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Disappointed by the lack of character re-sculpts


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Im happy you all like the style of the models, but (IMO according to my taste as it were) Mephiston is terrible. -terrible- ... retarded.. I oculd go on forever. Its not just his hair... its everything. everything about the model is garbage... I dont think I have ever been as adamant about a topic. You guys defending it makes me question if you've even seen it!


:huh: :)


we all have diffrent tastes, simple as that, i'm sure if we got to talking abotu everythign you liked and everythign i liked, we'de have some disagrements on what's good and bad... that's the human race..:D


i think dante looks horibly boring, and mephy looks fine:) though small.. i really want to redo him a little more dynamic, and probabkly without the flowing lock... probably...

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They dont need resculpts because they still sell. No one was buying the DE line.


I can't see Ragnar getting a resculpt or Ulrik anytime soon. And I have seen some wonderful homemade Ragnar, Ulrik, Dante and Mephiston conversions



Yep, its marketing... Same reason there are rhinos in battleforces. GW has a stock they need to get rid of. Until all the 1998 minis are gone I dont expect seeing anything new.



Im happy you all like the style of the models, but (IMO according to my taste as it were) Mephiston is terrible. -terrible- ... retarded.. I oculd go on forever. Its not just his hair... its everything. everything about the model is garbage... I dont think I have ever been as adamant about a topic. You guys defending it makes me question if you've even seen it!


:huh: :D


we all have diffrent tastes, simple as that, i'm sure if we got to talking abotu everythign you liked and everythign i liked, we'de have some disagrements on what's good and bad... that's the human race..:)


i think dante looks horibly boring, and mephy looks fine:) though small.. i really want to redo him a little more dynamic, and probabkly without the flowing lock... probably...


We do have different tastes. And if someone likes the current Mephiston.... theirs is bad. :lol: :)


I agree with you on the Dante though.

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Mephiston and Dante are both beautifully detailed sculpts. The armour on Dante is better than on any of the new Sanguinary Guard. And Mephiston, while suffering badly from the old 2d pose restrictions, is still better than the new Astorath sculpt.


I disagree. In my opinion the artistic form of both sculpts isn't to interpret life, but animation; both look like cartoons(roundness, clothing extreme non-marine based proportions). All the new models are rendered in a much more realistic pose with realistic features. While I can live with Dante, Meph is in a class of his own.


I dont really wanna argue matter of taste, everyone likes what they like. If you like the current line, lucky you. If you don't, too bad; buy the stupid one.

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The sculpts are out of proportion when compared to current models. And they are restricted by 1992 era casting limitations which is why Mephiston is in the classic 2D pose every character was in back then.


The DETAILING on them though is absolutely beautiful. And I will take those 2 models any day of Juan Diaz' horrible Khan and Vulkan sculpts

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Hell the Corb mini is worse than Meph IMO Im pretty sure there is a Photo of my Meph in one of my sig links and I changed his sword arm slightly and looks way better (also IMO) was going to change his Plasma Pistol but got lazy so in short I only dislike the minor shortness of the old Minis But it is not overly noticeable.
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It's the Chainsword joined to Leg that irks me Sure alot of mini's are like that from those days still I just don't like them He however is Great for getting chalices


I agree that the Chainsword is a bit lame'o but the rest of the model is superb. Great Detail and looks really BA. I still like Dante, yeah his legs are a little too small but he is wearing artificier armour. Perhaps it is thinner as it is better.

Memphiston...not so good these days. The sword looks horribly dated and the Plasma Pistol is wonky.

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Models that I think need a rescuplt:

Dante (He just doesn't say Chapter Master anymore, not next to our Sanguinary Guard :/)

Mephiston (I want a model with a better pose, really.. and to be appropriately sized for modern marines)

Tycho (did my own conversion of him, looks sweet)


Corbulo looks fine, I lopped off his head and stuck an apothecary helm on there (I like helmets on my models) and he's one of my best looking models.

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I actually like the Mephiston model... I'd prefer a new Tycho model and perhaps a new Sanguinary Priest (with Jump Pack)...

I like the current Sanguinary Priest model (granted its direct order only I think, but I like the model). Now, he doesn't come with a jump pack, but I guess I always have a ton of extra jump packs now, so that isn't an issue.

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I actually like the Mephiston model... I'd prefer a new Tycho model and perhaps a new Sanguinary Priest (with Jump Pack)...

