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A quick poll to gauge interest

Brother Nihm

Are you interested in joining another Call of Chaos?  

176 members have voted

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Congratulations, Kythnos. You just made 15 people at last count regret voting "What is Call of Chaos?".



I didn't mean to :D


Anyway, the Dark Apostles may deal with issues such as regret - no business of a real warsmith :huh:

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This could be darn useful. I've got some bits, but no motivation to paint (just making up fluff more than anything else), so this could be what's needed to push me to start (and finish) what I've got.


I have 3 units (1HS (2 oblits), 1 Elite (3 Termis), 1 FA (5 Raptors)) so far to start on

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It's a painting challenge where you submit a number of units and try to finish them within a certain time-frame. For more infos look up the thread of last year's CoC:


Congratulations, Kythnos. You just made 15 people at last count regret voting "What is Call of Chaos?".


Not at all, I had a hunch that many would not know it. :)

Thank you for explaining Kythnos, saves me from having to do it. (Link is in my sig as well for those with sharp eyes :P)



This is being run in conjunction with the Librarium Painting Challenge?
If enough people are interested, it will most likely be started after the LPC is over.
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I'd be somewhat interested albeit unsure as to if I'd be able to conform to the rules ;).


I voted "what is..." though because the information was not readily available. It would be prudent to have information about what Call of Chaos is in the first post because that is where people look. And when I voted there weren't any posts in the thread saying what it was all about. I know its in your signature but I only saw that after I had voted and lets face it, it isn't the first place people look for information.

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Maybe: Don't know if I am of high enough 'standard' to join with the veterans :cuss Don't want to fail misserably :P

I didn't catch the call as a painting tournament. Somehow, this is a way to give us the courage to finish the paintings.


Btw, I voted "Yes" as I've only a few Raptors painted in my army (1000 points).

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Maybe: Don't know if I am of high enough 'standard' to join with the veterans :P Don't want to fail misserably :P
If you are motivated, can keep up with the standard 2 updates per month requirement (this can change) and can put paint on a brush - and then on a miniature; you should be OK. ;)



I voted "what is..." though because the information was not readily available. It would be prudent to have information about what Call of Chaos is in the first post because that is where people look.
Agreed! But I did that on purpose to get a feel of how well known it is. It has run regularly over the last 3-4 years but I've always felt that having 75 members in attendance was too few, as surely, there is more Chaos players out there with unpainted miniatures on the shelves (like me!). :)
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If enough people are interested, it will most likely be started after the LPC is over.


That's wonderful! I am making purchases and preparations to be more prepared for the Call. The Call of Chaos is definately one of the best things with this forum.

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If enough people are interested, it will most likely be started after the LPC is over.


That's wonderful! I am making purchases and preparations to be more prepared for the Call. The Call of Chaos is definately one of the best things with this forum.


I agree. It's a great motivation for me to expand my army even while I'll be in Japan at that time :lol:

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