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Wolves or Angels?


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Yeah just wondering if anyone has much experience with the Wolves and Blood Angels codexes? I want to get one of them to try and slowly start building a new SM army, and I want to get a codex for one of these two heroic chapters! Been inspired by reading Prospero Burns, I really want to capture the feel of a Chapter that is "well'ard" and a cut above the rest, but I don't really want to for gaming purposes...I don't really want to use things just because they're really powerful, I want classic things like the Death Company and to have really themed armies.


So anyway, the reason I'm asking is because the codexes are so expensive, I don't want to spend nearly 20 quid on a book then wish i'd bought the other one! So can anyone tell me the following i guess:

1. How good the background section is (background is why I play 40K)!

2. How much fun to make themed lists they are (I dont want to make powergaming lists)

3. Do the books really capture the feel of these two Chapters (I've been reading and playing 40K for donkey's years!!)


Youre help will be much appreciated :)

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Wadey, I'm clearly biased towards Blood angels, but neither chapter is a bad choice. Both have a lot of fluff available, though the quality of the BA books is not as high as some other series. I haven't read the Wolf books, so no comment there.


Both chapters have the ability to play fluffy lists that are also effective. Wolves with grey hunters, longfangs and Wolf guard can be effective without needing to mix in odder units like Thunder wolves, while BA with assault marines, DC, tacitcals can work as well. Blood Angels armies tend to be focused either on mech or jump packs, but a fluffy mix army can work too.


I think both chapters are well represented by their current codex. Overall I think the Space Wolf codex is a bit more powerful, but neither codex is weak. A lot comes down to style of play. The way I want to play wouldn't work in the Space Wolf book, but it works fine in Blood Angels. Its hard to advise what to play without knowing your style.

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one of the things that i like about BA is that there are a crapton of list builds that perform well, and its not hard to build a list with many "fluffy" units that performs well on the table as well, have cake + eat cake = Blood angels. I run Death company and 2 10 man assault squads, which to me is a very BA style list, and it plays well. Fluff = good in my opinion. I know you said uber competitive ain't your thing, but noone likes losin every time, and imho you can play BA the way you want to and end up with a pretty decent list play wise.
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one of the things that i like about BA is that there are a crapton of list builds that perform well, and its not hard to build a list with many "fluffy" units that performs well on the table as well, have cake + eat cake = Blood angels. I run Death company and 2 10 man assault squads, which to me is a very BA style list, and it plays well. Fluff = good in my opinion. I know you said uber competitive ain't your thing, but noone likes losin every time, and imho you can play BA the way you want to and end up with a pretty decent list play wise.



Or, for laymen, the syndrome demonstrated above is often known as a "Can't Lose Codex".


Just swinging past to hassle my B.A. bros. ^_^

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ba definately isnt a cant loose codex. ba are fast and can hit hard, but are expensive and are marines... die prety mcuh the same. wolves, arnt as fast but hit hard on the charge, and when they are charged. they are more flexible that way. but we can do pretty much anything vanilla marines can do,better. we do shooty better than wolves(long fangs vs sternguard and devs...)you can do hammer units(dc, honour guard, termy squad of doom, gold wing, etc. ) not that wolves dont have their own things but they are different styles. and our colour scheme isnt just grey with yellow and black markings, were red and black, with defferent company and squad colourings etc. also helms colours to show specialaties. and then you get to the black dc, gold san guard, white priests, blue libbys. and thats before you even get to sucesors, which the wolves had one, ba have many and lots of scope for making your own. and we have a cooler pimarch no question, and a beter back story of giving ourselves for the emperor when the wolves were just pissing off their brothers...
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ba definately isnt a cant loose codex. ba are fast and can hit hard, but are expensive and are marines... die prety mcuh the same. wolves, arnt as fast but hit hard on the charge, and when they are charged. they are more flexible that way. but we can do pretty much anything vanilla marines can do,better. we do shooty better than wolves(long fangs vs sternguard and devs...)you can do hammer units(dc, honour guard, termy squad of doom, gold wing, etc. ) not that wolves dont have their own things but they are different styles. and our colour scheme isnt just grey with yellow and black markings, were red and black, with defferent company and squad colourings etc. also helms colours to show specialaties. and then you get to the black dc, gold san guard, white priests, blue libbys. and thats before you even get to sucesors, which the wolves had one, ba have many and lots of scope for making your own. and we have a cooler pimarch no question, and a beter back story of giving ourselves for the emperor when the wolves were just pissing off their brothers...


