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Taz's LPC Thread! -Completed-


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Soo for my first LPC challenge I decided to start small. Finishing one model/unit at all is an accomplishment for me so if I finish my current project quickly I'll probably extend my vow to encompass a few more units. To start with however, I've pledged to finish my scratchbuilt Librarian that I had finished the day I took the vow. I've made some good headway, finished my metallics and have my armor basecoats on. Any C&C is more than welcome.


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Close in on the head, which I had special ordered from a third party site, with some converting and greenstuff work.



The psychic hood was done with GS and twine taken out of a disposable pipe cleaner. Just rip the fuzz off and straighten it and you've got enough wire to work onto a couple models if you had the inclination. It's really flexible too which is great.



Once again, any C&C welcome. For the Emperor and Sanguinius!

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