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Death company armies


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So, does anyone use armies that are mostly deathcompany? How often do they win games? How easy is it to table an opponent, as you can't get objectives? I am thinking about playing with an army that has deathcompany, d.c. dreads, and a storm raven, all led by astorath the grim. This army would be mostly for pure fun. In competitive games, I would add a squad or two of assault marines to capture objectives. What do you think? Thank's in advance! :P
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No experience in the matter but it's probably not as fun as it sounds, as you wont be able to control your DC out of transports. So outside of your ravens, your opponent plays your army for you.


That's not entirely true. A DC army is tricky, of course, but it's doable if you're careful and plan out everything: use of terrain, your consolidation moves, unit formations and coherency, deep-strike, which units move first.... Death Company aren't "controllable" but you shouldn't feel like you're not playing them.

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Your best bet is DC in your Storm Ravens backed up by DC dreads. That way you have a delivery system to make sure they are close enough to start doing some damage. Extra in Razorbacks might help too, although I'd tend to think that Devs with ML's would be a good choice for popping vehicles to stop people kiting you.

Possibly also magna grapples to help your DC dreads manipulate your opponents vehicles a bit.

Rage is a real issue that you need to work around however.

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You are entirely at the mercy of whether you get the charge off against some armies. In that sense it makes it good to run them in Rhinos or Razorbacks


This is the only thing you really need to know right here.


If your squad of DC (accompanied by a chaplain) gets the charge on your opponent, you will do a ridiculous amount of damage. If you take a DC dread along in a Storm Raven and get them both into assault in the same round of combat, there's very little that will survive your initial onslaught. Superior WS, STR and I on the charge to regular marines, rerolling both to hit and to wound, is devastating.


The problem is that, if they charge you instead, you're losing an attack per marine, wounding less (from lower str), probably hitting at the same time at best, and not rerolling anything. They aren't worthless by any stretch... they just downgrade from a deathstar unit to Vanguard.


The real problem with this is that it's hard for you to prevent a good opponent from forcing you into this situation. The whole kiting DC thing is a myth. The complexity of the setup required for your opponent to move two squads repeatedly in and out of cover while still dealing with the rest of your army is so high, you're never going to end up worrying about it.


However, a smart opponent can force you to take a counter assault. Imagine this. You need to get the charge on his deathstar assault unit. If you don't get the charge on them, you're toast. You're using cover/transports/leaping from unit to unit moving toward them as best you can, when he gets another unit that's of no major consequence between you and his deathstar unit. Your DC run up to them, and his deathstar assault unit is just out of assault range.


You can either:


1. Assault the minor unit, destroy it, and take the charge from his deathstar unit the next turn




2. Waste a turn shooting at the deathstar unit and still get charged by his deathstar unit the next turn.


If you can manage to get the charge off every time, you should table most opponents. However, don't expect that to happen. Even in games where I've done incredibly well, I've been charged and had a squad get stomped at least once.

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I run 2 Elite Chaplains and Astorath, but I am strongly considering running the 2 Reclusiarchs and dropping 3 DC bodies. The fact I am swinging that Power Weapon with 4 attacks at I5 in the second round of combat is pretty good, and could account for a win.
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I'd tend to think that Devs with ML's would be a good choice for popping vehicles to stop people kiting you.



Apparently I need to keep telling people this, DC is not that easy to kite...thus my sig.


I've run a dc army several times outside of apoc games, its fast, its brutal, and unfortunately its very difficult to direct DC where you really want them to go. It takes a lot of movement tweaking and some thought in order to effectively run this army actually.


However, the look of shear terror on your opponent's face, as you unpack 4-5 squads of DC is well worth it :devil:

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