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Nurlge Plague Marine


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I have a relatively old boxed set of CSMs sitting around and as an attempt to get some greenstuff skills, I thought I'd make one of said CSMs a Nurgle Plague Marine. I knew from the get-go that I would be working with a darker color palette to avoid the bright or pale greens, often seen on Nurgle minis. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with how the plague marine came out as a whole, but there are a few spots that I wish ended up a little bit differently.

Please let me know what you think. All C & C's are appreciated.









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Thanks, Low K!

I started with a black base coat and then used a mix of Chaos Black and Scorched Brown (All GW paints) as a base for the green power armor. The green was obtained mixing Scorched Brown and DA Green with just a little bit of Camo Green mixed in over time as the layers were applied. I suppose the final ratio would've been something like, 2:2:½. The camo green is so bright, that it doesn't take much to brighten the color up. The power armor had several coats of washes, mostly brown, but there was some black which was used for 1-2 coats.

Unfortunately, I just paint mini's based on what inspires me and don't play, so the chances of a fully painted Death Guard army are pretty slim. However, if I did play 40k, I would most likely play CSMs, so there would be some Death Guard in my mix. When/If that day comes, I'll be sure to post them. Thanks for the comments!

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Vim_the_Good & Gits: Thanks for the comments. Yeah, in retrospect I obviously noticed those mold lines. Ironically, I removed several before starting, but when your casting plastic in 1991, there's bound to be quite a few mold lines. It's my bad for not removing the rest of them(ie his right foot and his elbow pads). Either way, I appreciate the feedback.
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