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Disappointed by the lack of character re-sculpts


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Title says it all really. After seeing the Skaven get 2 plastic boxed sets and 4 metal blisters, I kind of hoped that the Blood Angels would see some re-sculpts of their ancient characters (Mephiston, Dante, Corbulo, Tycho). As much as I like the new kits (and will be buying one of each), I cannot help but feel like we have been sold slightly short here.


With pretty much every non-character option in our Codex now represented by a plastic kit, does this mean that we will not see character re-sculpts until at least 6th edition (since there are no plastic kits to tie-in with their release)?

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I don't expect to see a re-sculpt of any of the characters (and thankfully we got lucky to get the re-sculpt of Lemartes!). But every BA character can be made out of DC and SG bits I think.


The wolves didn't get new versions of their figures.

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you are feeling slighted that you have every character avaliable, and every unit avaliable? (or darn close to it)


Mind you i understand no liking some of the sculpts, but on a whole, most people like most of them, with Lemartes being hated by most, was remade (surprisingly not me, while i hate dante, and most don't)


no i don't feel slighted, even if i would like new sculpts, they arn't needed and generaly arnt' done unless ther eis a new option (Marnious's termi armor)


then again, i don't expect anythign spacific from gw and get happy when somethign i like comes out :wacko:


you do remind me i need to get ahold og some parts to make my own dante though:)

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I don't see GW doing too many rescults of any medal models of ant army. I think they are trying to get away from them (just my opinion). but onthe flip side their plastic models are getting to be estremely detailed. i, for one prefer the plastic ones. I was disappointed that when my nid dex came out that they didn't do a plastic hive tyrant, and so many of our HQs have to be be converted from scratch.
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I agree as well. Mephiston -needs- to be redone. He has a long golden curly hair... he isn't the lord of death, hes the sixth member of twisted sister who kills people. Every time I see him played when he comes on the board I freak out making rock and roll signs, head banging, and generally freaking out that I think a coke addict with a microphone would do...



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I agree as well. Mephiston -needs- to be redone. He has a long golden curly hair... he isn't the lord of death, hes the sixth member of twisted sister who kills people. Every time I see him played when he comes on the board I freak out making rock and roll signs, head banging, and generally freaking out that I think a coke addict with a microphone would do...


no, he doesn't NEED to be redone, he's near the end of the SC's i'd like to see redone personaly... like everythign, it's a matter of taste.

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Nooooo! The metal figures are the heart and soul of the Blood Angels. Only Lemartes was rubbish, and they re-did him. Yes. Mephiston was done in GW's Hair Metal phase (hence 'Eavy Metal') but changing just because some teenagers these days have different hair cuts is crazy. This is the far future and I expect a wide variety of sartorial styles. For baldies there are the Ultramarines.


But, following James, there isn't an easy way to make Mephiston or Corbulo ibn plastic. We need a sandard plastic grail/chalice and a counterpart of the commander box for Chaplains and librarians,

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I don't expect to see a re-sculpt of any of the characters (and thankfully we got lucky to get the re-sculpt of Lemartes!). But every BA character can be made out of DC and SG bits I think.


The wolves didn't get new versions of their figures.


While I would agree getting new models is always nice I'd have to agree with JamesI and say you can pretty much kit bash any of our characters. Which gives the character a little more character IMO. I'm just glad they actually made a SR! :D

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Only Lemartes was rubbish, and they re-did him.


Personally I prefer the old Lemartes model, he's a half-mad blood-frenzied Chaplain whose sole purpose in life now is smash things into iddy-biddy pieces with his crozius while screaming "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" at the top of his lungs alongside his also bat-s**t crazy mates. The old model had a real sense of movement and power to it's pose, this new one is too... static.


Lemartes should be lunging head-first into the fray, his jump pack propelling him straight into the enemy's face, not sitting back peppering them with rounds from his bolt pistol like a wuss. The new Lemartes just isn't as intimidating or dynamic enough for my tastes...

