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SA regionals- Heat 1


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Game 2 - Capture/Control - Pitched


vs. Pups


Wolf Lord - bling, Thunderwolf (no sagas)

Wolf Lord - bling, Thunderwolf (no sagas)

2 Thunderwolves - hammer

3 Thunderwolves - hammer

5 Hunters- melta, fist(?)


5 Hunters- melta, fist(?)


5 Hunters- melta, fist(?)


5 Long Fangs- 4 Missile

5 Long Fangs- 4 Missile

5 Long Fangs- 4 Missile



I was playing on one of the nicer boards as far as terrain is concerned.

There was a lot of LOS blocking terrain. I got second turn and deployed everything into hard cover.





his first turn meant he had to drive forward what he could and then march his fangs out further if they wanted to get shots





Wolfy close up ->





In my turn I was about to send mephy straight into the jaws of the beast - but i was fearing the wolfy counter. So after about 5 minutes of SWEATING and thinking I opted to pull back a bit more.


The game was sooooo intense that I only remembered to take one more pic.





The rest of the game revolved around me drawing the wolves in. From that point I was able to counter and wreck through his wolves thanks to mephy and the DC.


I brought them right over to my side and then charged with the assaulters and mephy. Mephy chewed through the thunder wolf lords and the DC helped out with the regulars. I had taken a few shots here and there against attack bikes in cover or some rhinos, but for the most part I went unmolested.

I was able to use the DC rhino with RAS in em to eventually boost over to his objective in the 5th and contest his objective whilst having a solid handle on mine with 2 hidden jumpy ras (that had broken from the thunderwolf counter)


If it had gone on another turn, Mephy (out in the open heading for objective two and the big ras with libby would have had a field day with the 5man hunters protecting home plate.


Score one for the Mephster!

Nice to see the Wolves take a pasting ;) ! I'm glad the DC lived up to their reputation, I've always been pro-DC both for their coolness factor and killing power. Like you said, they're a bargain for 20pts/model (shame about the JP cost though :( ) and I've never had them "kited" around like you so often here on the web, if you're a smart player you'll reap the rewards out of them.

I think the terrain helped nullify the threat from his Longfangs though, could have been a different story if it was sparse like in lot of tournies.,so I was happy to see a good amount of LoS blocking terrain in this one.


Keep the batreps coming brother! ;)

Congratulations to you morticon.


Thanks. :D


I still don't agree with the inclusion of the death company however.


Well the beauty of actually winning the tourney is that you dont really need to agree -cause the result speaks for itself.


If, however, you mean that you dont agree with the inclusion of the DC into YOUR list- then i get ya 100%.

I'm sure its not for everyone.

Or, its not for every meta-environment. But the same can be said for any unit in the game.


In my situation, they won me most of my games.

Congratulations to you morticon.


Thanks. :P


I still don't agree with the inclusion of the death company however.


Well the beauty of actually winning the tourney is that you dont really need to agree -cause the result speaks for itself.


If, however, you mean that you dont agree with the inclusion of the DC into YOUR list- then i get ya 100%.

I'm sure its not for everyone.

Or, its not for every meta-environment. But the same can be said for any unit in the game.


In my situation, they won me most of my games.


Cheers to you Mort! You answered that MUCH MORE tactfully than I would have. Uhh, might you have won more games if you didn't have DC? :wallbash: I have never played without a DC.

Did you find corbs re-roll game changing? Last time you said it would have made a difference for things such as rolling double ones for melta penetration and things like that.


In the finals, Bjorn the fell handed was in my lines, had just charged the stunned DC rhino - blowing it up. He was set to wreak havoc and start chewing through my army while the ruin priest and the otehr 10man squad slowly marched up in support.


I rolled a melta shot- penned and he failed his cover save.


I rolled a one.


He chose not to re-roll with the Venerable upgrade.

I chose to reroll with Corbs - got a 6.

Since we rerolled the dice, he could then not use the reroll to reroll it again <_< I now had one more objective in my lines as well as a dead Bjorn.


That was the most game changing reroll.

For those interested:


Here is the top ten.

The 3rd place and 4th place lists were near identical.



1 Brindley Uytenbogaardt - Blood Angels

2 Luca Piemontesi - IG

3 Ashley Clutten - IG

4 Emil Schnackenberg - IG

5 Jake Harding - Space Wolves

6 Nicholas Rorich - Eldar

7 Nigel Perry - Chaos

8 Milan Schnachenberg - Dark Eldar

9 Murry Knox - Dark Eldar

10 Jamie Francis - SM (Vulcan)

I swore i replied to this topic.... Hmm


Let's try again...


Nice to see someone else running the Librarian in a Rhino. How are you finding the drive by FotD? It's brilliant for me against certain armies!


Also Corbulo, when placed correctly in combat to avoid special weapons, is practically immortal. He's AMAZING vs basic troops with S5 Rending, base I5 and A4. The free re-roll is just icing on the cake.

