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Orks vs da greenwing 1750 after battle thoughts


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I played a fun DA vs Orks game on the weekend.


I was testing the veterans concept

They had a librarian with them which didnt work


10 vets 5 power swords and 10 storm shields. 1 flamer and rest configured for hth.


My game showed me a few things.

I’ve discovered Power fists / StormShields are an integral part of a normal veteran assault unit. And I believe they will work well - Ill retry this in a few weeks time properly configured.

I believe it gives DW units a good run for there points.

Ultimately You need the high strength hits so avoid lots of power swords - its not worth it unless you are playing massed Guard or Eldar.

You also need to get either re rolls to hit or have a higher WS - 5 is good to make it easier to hit - hence giving a chaplain a Power Fist who has WS5.

HTH vs Orks my marines did ok but lacked follow through with what a power fist would do. Power swords lack the strength to beat there toughness.


I'm adding a chaplain to them next time with a fist.

with marine ws of 4 against orks needs 4 to hit and 4 to wound. I was only just winning combats.

Power fists need rerolls from chaplain on charge for misses ( put chaplain with squad) and with his higher WS he will hit easier with his Fist.

Vets storm shields really soak up the damage. Didn't need a Land Raider. From my use of them and cover - Put them near objective and they can walk it.

They lasted a while and killed 2 ork squads and some bikers - only got there points back i guess, would have done better with fists.


Best performers for price were single

5 man split TAC squad - took out 2 truks with bolters and there mm took out his battle wagon on the right flank.


My opponent had 550 points in his Ork bike units that did little.

Putting all ya points over 350 in one area can be wastefull if incorrectly use.

His force took out a Rhino - that blocked there advance and a 5 man tactical squad.

I diverted him easily.

Finally coming in to my vets from the side he lost 3 Bikers engaging my vet SS/PS squad who then routed the bikes.

They did virtually nothing his bikes and that was nearly 1/3 of his army.


My predator did little taking out around 10 Ork Boyz. Im over my predator at the moment.


I’m remaking my force and going into the use of lots of marines looking at forces of no less than 60 marines or more.

Given the amount of talk on the forums of use of DW and RW – I ask when was the last time you guys played greenwing ( or in my case successor wing) with the new updates to try things out with normal marine troops?

Deathwing and Bikes are ok but standard Troops work well too. I personally prefer Troops and generally only add in Bikes or DW for support. ( We all have our preferred options so I respect others views and uses as a prior DW player)


Given the Vets SS combo now available with power weapons of choice I find them more appealing than DW. In saying that the costs are getting close similar to two DW squads. But is alot cheaper. 2 DW squads with ACs are 460 and they don’t all have a 3+ inv save.

1 Vet Squad (10) 2 Power fists, 2 power swords, 6 Storm shields and special

weapon are 335 to 350 and you could buy a WW or a 5 man tactical squad

with special weapon etc for the extra points that would match buying 2 DW

Squads .

SO potentionally 15 troops with storm shields and special weapons and power weapons and an extra supporting unit or 10 terminators for slightly more expensive price. Id prefer numbers myself.

Yes using CSM you might get more bang for buck but thats CSM- its not CDA which is only what I use.


A vet squad doesn’t look as imposing as a Terminator Squad either and your opponent may take less notice of them.


Out numbering your opponent / or having alot of troops is a real psychological advantage especially for horde armies.


Given that the games for tournaments are won generally in my experience based on Troops taking objectives – having more is better I’m discovering. Also more numbers ive found mean more shooting back.


My list ill be using for my next 1850 game vs another Ork opponent will be


1 Scout Squad (10) – All snipers and a ML ( Snipers cause they hit on 3+ and wound on 4+ anything and my painted scouts look good J )

1 Tac Squad (10) – Flamer – Las Cannon – split 5 men squads , power sword

1 Tac Squad (10) – Multi Melta – Las Cannon – split 5 men squads , power fist

1 Tac Squad (10) – Plasma Gun – Plasma Cannon – split 5 men squads, power fist

1 Tac Squad (10) still thinking about config prob Las Cannon as they are cheaper in Tac Squad purchase and tend to be more reliable for damage ive found.

1 Dev Squad (5) – 4 Missile Launchers

1 Vet Squad (10) 2 Power fists, 2 power swords, 6 Storm shields ( you don’t need to buy 10 as saves go on majority armour save that is taken – refer rule book – save ya self 40 points ) , flamer

Interrogator Chaplain – power fist

1 Whirlwind


May use but Optional to change


1 Whirlwind

1 Tac Squad (5) – Plasma Gun – or Multi Melta

or a Rhino or something


Its all interesting trying these combos.

Ive always used power swords and seem to have only just decided to use fists - as Storm Shields help marines survibility vs power weapons back at them making there use more viable now to me.

Hitting last with fists always put me off using them.

Our Grand Master Az - he has the strength with his power sword but is very pricey.

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1 Vet Squad (10) 2 Power fists, 2 power swords, 6 Storm shields ( you don’t need to buy 10 as saves go on majority armour save that is taken – refer rule book – save ya self 40 points ) , flamer.

The majority saves bit is only for cover saves. You need to read the rulebook regarding Complex Units on page 25. Not everyone gains a 3+ invulnerable save just because half or more of the unit members have a storm shield. For units without a cover save, you still need to allocate wounds as normal vs. shooting and close combat, and then roll the armor/invulnerable saves according to what save the models each have available to them(which depends on whether or not they have a storm shield, and have been wounded in close combat by a regular attack or one that ignores armor saves, or if they have been shot by an AP 3 or better weapon). With that many storm shields though, you will mostly likely be able to choose to allocate any AP 3 or lower shots, or close combat attacks that ignore armor saves, to them anyways. Basically, beware of Ork boom guns, kill kannons, units chock full of power klaws, and those very common large units of basic Ork Slugga Boyz who will simply kill you with a deluge of wounds before you can even swing your power fists/thunder hammers.


The army list looks decent enough for anti-Ork work, but I would only take the lascannons if you think your opponent will load up on front AV 14 Battlewagons. If not, every other Ork vehicle is AV 12 or less- the fast ones being AV 10, so missile launchers will work well enough(and have the added benefit of the frag missile option vs. tightly packed Ork footsloggers).

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