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So, what DONT we have?

Emperors Immortals

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Since the release of the SR and the news that it wont be availabe outside of BA and GK, other roums are again full of complaints that we angels of death get far to much exclusive wargear such as Lib dreads, magns grapples, Sang priests etc.


My argument that weve had DC since at least 3rd and sang priests are our intrinsic flavour are falling on deaf ears, so i ask you - what do WE miss out on?

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I really like the Land Speeder Storm and miss that... We also don't have the Thunderfire Cannon and our Captain's are missing Artificer Armour. The hell with all of those people though. All of the options that are in the Vanilla Codex they got from our 3rd Edition Codex. We've been dealing with a crippled PDF for years. It all evens out.
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Well let me say this; since 2nd edition (our first codex) we've had all of the same special characters, except Sanguinor and Astorath (I suppose Seth as well), but we then had Cleutin. We had assault squads and veteran assault squads, jump-packer honour guards, all of the standard stuff like dreads and bikes etc... Dante's death mask was cool as was the Shroud of Sanguinius that gave an area affect 'frenzy'; and we also had Death Company.


The Baal wasn't in the 2nd ed codex but I want to say it came out before 3rd edition anyway... Third edition also added CCW dreads (furioso) and some more special rules including the hokey 'over-charged' engine.


The only major 'new' units we've got since are the Sanguinary Guard and the Storm Raven and the addition of 'fast' to our vehicles.

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We've been dealing with a crippled PDF for years.


I'm sorry, but I'm officially fed up with this.


The PDF was fine. You got a free Codex update which gave you new things, then you got an actual Codex ahead of other Chapters because your PDF didn't count. You waited three years to get the PDF replaced - would you have preferred to still be working with C:SM, like the Space Wolves? Or would you rather have gotten a Codex that was borderline pointless, like the Dark Angels? Because those were the choices available.


Was it flawed? Yes. But considering how the BT, SW and DA got treated, you have not a thing to complain about. And considering the amount of new stuff it gave you (or have you forgotten where the Veteran Assault Squads and Assault Squads as Troops were reintroduced) referring to it as if it were some dark age for the BA is just silly.


The PDF was a good thing, which gave you nothing but benefits. Stop complaining about it.


In regards to the topic at hand...honestly, none of the Space Marine Chapters are really that distinct from each other when you get right down to it. Even the Space Wolves don't have that much stuff that's truly unique. Most differences will really be down to names. Which makes sense, honestly.

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Just try to ignore those comments mate - not worth making the effort to state your case against those that perhaps lack the understanding of what makes them unique. There are many obvious things in the SW and SM codices that are completely unique, are a lot of fun, and give those armies a real edge under certain conditions. Would they fit well in a BA list...? Not really IMHO because they wouldn't be choices we've traditionally had or that fit the fluff.


Some just aren't happy with what they have. The grass isn't always greener... and on Baal it's practically non-existent :D

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We've been dealing with a crippled PDF for years.


I'm sorry, but I'm officially fed up with this.


The PDF was fine. You got a free Codex update which gave you new things, then you got an actual Codex ahead of other Chapters because your PDF didn't count. You waited three years to get the PDF replaced - would you have preferred to still be working with C:SM, like the Space Wolves? Or would you rather have gotten a Codex that was borderline pointless, like the Dark Angels? Because those were the choices available.


Was it flawed? Yes. But considering how the BT, SW and DA got treated, you have not a thing to complain about. And considering the amount of new stuff it gave you (or have you forgotten where the Veteran Assault Squads and Assault Squads as Troops were reintroduced) referring to it as if it were some dark age for the BA is just silly.


The PDF was a good thing, which gave you nothing but benefits. Stop complaining about it.



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Just throwing .02 cents around here but aside from lack of grenades and slightly overcosted rhinos the BT are quite capable. DA are unfortunately overcosted for units with less abilities which is a damn shame.


It's also a shame the SW can no longer take the Leman Russ Exterminator. So basically here is a list of things the other codices have that the BA don't have and then a list of what the BA have that is unique to their book.




Conversion Beamer

Relic Blade

Astartes Grenade Launcher

Artificer Armor

Rites of Battle

Venerable ranged Dreadnought


Land Speeder Storm

Multiple FOC altering characters (Granted it's a more encompassing codex of many geneseeds)

Multiple armywide traits from said characters, again see above.

Thunderfire Cannon



Dreadnought HQ

Wolf Guard (moreso in terms of how they can be fielded)

Lone Wolf

Venerable ranged Dreadnought

Thunderwolf Cavalry

Frost Blade

Wolf Claws


Blood Claws

Long Fangs



HQ that increases chance of gaining ability to use armywide inherent trait

Death Company

Furioso Dreadnought

Librarian Dreadnought

Magna Grapples

Dreadnought Shotgun

Melta/Flamer pistol


Sanguinary Guard

Fast Vehicles

Deep Striking Land Raiders

Baal Predator

Assault Marines as troops

Dreadnoughts as troops

Storm Raven

Transport discount for assault marines

Every dedicated transport available




Rites of Battle

HQ on Jetbike

Ravenwing (fearless and teleport homers unlike C:SM)


AV14 speeder for Sammael





Rites of Battle

10-man Command Squads

Veteran Skills

Terminator Command Squads

Crusader Squads

PotMS on predators and vindicators

Cheaper Predator annihilators

Righteous Zeal


No psykers


So basically the DA are the only marine codex that is absolutely shafted at the moment. Please excuse me if I forgot some things on any of the lists. The BA have the greatest number of unique items while BT, SM, and SW are fairly even.

