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A quick poll to gauge interest

Brother Nihm

Are you interested in joining another Call of Chaos?  

176 members have voted

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Maybe: Don't know if I am of high enough 'standard' to join with the veterans :wink: Don't want to fail misserably :P

I didn't catch the call as a painting tournament. Somehow, this is a way to give us the courage to finish the paintings.



I know it's not a painting tournament, buts the last times, many really good painters participated, and I don't want to be 'THE' guy tried to be one of the veterans :P, it isn't motivating to see so many good entries and being the only one on an average level :P


Maybe: Don't know if I am of high enough 'standard' to join with the veterans :P Don't want to fail misserably :P
If you are motivated, can keep up with the standard 2 updates per month requirement (this can change) and can put paint on a brush - and then on a miniature; you should be OK. ;)


If you say so Brother Nihm ^^ Then I will enter if the Call doesn't fall in a bad period and post my standard 2 updates per month. But I do still seem to have problem with getting paint on my brush though :P

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Agreed! But I did that on purpose to get a feel of how well known it is. It has run regularly over the last 3-4 years but I've always felt that having 75 members in attendance was too few, as surely, there is more Chaos players out there with unpainted miniatures on the shelves (like me!). ;)


I had a suspicion that was the case. Seems it wasn't overly well known then :).

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I was maybe because I wasn't sure when or what exactly it would involve. But considering the LPC ends around March(?) I should be back from a holiday then, and I should have some of my army actually converted with a WIP thread and all then I should definitely be in on this to keep the motivation up.


I'm very fearful of painting (much like Dan the demon, but it would seem with far less raw talent) but converting is fun.

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One - I haven't checked first post, but you should edit it so that people stop voting 'what is...". It's gotten to 29 now.


Two - I'd love to join, but right now I'm in the process of painting marines for four different chapters. Not including my own. I have am content with enjoyment that I have at the moment :tu: Depending on how long the challenge would last, I might sign up, and if it runs next year I most definitely will, as once I finish with the marines I am painting I will have a viable pure vanilla force, as opposed to the mish mash of Chaotic and loyalist models I have now.

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One - I haven't checked first post, but you should edit it so that people stop voting 'what is...". It's gotten to 29 now.
My intention is still the same, so I see no reason to change that.


To reiterate,

29+ votes there is a good thing, as it gives me something I can use when promoting the next one.

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Would this be delimited to just the brother in power armor or would the Call to Chaos also be open to the lesser populated fiends of the immaterium as well?


Call of Chaos Requirements


1. Your army must be a supported Chaos faction on the B&C (E.g. Power-Armored and/or under an Existing Sub-Forum). e.g. Codex: Daemons is allowed.

2 ....



Quoted from the rules as posted Call Of Chaos B&C rules

So evrything that is stated in Codex Daemons and Codex Chaos Space Marines.


Question: Are drop pods allowed? Bought 3 of them as I've toyed with the idea of using my black legion with the space wolves codex.

Answer: If they look like a Chaos faction they are allowed in the Call.


Question: What if we use a different codex yet nonetheless use it to represent Chaos models? For example Codex: Space Marines in order to represent the Alpha Legion.

Answer: As above, if they look like a Chaos faction they are allowed in the Call.


And this is quoted from the FAQ.


Last call there has been an entry of Dark Mechanicus. So, unless the rules are more strict because more people will enter, I think you can go very broad, if it stays Chaos ofcourse.

But Brother Nihm will probably answer you with more info :lol:

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I'm thinking of joining... hum... *scratches head*


Last call there has been an entry of Dark Mechanicus. So, unless the rules are more strict because more people will enter, I think you can go very broad, if it stays Chaos of course.

I think I've found something that pleases my ears :D


Conclusion: I'll join in, though don't expect a high level of painting, nor something spectacular, nor large amounts of models or me completing the challenge :lol:



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Conclusion: I'll join in, though don't expect a high level of painting, nor something spectacular, nor large amounts of models or me completing the challenge
A high level of skill is not a requirement to enter, or to win.

Motivation, community support/helping others in the Call with C&C and being committed is.


In short, it exists to help people get stuff done. <_<

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Conclusion: I'll join in, though don't expect a high level of painting, nor something spectacular, nor large amounts of models or me completing the challenge
A high level of skill is not a requirement to enter, or to win.

Motivation, community support/helping others in the Call with C&C and being committed is.


In short, it exists to help people get stuff done. :lol:


Sounds practical, when do we start?


Also, do we get gifts for completing the challenges? And do we get "Gifts" for failing them? I can see painting/modeling with tentacles being a bit hard though I'd love some iron skin, or a tongue made of snakes.

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Finished the last one my first run out got alot of units still to paint. most will be done by the end of next month, but that will still leave me with alot still to paint. Finally got permission to get at least one unit a month so I'm all in for it. I am trying to get my Chaos force up to 7500 pts anyway.
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The last one was a great motivation for me. It nearly 'completed' my Death Guard army (although we all know an army is never truly complete). This time around, I might not have as much to paint up, but I'd love another to keep me motivated to get some more final touches done.


If this doesn't start until March/April, I'd definitely be in. Got some other projects I'm trying to get done before then anyways.

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