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Hell talon Fighter-Bomber


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Hey guys,


So I purchased a hell talon, and I got this mainly for the eye candy appeal and perhaps to resell it, as I only paid $85 for it unassembled unpainted. :) Have you had success using this in apoc games? I've wanted a flyer for so long but I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to use this behemoth.


So yeah, stories of your success/failures with your fighter bomber would be deeply appreciated!



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Its a good solid unit, not to overpowered for its points cost. Its most recent rules are in IA Apocalypse, the first one from 08.


The bombs are nice, decently strong and with AP 4 good against most infantry.


The autocannon and Lascannon give you some anti-vehicle punch, wich is a nice option when you drop those bombs.... but it has no AA mounts on it, so your opponents fighters will be able to shred this unit on its own.


If your playing apocalypse with it I dont see the issue.... dont feel bad about pulling it out. A single flyer wont unbalance a 3-5k game in any way.


My only experiance with them is shooting them down Im afraid. Theyve played havoc on my poor eldar infantry though... that apocalyptic barrage is murder on 4+ T3 infantry :S

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So I'm a little unclear on flyer rules. I can move my 36" and drop bombs, but I can also shoot my lascannon and my havoc launcher? Or do I only get to choose one of those weapons?


I was disappointed to learn there was a servitor and not a CSM in the cockpit, so now he's gonna get painted up in my zombie IG regiments scheme. :-)


Thanks for the replies, now I've started to feel a lot better about this purchase, afaik it's one of the only fliers in my gaming shop and hardly anyone brings hydras or AA muahahahaha. 3:-D


Cheers, more responses are always welcomed!



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No no no... you have to move ATLEAST 36" and can fire all weapons- but since its not a superheavy anything other than the bombs must be at the same target.


This represents how fast flyers are supposed to be going. On a related note some flyers such as Eldar Nightwings only have to move up to 18" because their planes are so more agile, but as grey mage says most flyers need to move at least 36".


I haven't used a Hell talon myself but flyers are certainly a pain in the ass for those who don't have any AA.

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So when I enter play I can come in from any point ofthe table. I have to move at least 36" but can I go any distance? Can I come in on a table edge and leave from another one on the same turn while dropping my bombs and shooting?




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Actually, no table edge required- you deep strike without scattering, again to represent that these are units that can in many cases break orbit.


But yes, you can move and shoot without restriction- but you must fire all your none-bombs at the same target since your not a superheavy.


I reaaally suggest that you check out a copy of the Apocalypse rulebook, it explains the whole thing, and if you get Imperial Armor Apocalypse itll have the most up to date rules and some extra scenarios. Well worth the 30 bucks.

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