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Hives of Hollonan


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So, in expecatation of Gav Thorpe coming to GW Amsterdam I have read "Path of the Warrior" and I must say I really liked it... As a matter of fact it changed my opinion of Eldar in such a degree that I'm considering adding several units to my Blood Angels to form a force based on the Hives of Hollonan.... I already know the guys I play against won't mind because they use: a Khorne Space Marines force with Dark Eldar backup and a Ork force with Nurgle backup..... I was thinking about Striking Scorpions and Fire Dragons.... Any suggestions? Any reason I shouldn't do this?
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Those look nice and the rules are interesting as well!... I just wonder what they look like alongside other units...


I imagine they look similar to the harlequins in terms of size and perspective. I like the jet packs which lends itself well to DoA armies. I haven't read the book in question so don't know if that is appropriate, but I run a DoA army so they work for me :confused:

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Those look nice and the rules are interesting as well!... I just wonder what they look like alongside other units...


I imagine they look similar to the harlequins in terms of size and perspective. I like the jet packs which lends itself well to DoA armies. I haven't read the book in question so don't know if that is appropriate, but I run a DoA army so they work for me :D


I like the jet packs as well.. Fits the Blood Angels and it is a great tactical asset (in my oppinion) to have fast moving heavy support...

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