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How many armies have a model for every unit in their codex? Not very many. We're not sold short here — we're one of the few privileged armies. And that's taking into account Warhammer as well as Warhammer 40,000. Especially comparing ourselves to the Skaven (which I also play) highlights that. Skaven didn't get resculpts of their characters either, they got models for characters that didn't have models yet. Skaven really needed new models and they got them. But they still have their old character models, some of which look terrible alongside the new sculpts (Thanquol, I'm looking at you). Blood Angels are nowhere near the shape Skaven were in, model-wise.


Space Wolves and Tyranids didn't get replacement character models. As far as I know, neither did Imperial Guard.


It's okay to be disappointed. I would love a new Mephiston myself. I like the model fine actually, including his rockin' mullet; it's just the "come at me bro" pose that feels boring to me. Dante can be done with Sanguard (which I already did) so I don't worry about him. What's left? Corbulo? Corbulo's perfect. His sculpt is still great. I bought one specifically to convert, planning to hack him apart and steal his grail and backpack for other Sanpriests but I just couldn't do it. He looks too great. Once I saw him in person, in my hands, I knew I had to build him unconverted. I'll just have to order another one. But Mephiston... meh.


Like I said, disappointment is fine. But slighted? There was no insult given by GW. We're still in a much more privileged state than half the armies out there. We really have no right to complain.

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Im happy you all like the style of the models, but (IMO according to my taste as it were) Mephiston is terrible. -terrible- ... retarded.. I oculd go on forever. Its not just his hair... its everything. everything about the model is garbage... I dont think I have ever been as adamant about a topic. You guys defending it makes me question if you've even seen it!


:P :D

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Oh, I've seen it, Till. I just happen to be okay with Twisted Sister. ^_^



edit: I dont have anything against them, but ya gotta admit... they look odd... even in their time. Even before "some teenagers these days have different hair cuts" they were out there in left field. ;)

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Ulrik is a Wolf Priest, not a Rat Priest. I'd say he needs a new model a whole lot more Mephiston does. And, as has been said often in this thread, you have a model for your entire army. They probably won't redo any until most of the other armies have a model for their entire army.


Yep, we get a model for most things in the BA codex... thats not what this topic is about. As far as your rat priest... dont care; I play BA. Im not a bad person for not caring about an army I dont have am I?

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Ulrik is a Wolf Priest, not a Rat Priest. I'd say he needs a new model a whole lot more Mephiston does. And, as has been said often in this thread, you have a model for your entire army. They probably won't redo any until most of the other armies have a model for their entire army.


Yep, we get a model for most things in the BA codex... thats not what this topic is about. As far as your rat priest... dont care; I play BA. Im not a bad person for not caring about an army I dont have am I?


Other armies are relevant in this context, because it's really hard to say "How come we didn't get new character models, that's not fair" when nobody else got new character models either.

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Ulrik is a Wolf Priest, not a Rat Priest. I'd say he needs a new model a whole lot more Mephiston does. And, as has been said often in this thread, you have a model for your entire army. They probably won't redo any until most of the other armies have a model for their entire army.


Yep, we get a model for most things in the BA codex... thats not what this topic is about. As far as your rat priest... dont care; I play BA. Im not a bad person for not caring about an army I dont have am I?


Other armies are relevant in this context, because it's really hard to say "How come we didn't get new character models, that's not fair" when nobody else got new character models either.


So? I play BA... if wolves don't get a new sculpt I really cant care less. Im not over in their forums freaking out about something GW could do to better their crap (as if they could...) More over would you really put posts up whining about how unfair GW is if another army did get rescults... o wait someone did; the entire Dark Edlar line is getting redone... and I still don't care, I still play BA. :huh: What other codexes get or dont make me like or dislike my army any more. The quoted text above is actually quite juvenile after I think about it. "If I cant get it no one can!"

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