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Storm Raven Kit

Dewi Sant

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Fair one. Thought the DA might get some GW love and another new FQA.


Fingers crossed we will see rules in WD next month for all chapters. Can't see GW wanting to limit sales when it must of cost a lot to put into production in the first place.


Although I'll be doing something with the ugly turret before it is worthy of serving with the Wolves of Russ.

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I've already given this some thought and after a conversation with a Flesh Tearing friend of mine, i decided i'm going to pick up a Storm Raven and use it as a 'counts as' Land Raider Crusader in friendly games. Isuspect GW have already considered this possibility, ensuring that the sales of the Storm Raven are not limited to two chapters.
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The thing is though, unless GW's background department suddenly drops a massive retcon (like "Oh, but the Martian Forges have been rolling out Stormravens for ALL Chapters for several hundred years now... it's just that we've never mentioned it before!") it's going to sound very lame... Granted it was weird enough with the Blood Angels and Grey Knights, but for EVERYONE?
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If you read the fluff entry in the Blood Angels Codex carefully, it actually implies that other chapters use the Storm Raven. So it wouldn't be a Retcon at all.


The introduction of the Stormraven lies shrouded in secrecy. It has been reported that its Standard Template Construct file was discovered at the start of the 41st Millenium in a forgotten Martian archive, and that the Adeptus Mechanicus refused to begin mass-production until they assured themselves that the schematics were hale, untainted and utterly in keeping with the strictures and covenants of the Machine God. Nonetheless, some records suggest that the Stormraven was in existence even before then, most notably active in the service of the Grey Knights, the secretive Daemon-hunters of Titan. Who can say where the truth of the Stormraven's provenance lies, for the Imperium's bureaucracy is as labyrinthine as it is petty. It is just as believable that shadow-politics and administrative inertia are behind the Stormraven's belated introduction into the armies of Mankind as it is that the delay was caused only by diligence on the part of the Adeptus Mechanicus.


The Stormraven is not only smaller than the Thunderhawk but, thanks to its array of vectored thrusters, is also considerably more agile. This, combined with the precise skill and incredible reaction time of its Space Marine crew, allows it to jink effortlessly through the interceptor fire and manoeuvre at full speed through cluttered spires of a hive city. As a result, the Blood Angels employ Stormravens as air support craft in environs where it would be foolish or impractical for a Thunderhawk to attempt the same role. Other Chapters might take a different tack altoghether, using Drop Pods or Land Raiders to achieve the same strategic goals, but the Blood Angels refuse to cede their mastery of the heavens to any foe, even for a moment.


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Hopefully GW will give a WD update that we can use the SR official because I think that will have an intersecting impact for the game game play for DW armies.


That will give us a lot more option I guess.


The guy that supported this rumour takes it back...

little bit of an interesting update i heard today:


apparently GW have done a bit of a last minute back-flip and decided that the stormraven will NOT be useable in all marine armies after all (apoc excluded of course).

This completely goes against what i heard a few months back regarding it so im not sure what exactly they're playing at....


edit: note that i said 'apparently'. there could still be light at the end of the tunnel for non BA/GK players

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