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Can a warband be redeemed?


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"A Heretic may see the truth and seek redemption. He may be forgiven his past and will be absolved in death. A Traitor can never be forgiven. A Traitor will never find peace in this world or the next. There is nothing as wretched or as hated in all the world as a Traitor." --- Cardinal Khrysdam, Instructum Absolutio


This is pretty much the Imperium's only stance on the subject, as it should be.



Beat me to it.

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Maybe not 'redeemed' but the Imperium loses/forgets records of Space Marine chapters all the time. I'm sure the Alpha Legion has used this to their advantage on more than one occasion to sneak back into the fold to obtain some more recruits with the help of the Imperium they seek to undermine.


Were a renegade chapter willing to change their livery and ways, they could just impersonate a non-renegade chapter or make up a new one and try to play it off as the Imperium just lost their records or something.

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I read somewhere that the Alpha Legion is pretty much still loyal to the Imperium...


Read somewhere that Alpharius said when he turned to chaos: "This, I do for The Emperor."

I guess he wanted to use Chaos' own weapons against them.

Sorry if this was posted allready, I quick read this topic. o:

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That would be a good theme for a chapter/legion/warband, that they are to destroy humanity, as that is the only way Chaos can be destroyed. Maybe even an Alpha Legion themed one!


In Volk's (leader of the redeeming warband) eyes, the Emperor and Chaos are two sides of the same coin. Both are this maniacal super power that seeks to control humanity, one that humans could do without. He recruits the embittered and disillusioned into his fold, while trying to uncover technology and relics that would give them an edge over Chaos, considering that once they pull the plug on the Emperor, that's the next step they have to face.


The Inquisitor who works along side Volk (counts-as Sorcerer), follows the Star Child theory, but doesn't share it with him. She sees the warband as a tool to end Chaos, and the only reason she's still around (considering more than once she has tried to rise above Volk, backstabbed him, or just refused to help) is her mastery over daemons, to the point that they can even fight along side them.


Volk wishes to be redeemed in the eyes of his fellow marines, but knows that they would not understand. They are too brain-washed into the Emperor's word. However the common man sees the truth. Outer fringe worlds with no real benefit to the imperium other than a place to put colonists, are left to die when invaded by xenos or chaos. Volk instead responds to these calls, posing as Inquisitorial troops, to help stem the tide of attacks, normally long enough that someone has finally queried the inquisitor's details, raised a big red flag, and inquisition and marine forces are sent out to investigate, and thus end up "saving" the population. In the confusion, Volk's forces leave, preferably with the minimum of losses

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