Game 3 - Eldar




10 Dire Avengers- Shimmershield, Defend, Blade Storm

10 Dire Avengers- Shimmershield, Defend, Blade Storm

10 Dire Avengers- Shimmershield, Defend, Blade Storm

5 Fire Dragons

5 Warp Spiders - Dual Spinners, Deepstrike.

Falcon - Bling

Fire Prism - Bling

Fire Prism - Bling



The game was Dawn of War and 4 objective markers.




He deployed two squads of avengers right on the line (he got first), pushing me way back.


I took the chance to put mephy on the board since he would be too slow coming on, and the DC rhino with DC.


He then used Eldrad to take his force back into cover and then move on like this ->





All of this being entirely..... inconsequential (Doc Evil finger in mouth) with fast BA.

I elected to put the jumpers into reserve.








In the second, the jumpers came down and then split up. The way we play down here is you roll once, deploy and then split, so your two squads will be in the same place at first.

I started taking on the fireprisms where I could.

The battle wasn't particularly hard fought after the 2nd turn. He had spread his avengers out in lines with half in cover so as to get cover saves and claim objectives, however it just allowed my bikers to zoom up and then engage less than a full squad and take that unit out of the equation. The avatar couldnt commit to one side just yet since since the DC was coming round the one side, and the Rhino squad coming round the other.


The fire dragons jumped out to try nuke the rhino in front of them, but poor rolling and good smoke saves meant it was only immobed i think.

Corbs wandered out of the rhino alone to beat up on the dragons, mephy then managed to clamber in to support.





After a few more turns, i was able to get out of the rhino, and engage the avengers with the libby. And bring the DC round, along with the other bikers.


I took out the weapons on the prisms and just generally made a mess of the army.




By the final turn (5th) I think I had wiped out his army - or come really close too it.

Congratulations to you morticon.


Thanks. :)


I still don't agree with the inclusion of the death company however.


Well the beauty of actually winning the tourney is that you dont really need to agree -cause the result speaks for itself.


If, however, you mean that you dont agree with the inclusion of the DC into YOUR list- then i get ya 100%.

I'm sure its not for everyone.

Or, its not for every meta-environment. But the same can be said for any unit in the game.


In my situation, they won me most of my games.



Well it doesn't actually. I've seen odd lists do incredibly well in tournaments , but the general behind them was very very capable. What can not be disputed , is your ability as a general , you winning proves that. It doesn't prove the effectiveness of any paritcular unit however.


Also... I guess the meta game over here is far different. I know if lists like the ones at the tourney you attended showed up they'd be a suprise for most people. For example... The Eldar one you faced in game three... very strange mix of units.

It does prove that the DC can be an effective unit if used properly though.



This statement is thrown around alot. People say Banshees are an "effective unit" when used properly, they're not however. The unit itself is okay. But its unpredictable to the core of it. A wild card if you will. A wild card is unpredictable. You've no control ( to a degree) over it. A paper thin Av11 wall blocks it from being exposed. I know of , and have played against many armies in tournaments , which have no problem in blowing away such fragile transports. Which is why the unit itself isn't great.

Corby- after this tourney i'm of the opinion now more than ever that the board, game type and opponent match up you play are JUST as important to your victory as your list/game play.


Its also why I try avoid completely "matter-of-fact" language/ ways of speaking relating to hypothetical situations.



You're speaking like rhinos just automatically implode when looked at angrily. They dont.

Those "paper thin" rhinos are more resilient than you imply.


The odds of a space marine lascannon blowing up a rhino in cover -> 18%


Deploy in cover.

If you dont have cover - thats what smoke is for.

If you dont have first turn then deploy off board and move on - then smoke.

If you're not doing these things - you're playing like a muppet....and thats your fault - not the DCs.


The flip side of this coin is OF COURSE the fact that a lucky shot stops you in your tracks. 100% understandable. No contest.

But as a BA player, we should be smart enough that by the time your DC rhino is 18" (bare minimum with smoke) on to the board your army should be either in his face with other things, or shooting the crap out of him. If you're not doing those things, you've failed somewhere.


All of this is ALSO assuming you're on a table with little to no terrain - which automatically favours certain builds and makes your arguments specific to YOUR case.


I acknowledge heavily that my victory this tourney was very largely influenced by the fact Table 1 had loads of los blocking cover, but thats how the game works.


If i had rolled pitched battle, or spearhead with little-no terrain and gone second against a heavily shooty guard list...with an astropath....THEN..sure..i'd be destroyed.

But, why do I need that many variables to scare me off a unit.


All I have to say on the matter is that in my games, in this tourney, on the boards I played, in the ( 6 ) missions I had, on the tables I played... the DC were HARDLY a wild card. They were pivotal in every victory I had and a great asset to me, my list and my eventual win over 45 other players.

how did the 3x2 MM AB work feel in use instead of the 2x3 MM/Hvy bolter you normaly use ?


MUCH prefer the 2x 3 attack bikes overall, Jeske - but I needed more interception units vs. guard (I knew i'd be up against them).

In bigger games (2k +) i'd even consider 9 of them.


The roles, while not entirely different have subtle differences in their play style. I'm def still a fan of the 3 bikers. It all just boils down to points available and the style of list- in this one it worked nicely.


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