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Abaddon dies pathetically, after running away from combat...

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Pfft We you you lads to shame. But in all honesty the OP got what he deserved for running C:CSM termies as something other than Termicide hell it does not take Creeds tactical genius to work out they are Bad....Oh and Chaos lads Cheer up your codex should get a update some time soonish (That's subjective) and any way guys you got a Great codex last edition well eh herm 3.5 ed lol be thankful your current one is not a PDF.
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Pfft We you you lads to shame. But in all honesty the OP got what he deserved for running C:CSM termies as something other than Termicide hell it does not take Creeds tactical genius to work out they are Bad....Oh and Chaos lads Cheer up your codex should get a update some time soonish (That's subjective) and any way guys you got a Great codex last edition well eh herm 3.5 ed lol be thankful your current one is not a PDF.


Shut up about your PDF jeez... it was no worse than C:DA and you didn't have to pay for it! I on the other hand Play DAs... had to buy my really bad codex... Anyway there is nothing wrong with a codex being on a pdf if it is any good! I like free stuff... Bad codices however are bad but not limited to free ones...

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Oh and Chaos lads Cheer up your codex should get a update some time soonish (That's subjective) and any way guys you got a Great codex last edition well eh herm 3.5 ed lol be thankful your current one is not a PDF.

only it was possible to build more different builds out of the BA pdf dex which were all good then we can build with a codex. the only thing the BA pdf didnt have was the fluff , but again considering we get copy past close to 0 fluff about renegades [a thorpe SW story that doesnt make sense , because the pack leader or the WP would feel that some of the crew want to go traitor as soon as they though about it] in something that was suppose to be a renegade dex , we arent better then a pdf here too.



To paraphase my esteemed colleague M2C, you should have stayed loyal msn-wink.gif

dude do you think that anyone who plays or played chaos and lost tons of cash on it because A stuff went illegal en mass or B what is left is boring as hell , find what you just said funny considering that unlike loyalist sm we dont normaly get 2 dex per edition ?

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To paraphase my esteemed colleague M2C, you should have stayed loyal msn-wink.gif

dude do you think that anyone who plays or played chaos and lost tons of cash on it because A stuff went illegal en mass or B what is left is boring as hell , find what you just said funny considering that unlike loyalist sm we dont normaly get 2 dex per edition ?


Therein lies the flaw in your reasoning; I couldn't care less for anyone elses amusement, it's purely for my own.

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I was the opponent, I had charged my twc lord and his twc squad into his terminator squad, then he charged his khorne berzerkers, then next turn logan came down, gave everyone an extra attack, so I charged 2 squads (5 and 2) of termies in to the berzerkers, I put all my attacks that could go on the berzerkers on there, As was hoping to win the combat and force abaddon to take loads of no retreat saves (and had quite a few power weapon termies with 4 attacks each). yes I made 6 out of 7 3+ss saves on my lord, and his termies had fluffed their dice. Also the skull champion had died by the end of the combat (i'm pretty sure, I had a powerfist or 2 in the squad that went at the same time as the skull champ, and if not as the game ended next turn due to time they would have counted as destroyed due to fleeing), so I could sweeping advance (thanks to twc, I love twc in a logan wing army!).


I normally play chaos (deathguard), but when I have run abaddon I have always put him with berzerkers in a landraider. the game was a draw anyway (would have been a win for me had I picked the right target right before that fateful assault phase...).


Also space marine's generally dont get fearless given to them by a regular character, Logan can choose to give it to his squad at the start of the turn, but logan wasn't even involved. Sure ATSKNF makes them effectively fearless if they get caught in a sweeping advance, but the moral of the story is.....


Dont put a fearless character in a non fearless unit, especially one worth 275 points.

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Sorry for your loss mate. If you think about it though, the dude has run away from 13 Black Crusades, how is your battle any different?


How has he run away from 13 Black Crusades?


The first was turned back at only great cost, the 12th's objective was to seize the Blackstones (which partially suceeed) and the 13th has Chaos controlling a large sector of space around the Eye with no hope of disloging them in the near future according to the newsletters.


