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Grey Knights Army WIP (NMM)


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I participated in the LPC last year, and it greatly helped me to complete the painting that I needed to achieve prior to attendending my first tournament. After hearing about the LPC from a friend, and seeing the rather low number of Inquisition particpation, I figured that I would dust off the olde paintbrush and have a go at it.


My LPC pledge:

I, Ceasarian of the Inquisition subforum, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 5x Power Armored Grey Knights, and a Dreadnought on or before the 31st of March, 2011. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


While I would like nothing more than to post some pictures of the WIP PAGK that I had started on last night, my computer has tragically been sent out to the fabled Geek Squad via carrier pigeon. Until my laptop has been sent back to me, posting WIP images will be impossible. Luckily I have a series of pictures saved on photobucket (the images displayed below). Hopefully these pictures will give you a idea on what I am planning to do/ my direction with my LPC pledge (these images are work that I have completed prior, and do not count towards the LPC pledge in anway- they are examples of what I am going to do with the 5x PAGK & Dread).



The first squad of PAGK that I had completed in NMM, and was the first series of models that I had completed using this approach to painting. I will be expanding on the lessons learned from this squad & the Brother Captain on the next 5x PAGK.



This is a Rhino that I had painted, and was the first vehicle that I completed NMM on. This was the first test of NMM, and the Dread will be the second test of applying NMM to a tank model.


As always thank you for your time, and I look forward to completeing more work, and actually being able to post images up online (give it another week or two).


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Thank you all for your comments. I've been able to work a bit on the PAGK squad, and I hope to have them wrapped up and done either this weekend, or early next week. I've already begun to think of different conversions/ nifty ideas for the Dreadnought as well (I can't wait to start the Dread lol).


As for the Grey I used the following steps:

Basecoat of Black (GW) spray paint.

I dried brushed Adeptus Battlegrey (foundation paint) over the metal surfaces, and then went over the darker areas (shadows) with the Badab Black wash.

I then dried brushed over this with the Adeptus Battlegrey once again, and then added highlights of Codex Grey, followed by Fortress Grey. I then wetblended these colors together to form a gradual transition across the different metal plates. I then added some extreamly watered down Modian Blue (I think that's the name of it) in the extreme shadow areas across the model.

To finish up the paintjob I add a extreame highlight of skull white.


The biggest thing to remember is that NMM (er...at least how I do it) takes a bit of time and practice to get down right.

I hope that this helps,


I don't know how to express it but the colours you use have a certain "softness" in them which makes your minis look great and unique. These colours remind me more of colours that you would see in a painting in contrast to the dark colours and sharp highlights you usually see on minis. I still can't quite point out what it is that I like in your painting style but I guess if I like it it doesn't matter. :Troops: If possible, a recipe for the red would be greatly appreciated. ;)

Thanks you all for your comments!

I have nearly wrapped up with the 5x PAGK marines...alas they are close but no cigar. I've been biting at the bit to get these PAGK done as I may (or may not) have secured a BA Furioso Dread, and a Storm Raven early (mwhahahaha). I will begin work on these models as soon as these are completed, but I will not be posting any pictures of their WIP until the 5th of February (their actualy release date) in respect with GW's release thingie/ I don't wanna leak any photos' that I'm not really supposed to leak.


SOooooo once I get these PAGK done...I can get to my vehicles!

I will be posting my step by step guide on how to paint PAGK in NMM at some pt on the tutorial section of the forum, and I'll be making another large step by step for how to paint tanks in NMM there as well.


Here's a picture of the WIP PAGK from last week:



As always thank you all for your time,


Well yesterday yielded a ton of hobby progress, as I have finished up with my 5x PAGK to fulfill one half of my LPC vow.

I also have recieved my computer back from the Geeks at Best Buy, so I'm able to finally take pictures of my IST and finished free hand on the Rhino (which were not part of the vow of course).


Da Pictures:

The new 5x PAGK for the LPC Vow (1/2 completed now- just gotta get the Dread done)-

Top picture:


Front view:


Back view:



Models not from the LPC vow:

The Rhino Freehand Detail-



The Finished 5x IST-



The entire Daemon Hunters army finished to this point:



Next up on my plate is a Dread (converting it from a Furioso) and the Storm Raven.

I'll be making a step by step guide on how to paint up tanks using NMM (including the recipe for the red color I use) as I paint up the SR and Dread. I'll be sure to post it up on here.


As always any comments/ suggestions are greatly appreciated, and thank you for your time,


Thanks you all for your comments!

I have nearly wrapped up with the 5x PAGK marines...alas they are close but no cigar. I've been biting at the bit to get these PAGK done as I may (or may not) have secured a BA Furioso Dread, and a Storm Raven early (mwhahahaha). I will begin work on these models as soon as these are completed, but I will not be posting any pictures of their WIP until the 5th of February (their actualy release date) in respect with GW's release thingie/ I don't wanna leak any photos' that I'm not really supposed to leak.




