are all my book, so what if i've never fielded a DA army, if i decide tomorrow to paint all my termis and field it as a deathwing, that my business...


"oh you are just jumping on because now we dont' suck because we were updated!" uhhh sorry you played an army you didn't like, but why is that my problem, yea i started a termi armt because it doesn't suck now, why would i start one when it did? :)


there is loyalty because you like the fluff and it doesn't matter you will always play, there is loyalty because you have an army and no money so you play that army (or have the money but it doesn't go to warhammer)


all just silly, it's a game, it's a hobby:) no one is better BA, DA, whatever... then someone else just because they have played an army longer... (though they may be better at it)


of course you arn't saying that, that's just me ranting, sorry:)

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I play GK because I loved the GK fluff, been playing them since the old dex came out.


I play Wolves because I love the wolf fluff and I like doing an all Terminator army.


I play BA because after reading Milton's paradise lost I fell in love with angels but don't want to do the bad guys.


Everyone has a reason for fielding an army and if it's because you love the army feel and background then bloody well play it! If it's because it's the new best thing and you have the ready cash to splash out on it, then bloody well play it!


It's a game, enjoy it.

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Did someone say Milton? I feel as though I have been summoned.


There's a host of great literary references throughout our book. It's true of the setting in general actually, with great planet names like Caliban and Prospero. But I'm particularly fond of ours.


Now I'm toying with the idea of writing an essay on literary influences in our Codex that could be used for inspiration. The Divine Comedy is the most obvious one, probably...

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The artistic, cultured aspect of the chapter was part of what attracted me to blood angels in the first place. The vision that sanguinius had in knowing that one must cultivate a diverse, learned and well rounded society shows foresight beyond even Gulliman.
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Put me down for play what you like. If you're worried about being lumped in with the flavor of the month players then the difference should be clear when they bolt for a new book while you stick with it.


Not to derail the thread, but the mention of literary references prompts me to ask. I'm in the middle of the Iliad and am having a hard time shaking the desire to name all my guys after Trojans. I figure the BAs are supposed to be Roman/Italian, and Aeneas is Roman via Virgil, so it fits in a way. It's all a bit too Greek, and therefore Ultramarine, for me though, so the search for inspiration continues. Where do you all pull from? I'm really a Greek fan and disdain Roman things a bit, so I don't have many references lying around. I've considered Emperors, but that seems a bit much for regular soldiers.

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The artistic, cultured aspect of the chapter was part of what attracted me to blood angels in the first place. The vision that sanguinius had in knowing that one must cultivate a diverse, learned and well rounded society shows foresight beyond even Gulliman.


Yeah, in a way the Blood Angels are an example of how the Emperor's Children could of, should of been.

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Renaissance/medieval Italy are fine periods to adopt names from. Go by your own logic, lift names from the Aeneid. Bit of Roman flavouring wouldnt hurt.


I've seen people pop French names into Templar even though theyre from Germanic stock so whatever really :D

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Put me down for play what you like. If you're worried about being lumped in with the flavor of the month players then the difference should be clear when they bolt for a new book while you stick with it.


Not to derail the thread, but the mention of literary references prompts me to ask. I'm in the middle of the Iliad and am having a hard time shaking the desire to name all my guys after Trojans. I figure the BAs are supposed to be Roman/Italian, and Aeneas is Roman via Virgil, so it fits in a way. It's all a bit too Greek, and therefore Ultramarine, for me though, so the search for inspiration continues. Where do you all pull from? I'm really a Greek fan and disdain Roman things a bit, so I don't have many references lying around. I've considered Emperors, but that seems a bit much for regular soldiers.


Dante Alighieri was a huge fan of Virgil and was convinced that Italians were the modern-day Trojans. Our chapter master is named Dante. So yes, Troy is a perfectly valid inspiration! I think I may name one of my dreadnoughts Anchises now...

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Now I'm toying with the idea of writing an essay on literary influences in our Codex that could be used for inspiration. The Divine Comedy is the most obvious one, probably...


I'd be very, very interested in reading such an essay!

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In the wide world of hobbies this one is one of the cheaper ones, if you're an adult. that being said,/ there is too much money spent in this to even care if other think you're a fence jumper. Someone wants to drop a grand on a 2500 leaf blower to win a tournie that give $50, have at it. I hope they win, they surely have the dedication.
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A literary discussion! this wouldnt happen in the fang!


Too bad. They should at least read the Poetic Edda, if not the Prose Edda.



Also, on angels' names...


Angels are a very good source for Space Marine names. However, since angels are so general and can fit almost any Space Marine chapter (since we're all the Emperor's Angels of Death) it's kind of tricky to just use an angel dictionary. It's good inspiration, but some of the names fit others better.


For example, the Dark Angels have a very Hebrew/Old Testament theme. Angel names like Araquiel or Gadriel or Samael are good for them.


Blood Angels, meanwhile, have more of a Roman Catholic feel due to the Italian influence. So a name like Samael doesn't fit quite as well, so if you have a Bible handy you'd want to turn to the New Testament instead of the Old: hence Gabriel of the Flesh Tearers. Post-Christian culture is good too, hence Mephisto(n). On that note you can use more Christian names than Hebrew ones: Cassiel is an example of an angel name that feels more Blood Angel than Dark Angel. Gnostic flavored names like Duma can work too.


Angel names that have more overlap between Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Paganism can be good but may not feel as distinctly "Blood Angel" in tone. Metatron comes to mind; it's a good name, but it can fit almost anywhere in 40k. That's not a bad thing, just an observation. Of course this is all subjective anyways.

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Its been close to a year since our codex, I doubt anyone would even think someone was bandwaging to pick it up now.


Welcome to the chapter Witchhunter Kraine.

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