As for the rest we have little information on how the Black Crusades went or their objectives or goals.

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Oh codex chaos space marines, what did we ever do to deserve you.


To paraphase my esteemed colleague M2C, you should have stayed loyal :P


I refuse to be the teacher's pet/poster boy/favourite child.


I'd rather win with hatred, perseverance, skill and 10 k old equipment. Loyalists can keep their shiny toys and ludicrous piles of special rules.


I just want an interesting codex with interesting builds and characters with more depth than a kiddies paddling pool.

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Sorry for your loss mate. If you think about it though, the dude has run away from 13 Black Crusades, how is your battle any different?

An excellent point! :P


Yeah but he didn't die ;)


I was the opponent, I had charged my twc lord and his twc squad into his terminator squad, then he charged his khorne berzerkers, then next turn logan came down, gave everyone an extra attack, so I charged 2 squads (5 and 2) of termies in to the berzerkers, I put all my attacks that could go on the berzerkers on there, As was hoping to win the combat and force abaddon to take loads of no retreat saves (and had quite a few power weapon termies with 4 attacks each). yes I made 6 out of 7 3+ss saves on my lord, and his termies had fluffed their dice. Also the skull champion had died by the end of the combat (i'm pretty sure, I had a powerfist or 2 in the squad that went at the same time as the skull champ, and if not as the game ended next turn due to time they would have counted as destroyed due to fleeing), so I could sweeping advance (thanks to twc, I love twc in a logan wing army!).


I normally play chaos (deathguard), but when I have run abaddon I have always put him with berzerkers in a landraider. the game was a draw anyway (would have been a win for me had I picked the right target right before that fateful assault phase...).


Also space marine's generally dont get fearless given to them by a regular character, Logan can choose to give it to his squad at the start of the turn, but logan wasn't even involved. Sure ATSKNF makes them effectively fearless if they get caught in a sweeping advance, but the moral of the story is.....


Dont put a fearless character in a non fearless unit, especially one worth 275 points.


The Skull Champion survived...


Anyways lesson learned, Abaddon in going in a Raider next time with Bezerkers ;) Until they fix Codex Chaos!

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Yes you are right, otherwise I would have gotten 3 kill points from that assault phase, whoops, my bad.


well, as said above, abaddon wouldnt have been able to regroup because his squad was below 50%, so it didn't change the outcome of the battle.


Fearless IC's suck with non fearless squads, game mechanic.


Oh, and yes sm chaplains give their squads fearless, fair do, chaos get fearless troops as troops ^_^

give ya a rematch some time :lol:

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Sorry for your loss mate. If you think about it though, the dude has run away from 13 Black Crusades, how is your battle any different?


And which 13 Black Crusades would those be? The first Crusade was the only one with the goal of "destroy Terra". Every other Crusade has had a different goal, all of which were at least partially completed, to the best of our knowledge. The "Failbaddon" is just an oversimplification by the internet, which has been repeated so often that people think it's true.

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I lost a Chaos Warlord and Termie squad on Sunday the same way because the rallying remnants of an Orc Kommando unit and 2 Killer Kans beat them by just 1.


Sometimes these things happen, there always needs to be some risk or the game would be a much duller affair. I always find in these situations an over-the-top comedy rant at the miniature itself helps lighten the moment :)


"why are you dead?!...... come on i'm waiting!!"

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I lost a Chaos Warlord and Termie squad on Sunday the same way because the rallying remnants of an Orc Kommando unit and 2 Killer Kans beat them by just 1.


Sometimes these things happen, there always needs to be some risk or the game would be a much duller affair. I always find in these situations an over-the-top comedy rant at the miniature itself helps lighten the moment :)


"why are you dead?!...... come on i'm waiting!!"


"No you fool, you don't shoot first and ask questions later!"

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Yes you are right, otherwise I would have gotten 3 kill points from that assault phase, whoops, my bad.


well, as said above, abaddon wouldnt have been able to regroup because his squad was below 50%, so it didn't change the outcome of the battle.


Fearless IC's suck with non fearless squads, game mechanic.