Swing past the Fang some time, whelp. I don't feel like cluttering this thread disproving you. :D

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I would say which you go with depends on why you're getting into armies in the first place. If the only thing you care about is the fluff I dont think one choice is better than another. If you're wanting to win tournies, go space wolves. No long drawn out post... both have even fluffly elements, spaces wolve rules are better for winning.
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Dan Abnett actually said it for me, though I've been of the opinion since before I started playing 40k: the Space Wolves are too close to their inspiration. I so happen to love both Norse mythology and Italian Renaissance poetry. But I feel no need to put the effort into making a Space Wolf army when I could get the same pleasure from just sitting and reading the Sagas again. And some of the mythology I feel doesn't fit into 40k very well at all. Nor could I do justice to my favorite parts of it — modeling, say, Venerable Dreadnought Baldr to go along with Lukas the Trickster might be okay for some, but to me at least it would feel incredibly stupid. Space Wolves are far too viking-like and don't do justice to it, for my own personal tastes.


By contrast, the Blood Angels are not all that much like Italian poets at all. There's just enough similarity that I can appreciate and laugh at the references, and they add to the flavor; but you don't see things like the Chaplains dividing the Death Company into 9 circles based on the Warp, or Scouts having 7 P's inscribed on their foreheads to represent the waiting period before becoming a full Astartes.


Of course, the only real way to decide between Wolves and Angels is to ask yourself... will I side with the werewolves or the vampires when the apocalypse comes?

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I have decided!! Blood Angels it is, Ranwulf said it for me, go with both, so I will but for different reasons...


Blood Angels, I love the style of the play the idea of swooping in and saving everyone and being ferocious in assault, which Space Wolves are too, BUT, when I think "why did I start playing 40K?" I remember the Angels Of Death codex with the Dark Angels and Blood Angels in, I was so inspired by the mysteries and intrigue of both Chapters, and I love the humble self depricating nature of the Blood Angels, they're so...tragic! I want to see them swooping in to save the souls of some poor Imperial Gaurdsmen :P


Wolves, I love their brotherhood and love of a good fight, they remind me of Orks a little bit! But I wont be collecting them as Space Wolves (yet, one day I'll be rich and I will!), for now I'll be using them as Red Dragons, a chapter that I wrote up years ago. They're similar to Space Wolves in their nature and the way they like to fight, but not in organisation. So I'll just use the Codex in a more "Codex" fashion as Roboute Guilliman would put it, and ignore the weirder elements like Thunderwolf Cavalry, which tbh I probably wouldn't like to use in a Space Wolves army anyway!


Thanks for the help in my soul searching brothers!

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I prefer to look at Blood Angels as team Lestat né Jesus. Much more culturally rich and inspirational than Beer Dogs of Valhalla.


Or like Sir Anthony Hopkins versus Ben Afleck. Sure, Ben might be bigger and have a huge chin... but really, it's no contest.

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Of course, the only real way to decide between Wolves and Angels is to ask yourself... will I side with the werewolves or the vampires when the apocalypse comes?


Team Edward or Team Jacob????


I prefer to think of it as Team Kate-Beckinsale-in-Leather myself.


Its not really a question when you put it that way ;) just an automatic yes. Or your strange.

Both armies do have their good points.


I don't particularly like Space Wolves to start with, but after reading the thousand sons novel it gave me a whole new perspective.

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Of course, the only real way to decide between Wolves and Angels is to ask yourself... will I side with the werewolves or the vampires when the apocalypse comes?


Team Edward or Team Jacob????


I prefer to think of it as Team Kate-Beckinsale-in-Leather myself.


Amazing how many people seem to have forgotten about that...Certainly makes for a much more appealing pull towards the vamps when you rule out the wusses from Twi-**ite!

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Welcome, Cousin.


another Chapter to harass the puppies :lol: and the enemies of the imperium ;p



serious note:

go with whatever suits you best.

Wolves or Vampires,

Vikings or Renaissance

Heroes or Feelnopain


something like that :P

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[friendly banter]


You forgot visionaries. BA can see the future... a bit and we're evolving. And... hmm... do space wolves squat or cock a leg?


We were and will always be His favorite son's progeny. That's not something to shake a stick at... although space wolves...


[/friendly banter]

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I experienced much of the same dilemma, especially when the new SW Codex was released.....


What ultimately swayed my decision is the fact that the BA love art......and as an artist....it sold it for me!


So, if the BA are the "space vampires" I am glad they are not sniveling, pretty-boy, effeminate vampires! We swoop in, lay the hurt down up close and revel in the blood letting!

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Actually when i first started 40k, my buddy Jared (not on this site...I don't think, since i havn't spoken to him in a long time) started wolves, and I started BA.



Angels were always the intelligent army, while wolves had the OBVIOUS EASY builds. Are you a GOOD player or a SPACE WOLF PLAYER?


sorry...just had a great game with lots of drinking.......ugh......


BA for teh WIN!!!!!!!

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