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Karzak the Bloodied demon prince of Khorne


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Hi guys, Been a little while since I posted on here but i'm back!

A little while back I posted this guy up,


Well now here he is in all his glory!


This guy I have named Karzak the bloodied, not comem mup with a back story for him yet but im pretty pleased with the end reslut, he picked me up gold in a painting comp at my local GW, Anyway hope you like I'll prob be starting a blog soon for my Khorne army which i am in the process of starting!


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thanks guys for all the positive feed back. regarding the chains, i literally just put em on there for show and i liked the look of them lol didn't really think of practicality tbh, and the spike with the tau head is embedded in is shoulder so gathered that would make him look pretty bad ass haveing a spike rammed into your shoulder lol.

I'll try and get some more angles of him up perhaps tonight or if not certainly over the weekend!

thanks agian guys

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well, even if the chain lessen the effectivity of the sword's edge it greatly increases the pain inflict with it as dead men don't feel pain!


And personally if a guy who can swing a sword that big tells me taus' head are an exotic decoration, I wouldn't dare saying otherwise!

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