Oh, and yes sm chaplains give their squads fearless, fair do, chaos get fearless troops as troops :)

give ya a rematch some time :sick:

...so Logan with a termie squad 'sucks' but add a WP in as well and everything's fine?

And also doesn't this mean it can work on all "Fearless" ICs providing they are not in a squad that is so?


Yes you are right, otherwise I would have gotten 3 kill points from that assault phase, whoops, my bad.


well, as said above, abaddon wouldnt have been able to regroup because his squad was below 50%, so it didn't change the outcome of the battle.


Fearless IC's suck with non fearless squads, game mechanic.


Oh, and yes sm chaplains give their squads fearless, fair do, chaos get fearless troops as troops ;)

give ya a rematch some time :lol:

...so Logan with a termie squad 'sucks' but add a WP in as well and everything's fine?

And also doesn't this mean it can work on all "Fearless" ICs providing they are not in a squad that is so?

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well, logan isn't fearless, unless he gives his squad fearless, he also costs 275 points and the amount of times I've lost him through him failing his saves, well, for me most of his cost goes into his ability to give his squad a special rule, and making wg scoring.


Also as ATSKNF basically gives your squad fearless if they are caught in a sweeping advance, my guys wont ever be run down due to losing combat (though might die from their no retreat saves).

Yes wolf priest's give their squad fearless, like a chaplain, I don't use wolf priest's in my army (renegade so no chaplains).


I am the first to agree that the chaos codex sucks, its part of the reason why I play logan wing (bored of playing with chaos).


No psychic defence, few fun but competitive builds etc.

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well, logan isn't fearless, unless he gives his squad fearless

Of course, stupid me. <_<


and making wg scoring.



Also as ATSKNF basically gives your squad fearless if they are caught in a sweeping advance, my guys wont ever be run down due to losing combat (though might die from their no retreat saves).

I will admit, my Wolves have never been swept *cough* fight Necrons a lot*cough*. However therehavebeen incidences of them running off the battle field.

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Logan's special rule makes Wolf guard scoring, hence logan wings <_<


and yes, my "wolves" have run away too, the 2 guys who charged into that squad had fled for a turn.


I think the main issue is a decent IC leading a large squad of something, if you kill the large squad, chances are you will win by 5 or more, forcing your opponent to take a bunch of no retreat saves or making them fall back (one of the best ways to kill MC's heh). what helped me kill the zerkers was the high amount of power weapon's my termies have, + logan giving me a few extra attacks due to his once per game special ability.


Also, if i do ever run abaddon with termies, and I'm going to charge someone, I'll have to split him from the group before I charge so he wont flee (the OP couldn't do this as I had charged him after he deep struck).

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Logan's special rule makes Wolf guard scoring, hence logan wings :)


and yes, my "wolves" have run away too, the 2 guys who charged into that squad had fled for a turn.


I think the main issue is a decent IC leading a large squad of something, if you kill the large squad, chances are you will win by 5 or more, forcing your opponent to take a bunch of no retreat saves or making them fall back (one of the best ways to kill MC's heh). what helped me kill the zerkers was the high amount of power weapon's my termies have, + logan giving me a few extra attacks due to his once per game special ability.


Also, if i do ever run abaddon with termies, and I'm going to charge someone, I'll have to split him from the group before I charge so he wont flee (the OP couldn't do this as I had charged him after he deep struck).

As you can probably tell from my previous posts, I don't use Logan or look at his profile often :)

On your final comment, that's what makes this game interesting, people willing to take risks, I imagine that could backfire a bit.

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no worries, I use logan all the time as I'm running a terminator wing army (and you have to take logan otherwise you cant get terminators as troops heh).


As he didn't have a landraider, deepstriking abaddon was the only choice he had really, considering I run an army with 3 drop pods, as it was kill points I reserved everything that wasn't in a drop pod and made him come to me.


Abaddon, he'd be great if only he didn't not attack at all and potentially hurt him self on rolling a 1 for bonus attacks. Also being unable to instantly kill my twc lord didn't help either. I dont see my friend taking him again unless he is also going for a landraider, which should give me a new challenge as I have never fought against one, but have 1 in my 1500 point deathguard list.

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