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Blood Angels Astronomican article

Plague Angel

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BA army image 1


GW just posted a blog article about us, "Sample Armies for Blood Angels Part 2" with pictures and confirmed contents of the battle force. I know everything was confirmed already and we've seen leaked pictures, but it's officially official now.


As a side note, what do you think of the armies they posted? They aren't amazing no — the Dreadnought list is especially geared towards showing off the new models and not actually fielding a force with any synergy — but for casual beginners they look fine to me. This one, for example, is two battle forces, plus a Baal Pred and a Dread. Seeing them all painted like that gets me excited; I think our battleforce box-set is a pretty decent one!

BA army image 2

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As a side note, what do you think of the armies they posted? They aren't amazing no — the Dreadnought list is especially geared towards showing off the new models and not actually fielding a force with any synergy — but for casual beginners they look fine to me. 


And that is what was needed. I remember when I returned to the hobby after a long 'vacation', I checked BA sample lists and was amazed as they were different from what the BA-community proposed. But they really did suit me as a beginner. And after a few failures you'll better find the weaknesses of your list, than when you're given a balanced and efficient one  :D

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i actually like the list made o 2 combined battle forces....need to buy a rhino, furioso, baal and liby and voila! not a bad list overall ;) (not perfect either but then again, what lsit is? :))


and il say what otherss have said before me: for any blood angel player looking to create a battle company this is a perfect box :) 20 models, with the possibility to make 10 assault + 10 tactical, 5 assault + 5 dc + 10 tactical or 15 tactical 5 assault is pretty bad ass :) that latter one x 4 is a full company (ignoring the devastator squads, whom you would have to get seperatly :P) and the number of rhinos you get in the mix isent bad either :)


considering the box has a chapter specefic box (which is probably why its not such an UBER deal as the generic SM battleforce) its a pretty good imho :P

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Uhh, we already had flying Land Raiders that are actual Land Raiders with AV14 all around! ;)


IMHO I really don't think the SR scares people more than an actual, factual Land Raider deep-striking onto the board. I'll start another topic, but for overall effectiveness, I think my DC Dread with Drop Pod and 11 DC with Reclusiarch in a Land Raider Redeemer is scarier than the same units in an SR. Just my opinion. I will add an SR or 2 to my Battle Company and try it of course, but meta-wise I think the LRR > SR. Don't hijack this post with replies, I'll start a new post. ~ Sang.

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GW has used sample armies that use the latest model releases as far back as I remember (which I have to admit is the late 1980s).


I can't make out the captain out in front with the Ultramarine kit, but is that a heart on his back banner?


no its a black blood angel symbol - does look very heartlike though !!

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Death Co. Dread with Blood Talons and a Magna Grapple.. what's he swinging those strength 6 fists at?


It's also another S8 shot, so he's hopefully swinging those Talons at the squishy inside of a chimera...


Problem being,


1. Why on earth would you try and break a tank with a magna-grapple when you have a melta?

2. You can't drag a destroyed tank. You can only bring it towards you if it's not destroyed by your shooting.

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It's still another shot, if you don't have a magna grapple and miss with your melta, you will be swinging the Talons against a tank. It's might not the best solution, but...


It depends on the tank IMO.

Since most have rear AV of 10, str 7 Talons on the charge should do some damage, dont' you think?

Even an AV of 12 it's 5+ with rerolls, and before that 1 melta shot and one magna graple shot.

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