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Metal Apostle's LPC 2011

Metal Apostle

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"I, Metal Aposle of the PCA, vow on the honour of the White Scars Chaper to paint and present at least 3 5-Man Bike Squads and 2 Attack Bikes on or before the 31st of March, 2011. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done."


Why do i have a feeling these words will come back to bite me towards the end of March?


Anyway, now that my degree is done and i finally have some time i figure it's time to push myself to actually have some painted/playable troops so here goes nothing. You may have seen some of these models in a previous thread which has gone quiet. This is supposed to be half of my 2000pts bike army which has been mostly assembled but not at all painted. and the LPC motivates me to get a managable (again, choice of words will come to bite me) chunk of this army done up.


So here are my LPC units in their unpainted form (i've since sprayed them white. JUST then. Does that count as update number 1? :rolleyes:):










Wish me luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Finally, my first update for the LPC. These photos are really truly terrible. I've just moved overseas and i havn't put together proper lighting like i did back in Australia. That combined with my phonecam makes for a bad combo so if nobody responds, that's understandable hahaha. Hopefully by my next update i would've at least picked up an adequate daylight globe.


Anyway, on with the update. I've finally gotten through the worst part of painting any white army; the white! And more than that, picking out all the black after that (without ruining the white!


The photos are pretty bad, but the white was done with spray white > thinned dheneb stone > soft black wash > 1:1 dheneb stone: skull white > flat areas highlighted with 1:3 Dheneb stone:skull white > then Vallejo off-white.


This update is mainly to meet the 2 update requirment of the challenge, so i really hope i can show off the paintjob better next time!


Also, i dont know if Space Marines appreciate it, but i've put skewer sticks up their butts. Since bike riders don't have bases it's hard to hold onto them without touching something i've just painted. Hopefully i'll be able to snip them off without too much trouble at the end and they wont be visible after i glue them to their bikes.


Here are the riders and attack bike crew:










and the bikes themselves:






The next step now is to do all the metals, reds and browns and then touching up the black. Hopefully this will take less time than the whites and blacks... Wish me luck, and see you in update 2!!

  • 2 weeks later...

So i'm back again for update number 2, this time with some better images!


What i've done since last update:


- all the metallics

- all the browns; of course, the leathers, but also building some of them up further for the furs or mixing in a bit of flesh for the flayed skin parts...

- purity seals have also been done.

- started bases.


What's next now is to do the reds and details (bare heads, grenades and touch up/highlight blacks.)


I'm not sure if i'll be able to fit in things like transfers or weathering, but i should JUST finish the essentials in time. :drool:


Anyway, pictures!





mass of bikes in a box, helps me stay organized!








Some close ups of the bikes... I'm not gonna post all of them til the end... too many pics, you get the idea of progress already. And here are some close ups of the troops for you to see how things are going..






Hope you like!

One last teaser update before the very last stretch!


I still need to finish the bases, but besides a spray of dullcote and assembly, the minis themselves are pretty much done! I will probably add weathering and transfers at a later stage but all the real painting has been complete!


So here's a final teaser, and boy i have to admit they look MUCH more like White Scars after a bit of red tribal markings!


Some bikes as is (not all obviously)








And some riders.





(lol, meltagun guy had a severe nosebleed)




The bases and assembly shouldn't really take more than a day.... Will be back soon!

At long last gents (and the occasional lady around these parts :D), I've finished my LPC. Despite an international move, a graduation and a job hunt, i've managed to save myself from an article commitment (not that i won't write one if i find time!). I was able to source some Mr Mark Softer as well as some time to acutally use transfers so i've managed to fit in chapter markings. The Squad symbols have been painted over in black whilst i'd really like to go over the chapter symbols in a darker red and gold, but i'm currently overseas. At a later date i'll might add even more weathering and damage. Keeping in mind that these things are super-extras/optional, i'd say right now they look pretty complete to me!! My vow was 3 biker squads of 5 and 2 attack bikes as a start to my biker hoard and here they are :D


Bike Squad one:













Bike Squad two:













Bike Squad three:













And of course, my "Mounted Devastator Squads":







Thanks all, and i hope you've enjoyed seeing my progress!

i really like how each marine has different markings upon their armour, gives each marine their own unique feel rather than a 'batch built army'. Also liking the brilliant use of wolves pieces, really brings out a true white scars feel to them


keep up the good work, will be watching this thread




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