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So, what DONT we have?

Emperors Immortals

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it costs more production time, value, hatred amung the other chapters, amung the admechs...?


Production time, maybe. Value (assuming you mean expense), maybe. Otherwise, those are problems with the BA, not with the Lucifer Engines.


no problem to me:) i'm just pulling stuff out of my ass like the rest of this topic...

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I'm actually 100% with Jeske on this one.


The people you're describing, Snorri, would probably take a Captain even now. Heck, I have a Captain model ready, just waiting to be fielded once I paint him. But people insist on complaining about how worthless he is, even though the things they demand wouldn't make too much difference.


I do take a Captain as often I can. I like it to have a force commander, because I like to add some background to my games. There's only a bitter taste in my mouth when I look at his unit entry and compare it to other codizes. The masters of art yadda yadda that do not have artificer armour for their highest rank officers sounds like a bad april's joke to me. :D


He's not worthless, its just a shame that his abilities are limited on pure hack'n slay and nothing else really. Of course, a Captain should be able to kill his foes, but also to command the brothers of his company with wisdom and tactical efficiency. That's why I think that Rites of Battle is important for his...rehabilitation.


With AA and RoB, I think even those who complain now that the Captain is worthless would be more likely to change their mind and consider him as a real alternative to Librarians/Reclusiarchs(both are awesome, but I think it's a shame that the Cap'n is left behind).




I am considering taking a VV Sergeant and just considering him as the Captain of the group.


Sure he only has 1 wound (and lower WS, I, Ld, and A), but...

-he doesn't get singled out in his squad like an IC would.

-he has a cool special rule in Heroic Intervention.

-And he is unique in that he is the only model that can carry the combination of both a Glaive Encarmine and a Storm Shield.


He is not a super deadly killer, able to dominate the field, but in a DoA army I can field this guy regularly without much of a competative disadvantage.

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I am sad our captains pale in comparison to other books.


The more I learn about the game the more I think it was a balance thing.


Then I read about GW's right hand usually having no idea what the left hand is doing.


So I think it was just an epic messed up, lack of relic blades, Rites, Artificer armor, all of it.

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to anwser the OP's anwser:


truth be told the only thing i REALLY miss are customisable generic characters :rolleyes: they made the named characters so amazingly powerfull that its almost a crime to not take them. (and failling that, not taking a liby)



We've been dealing with a crippled PDF for years.


I'm sorry, but I'm officially fed up with this.


The PDF was fine. You got a free Codex update which gave you new things, then you got an actual Codex ahead of other Chapters because your PDF didn't count. You waited three years to get the PDF replaced - would you have preferred to still be working with C:SM, like the Space Wolves? Or would you rather have gotten a Codex that was borderline pointless, like the Dark Angels? Because those were the choices available.


Was it flawed? Yes. But considering how the BT, SW and DA got treated, you have not a thing to complain about. And considering the amount of new stuff it gave you (or have you forgotten where the Veteran Assault Squads and Assault Squads as Troops were reintroduced) referring to it as if it were some dark age for the BA is just silly.


The PDF was a good thing, which gave you nothing but benefits. Stop complaining about it.


In regards to the topic at hand...honestly, none of the Space Marine Chapters are really that distinct from each other when you get right down to it. Even the Space Wolves don't have that much stuff that's truly unique. Most differences will really be down to names. Which makes sense, honestly.

to give a small anwser to that...when the DA codex hit you guys were a test bed for numerous things, including things like combat tactics, characters that chance FOC slots for certain units (belial and such) 15 pts plasma weaponry all round etc.


what we got on the other hand was a PDF file that reeked of 0 effort. it was downloaded freely of the internet (and while people kept commenting that it was free and therefor we had nothing to complain about they were missing the whole point....) and a great many things were changed about our codex.

*our chaplains (well lemartes to be fair, he was a steal :rolleyes: ) were still pretty much the only feasible hq's for us to take (no way to control the DC otherwise) our "free" DC were incorporated in the infantry squads of our armies and we were effectivly paying MORE points for them in some cases then if we would take the models by paying for them (IIRC there were squads were you paid 40 points for them. this was somewhat offset by the terminator squads who still cost 200 pts but also granted one)

*our captains had no proper comparable gear options in regards to C:SM (as, as it still stands now <_<)

*we lost our Sanguinary High Priests as an HQ option and got nothing in return.

*we lost Moriar

*scouts were moved to elites (just as codex dark angels were)

*our librarians were nigh useless one was to add d3 attacks and the other was to move as jump infantry (and we "myseriously" lost the option to give them a jumppack as well :teehee:

*outdated combat shield, storm shield, POTMS, exsanguinator etc etc. (like wise the same as codex dark angels)


im sure there were a few more things that i personally had a gripe with but im rather weary atm (been awake for a dew hours to long already...) so if you want to know more reason why i HATED this codex with a passion im sure i can dig deeper tommorow. but to say that we had nothing to complain about because the codex was free and other chapters got the shaft likewise as hard or harder is poor grounds as an argument in this case...IMHO.

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