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Need help with water effect


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Hey guys,


So I've been building my army to be in an urban setting on a broken highway made from cork board thats about 1/4" high, and I wanted there to be some murky water flowing through the cracks from bursted sewer mains/water pipes. I've been looking online but I haven't been able to really find a definitive how to on how to go about doing something like this, on bases and a display board, without getting it everywhere or making it look like running water. I just want stagnant pools on the bases with a slightly murky coloring. All my bases line up with eachother and fit snuggly into slots in the display board, and the broken highway pieces themselves go over the base, and have some sand in between the cracks to make it more interesting.


If you want pics of the bases to understand I can take some and post them, but I'm just looking for some how-to's for water effects modeling.




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