Oh well, only a little more than a week for me to get my Raven.

I was a critic of the Storm Raven (SR) until I saw the GK colors painted on the back of the box. I immediatly bought it, and took it out of the box when I got home. From looking at the sprues in person- it's insanely detailed. By detailed, I mean the entire interior of the tank is fully detailed (the celing- everything-I can't wait to start the build. The GK icons in the kit are rather bulky, so I'll be adding them to my Land Raiders- but I'll be putting those nifty FW etched brass pieces on the SR (a little bit more stream lined). JamesI, if you want I'll gladly trade you the BA icons that the kit contains for the GK ones that you get (they'll work great for a LR conversion I have planned).


For the Dread I'm taking the halbred arm, and I'm going to attempt the convert the librarian armor section so it'll fit the GK theme.


My goal for tonight is to get the base for the Dread & the SR completed, so that I can start on the formal building and painting process later this week. The bases should be a blast to get ready, because the larger surfaces will mean that I'll be able to goof around with more freehand. I'm trying to stick with the theme that the GK's are fighting over a ruined catherdral/ holy site from the Blood Angels or the Dark Angels.

  • 2 weeks later...

A bit of an update- I finally got a bit more done on the Dread:

The pictures below are a WIP of the Dreanough for my Grey Knight army. I used a variety of different bits for this model and I have them listed below:

Front Armor & Close Combat Weapon: Furioso Dread kit

Legs, Lascannon, Engine and Head: Venerable Dread kit

Sheilds: Scribor's Monsterous Mini's


The WIP pictures (I have only gotten the greys, golds, and parchment just about done (I have to add more detail & highlights of course):

The front:



Side One:



Side Two:






As always any suggestions/ comments are greatly appreciated. I hope to have this model done at some point early this upcoming week.



Good day,


I’ve finally gotten a bit of my school work done so I was able to sit down and start work on my Dread again, and I finally got it done. So my Librarian Painting Challenge (LPC) has been completed. Although I must say, after seeing the pictures of the upcoming Dreadknight- I may not even field this unit when the new book finally drops. Alas- it’ll be used in Apoc/ Ard’ Boyz then lol.


Da Pictures:




Side 1-



Side 2-






Far view-



All of the models from the LPC-



Next up on the chopping block is the Storm Raven & a Land Raider Crusader/ Redeemer.


As always any comments and suggestions are welcome.


GREAT painting job, really. However, the colors and pattern of the bases detract or rather distract from the color scheme of the models. They blend into the background, so to speak. It takes away from the great detail you exercised on the models. Those bases would go great with something else that didn't mimic the colors used on the models. I think a more plain/simple and less distracting pattern would look much better. See how the back and side views of the Dread look fantastic, it is distinctive from it's base. But in the front and front/top views it blends into it's backgrond and becomes lost within the colors, blurred and less distinctive?
  • 1 month later...

@ Growler67 Thank you for your comments. As far as the bases go- I must admit that you are correct with the models fading into the colors/ some of the detail being lost when I take the photos. This was something that I honestly did not notice until your comment and I thank you for pointing it out to me. I'm going to stick with the tiles for the moment (only because I've just about finished an army with them er....half of it maybe?), but I may end up switching it up later on once I get the army more or less planned out/ finished to match a desert theme (as it seems to contrast well with the show models on the GW website). We'll see though as any big changes like that are going to be further down the road and once I get an army more or less planned out.


I do apologize for not posting anything up here for a while- life and grad school work have taken their toll unfortunately, but these things do happen. Luckily I have managed to make good progress on my Storm Raven in the snibbits of free time that I have had.

In an attempt to stay sane I have broken the model down into three sections to put on the details and weathering. The first section (finished below) is the main crew section of the model. The next section will be the wings and tail section, followed by a third stage consisting of the base and weapons.

For the weathering I wanted to give a "gone to hell and back" look, as though it has been operating in a pretty nasty area- but still going strong (you know that nifty 4+ cover save...).


Anyway- enough typing and on the pictures:

Distance shot:






Side One:



Side Two:


Note the claw marks leading into the engine. Take your invulnerable save now warp-scum!






I hope to have the Storm Raven finished this upcoming weekend. However, given the prevalence of larger school papers and projects, sadly this project may be extended by another few weeks (grad work comes first).

As always any comments and suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time,


  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks bud,


I finally got the Storm Raven all wrapped up er...finished, completed- w/e you call it- the son of gun is done.

There are of course a few little things that can always be improved upon, but that will be work prior to any big tournament.


Enough talk- da pictures!

Corner shot:



Top view:



Side One:



Side Two Freehand detail:



The back ramp:



Tail freehand detail:





Here a couple of shots of the Grey Knight motor pool:





The bases for the Storm Raven & the Dreadnought:



As always any comments/ suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time,



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