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RELIC BLADES! Dear god, why didn't our Captains get Relic Blades....


All it would take is a nice shiny Errata line


"Change page 84 Captain options '- a power fist 25pts' to '-a power fist or relic blade 25pts'..."


I'd actually MAYBE use one then, if they were also given Artificer Armour for free.


160pts for a guy running round with a Relic Blade, Storm Shield and Jump Pack would be fine

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Us Wolves would like everything you guys are asking for as well, please okay thankye. It sounds like the DA forum in here, jeez. :lol:





Lol, bloody wolves.



I think weve got a good codex, and dont actually need anythign else, same goes for wolves.


Im actually asking what to tell other chapter marines using the SM codex (which i also think is fine, and i run a Ultra army too).

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Us Wolves would like everything you guys are asking for as well, please okay thankye. It sounds like the DA forum in here, jeez. :lol:




I do think it'd be nice to catalog everything that Blood Angels don't have, just to show other Codex players that they're actually quite blessed. But I don't know that it'd be possible to do so without the complaints. Still, one can dream.


I'm still going to get the Thunderfire Cannon model some day though, just to have it. I can use it as terrain in Planetstrike. Mostly I just want that Techmarine.


Seriously, look at him. Look at that face.










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Damit Plague Angel that was a great post. At first I was scrolling and wondering if it was what I think it was and then it was! Then I started thinking about what the Techmarine was thinking about. Then after your last line he instantly became a soft cuddly plush toy.
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haha, plauge angel, your post had me on the floor laughing!


in other news, yes, the uniqueness of most armies is balanced. and dont go saying that that DA have nothing, cause theyve just had an FAQ & errata buff, and they can take up to 30 TERMINATORS in one army, all of them being scoring troops?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! hell, come to think of it, im tempted to start a DA terminator list build right now! seriously! i might just blow all my money on some terminators and the codex! :tu:

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Then I started thinking about what the Techmarine was thinking about.


I've been wondering about this non-stop ever since the model was released.


"Did I leave the oven on?"


"How many Tech-priests does it take to change a light bulb?"


"What is the meaning of life?"


"Do you ever ask yourself, if giant gods are orchestrating all our battles, feeling joy and anger and despair when we wound our opponents or miss our attacks, or stooping low to see things through our eyes?"


"I wonder, if I shoot an ork with a gun painted red, will the ork die faster?"

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There's a good reason for no relic blades - the fact that we can easily upgrade our units to have furious charge. How evil would that be on S6 weapons?!?!


So OK, GEs cost the same as a PW, so to upgrade sanguard (who are basically SM honour guard but with JPs and smaller astartes grenade launchers) to have relic blades (going by the C:SM pricing) would cost 75pts for a squad.


But, for the same price we can add in a sanguinary priest with JP to the unit, granting them FC and FnP. Sure the FC is only on the charge, but how many units will still be standing after 1 round? This way you strike first (Vs meq), get a reroll to hit plus the priests extra attacks. Think it balances out.


I am a bit miffed as to why our captains don't have AA or GEs though - it's almost as if they thought, 'OK, what would be the most popular 2 wargear items people would want to give a captain, let's remove them from the dex'.

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The DA can actually take up to 47 Terminators. More, if you start allying in Grey Knights. Though by that logic the Imperial Guard can have 30 Terminators, too. :P


:P i meant as scoring troops. obviously you can have termies as elites aswell. but why would you? xD

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Dont forget the DA have jinx on their bikes too, thats something that has been forgotton.


Also everyone complains that that hapter has that and we dont, the end of the day if we all followed suit wih wargear etc, then gw would just make 1 hefty bible book which has a basic army list, then wih chapter specific pages to add a few differences.


The fact is we hae assault abilities and some decent vehicles, da have lots of bikes n termies, bt have got the ability to add neophyts in squads to soak up wounds, Plus theirs biws to move closer when suffer wounds etc, sw have giant cavalry and sc such as ragnar who kick ass and sm have their army changing characters, can make bikes trops and have all their annoying smurf characters.



Wihou hese dfferences people complain about, its simPly the same army.


Enjoy what you got and have fun wth it :cry:

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There's a good reason for no relic blades - the fact that we can easily upgrade our units to have furious charge. How evil would that be on S6 weapons?!?!

Relic Blades and Furious Charge would be irrelevant. The weapon hits at S6 either way. Honestly, a lightning claw is probably better for us than a relic blade because of furious charge.

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