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Why is the Chaos Codex to Mix and Match and... blah...

Dire Wolf

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The Sons of Horus were almost annihilated by the other Legions, and barely existed before Abaddon resurrected it as the Black Legion.

but that was durning the legion war almost 10k years ago. Abadon reunited the legion more or less broke the ECs back by destroying the Horus clones . Right now the BL are size wise one of the largest legions still working . And even if we went by th events just post the legion wars there are legions that never broke up . WB never did , AL never did too , but then again they never realy worked as a single force anyway so they probably dont count . But WB were never broken up , and both the tyfus and ahriman sub sects were always very small parts of the legions [on ship strong] .

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Even with some of the old legions broken down to warbands some have reunited for great enough causes. Black crusades are one example, and the world eaters pretty much reassembled for the First war for Armageddon. Not sure if they broke apart again after. The problem is that our codex suffers from mono-build, which leads to problems when you try to build a fluffy list. You can make a fluffy list that is enjoyable to play, but unless you know some fluff to supports an army with two lash princes, plague marines, and oblits then it probably won't be competitive.
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The idea that because the Legions don't operate as one and thus shouldn't be focused on is ridiculous, they just now are in 40K sized groups and not apocalypse ones.


Of course, I think I'm preaching to the choir here.


But still, Chaos is still probably the hardest faction to represent on the table top because of their fluff. It'd be nearly impossible to represent all of the factions of Chaos in one book, like LaTD, mutants/beastmen, planetary uprisings and cults, yet separating them like SM is separated from the IG just isn't fluffy. If we're ever to be done justice as a faction, then it would only happen after GW decides to put all of the SM chapters into one book with doctrines style stuff separating them, and apply a similar logic back to IG regiments, Eldar Craft Worlds, Ork klanz etc. A gamer's dream probably, but I don't think that it'll ever happen.

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But still, Chaos is still probably the hardest faction to represent on the table top because of their fluff


i would say they were represented just fine in 3.5

They represented CSM, particulalry Legionaries perfectly last edition. But they didn't represent all of Chaos, or how they often work closely with Traitor IG/cultists/mutants/beastmen/Dark Admech. Representing all of chaos is very difficult, although I don't blame anyone for want just a good representation of Legionaries at least to start with.

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What I want to see is the follow:


Chaos Renegade Space Marines for post-Heresy Chapters and specific rules that include "modern" gear and lack of bonuses for worshiping Chaos

Chaos Space Marine: Death Guard for that Legion and all Nurgle inspired specific rules

Chaos Space Marine: Emperor's Children for above except for Slaanesh

Chaos Space Marine: World Eaters for above except for Khorne

Chaos Space Marine: Thousand Sons for above except for Tchar

Chaos Space Marine Undivided: for Word Bearers, Black Legion and Undivided rules

Chaos Space Marine Unforgiven: Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors and rules for no Marks, no Chaos worship and unique rules for each Legion list that reflects their fluff and gives them unique bonuses to make up for lack of Chaos


I never expect to see this but I'd love to have it my grubby paws one day.

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