I like the current Sanguinary Priest model (granted its direct order only I think, but I like the model). Now, he doesn't come with a jump pack, but I guess I always have a ton of extra jump packs now, so that isn't an issue.


Yeah, everyone keeps talking about how come we don't get Sanpriest models... did they forget this poor guy? Granted you're not going to want to use the same model over and over again for all your priests... Not saying that a new Priest kit wouldn't be awesome. But from GW's perspective, they gave us one as part of the first wave (repackaging aside, it was released like it was new) so I doubt it's high priority.

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I actually like the Mephiston model... I'd prefer a new Tycho model and perhaps a new Sanguinary Priest (with Jump Pack)...

I like the current Sanguinary Priest model (granted its direct order only I think, but I like the model). Now, he doesn't come with a jump pack, but I guess I always have a ton of extra jump packs now, so that isn't an issue.


Yeah, everyone keeps talking about how come we don't get Sanpriest models... did they forget this poor guy? Granted you're not going to want to use the same model over and over again for all your priests... Not saying that a new Priest kit wouldn't be awesome. But from GW's perspective, they gave us one as part of the first wave (repackaging aside, it was released like it was new) so I doubt it's high priority.

That model is easy to modify since the left arm isn't attached. My current avatar picture is actually that model with a lightning claw and jump pack added.


Now, having extra poses would be nice, but I guess we have to settle with Corbulo and regular apothecaries for that.

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BA on the whole as far as a range of GW miniatures goes don't have it so bad in my view. Keep in mind this is all just opinion.,..


While it would be nice to have new models for some of the older characters I can't see it happening. Thise models now are pretty much iconic...And while they could be improved upon it's more important to get kids playing newer models. But Thank the Emperor they re-scuplted Lemmy. I ADORE his new model, possibly my favorite model in the Space Marine range now! I picked one up that had an awesome cast and I am in the process of painting an converting him, well I say converting, I just gave him Astoraths jump pack which I had spare.


Dante and Tycho, while again a new model would be nice (especially Tycho since his model now doesn't fit his character at all) can easily be made up from the Sang Guard sprue. I actually think that their bodies have been almost copied exactly for this very reason! I have seen lots of good Tycho conversions on these forums and was inspired to put my own together also.


Although i must admit I don't like the death masks, and I don't think just putting a sang guard dude together with a death mask and saying 'He is Dante' is really good enough representation...As it could be any sang guard with an axe and melta pistol. I managed to get a cheap Dante off ebay and I will someday hack him to pieces to get his actual face and Inferno Pistol (2nd ed name sticks with me still) and do something a little different but I still quite like the Dante model... He is actually pretty tall too. He stands taller than most regular PA space marines.


Corbulo is actually still a nice model but being 1 piece does annoy me (also as someone else mentioned earlier). And His chainsword now doesn't fit the BA aesthetic but thats not so hard to fix with a quick blade chop. I managed to make his body look a fair bit chunkier by adding a tabbard to his waist...Really makes his legs look bigger and beefs up the model on the whole.


Mephiston is my favorite character in the Blood Angels and I am sure he is many others. But truth be told his model is not terrible really. He isn't tiny, I feel when he is painted well he can still look massively intimidating on the table since his cloak adds a lot of size to him. Ok, his hair cut seems out of place but it doesnt have to be painted like an 80's glam rocker. Paint it another colour or paint it a bit more subtle. Not a bit deal. the detail on him just as a model is really very nice. The armour is pretty unique and his Psychic Hood with the high collar I love. He unfortunately is NOT an easy character to convert or even kit bash, but its possible! Think its Midnight Runner who has one on here and it looks spectacular! But yeah, again a re sculpt would be nice but not really 'necessary' in my opinion.


Out of the new models really the only gripe I have is The Sanguinors pose...'Here I am, Shoot me!' But we can't be upset with the DC sprue or Sang Guard sprue, new dread, storm raven...They are full of detail, options etc. Sang priests again would be nice but they are so easy to convert from plastic kits, why limit it with 1 new metal kit?

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If you know where to get Narthecium arms, then Sanguinary Priests are so easy to kitbash into really stunning pieces, it's untrue


Sorry, i dont' understand this sentence.


I never said making a stunning piece was, cut and paste, did I? nor is it cheap, but i don't get your point... if you don't lie the current ones, make your own, or try. you may not like the new ones either, then what, come to the boards and complain about that too?


Marth arms are in the command box, or were, i havn't bought one in a while. they are also on the apoth (metal) and BA apoth (direct only) you may be able to find them at bit sellers...

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