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Abaddon dies pathetically, after running away from combat...

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If it makes you chaos players feel better, in one game... my captain killed a wolf lord in terminator armour, (with the most overpowered special rule in history if you position your army wrong saga of the warrior born which also has no drawbacks like khorne deamon weapons, which would had given him 18 attacks)... after fleeing from combat... with his one bolt pistol shot. leving himself the only thing alive in my army apart from an immobilised 2 weapon destroyed rhino and 2 tactical marines, (missile and seargent), ending the game. i just imagine them driving back to base.


As well as that he and his command squad took out a squad a thunderwolves in close combat, losing all of the command squad


But i used to play chaos, before i learnt how terrible the new codex was, i learnt that becasue even tho I had well built armies, I only won a single game admittedly that was using the 4th edition rules with consolidating into another combat, with my terminator lord with a khorn deamonweapon, and 10 khorne beserkers. i destroyed an entire tau army (apart from their stealth suits) in my first turn leaving him looking liek this :cuss thanks to his terrible army placement, and first turn moving. he moved his jump commander dude forward to within charge range of my commander and 10 zerkers, i was lucky and got 17 attacks from my commander, killed him consolidated 12" forward into a fire warrior squad, and so on, i lost 2 wounds in that game, one where the lord stabbed himself and a guy who shot his plasma gun at the later coming down stealth suits and blew up. B)

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It is why I play World Eaters. It is why I only field Khârn. Sure he kills some of my boys but it's all good. Khorne doesn't mind... and Khârn DOESN'T Flee from combat. He takes it like a man. And yes I do field Daemon Princes too.. well just one. And I also make use of Daemons and Havocs (Teeth of Khorne). And wait! I also have Dual Combat Arm Dreadnoughts (TWO of them) running down as a team.


Abaddon is a failure. Fluffwise he failed to do something significant for 10.000 years. Perhaps Chaos needs a new change in leadership.


Khârn for Warmaster!

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I have put Abaddon on the table about 15 times. He was awesome every time. Once he took on two Soul Grinders in an epic struggle for four turns before finally destroying both in hth. Another time he took out a Wraith Lord and 400+ points of Eldar in two turns.


He has killed Ghazkull several times and wrecked a dozen plus special charachters and vehicles.


I generally run him in a LR with Tsons. He gets out and they move aside and shoot.


He is like a 24" no fly zone of death when in a LR and circle of death with a 12" radius when walking. If not for the points and the need to put him in a LR to make him effective I would take him most lists.



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Abaddon is a failure. Fluffwise he failed to do something significant for 10.000 years. Perhaps Chaos needs a new change in leadership.


Khârn for Warmaster!


Except, you know, for stealing the Blackstone Fortresses right out from under the noses of the Battlefleet Gothic, gain Drachn'yen (thus gaining the direct favour of the Chaos Gods) causing lots of damage during the Reign of Blood, take over a fortess world (in the much smaller 3rd or 4th Black Crusade), caused the Imperium to weaken itself in all other areas by devoting a massive chunk of its defences around the Eye, destroy said defences around the Eye, destroy a major Battlefleet dry-dock, and burn an incredibly vital agri-world.


He may not have captured Terra, but that's because Abaddon knows how to play the long game. He understands that to simply rush at Terra will see his forces isolated, cut off from retreat and utterly destroyed. Instead, he's taking out vital targets one by one. Most Black Crusades have either resulted in a major strategic gain for Chaos (gaining Drachn'yen, gaining the Blackstone Fortresses etc), or the loss of a vital strategic area for the Imperium (Belis Corona, Mordax Prime and that agri-world falling in the Black Crusade, losing the Blackstone Fortresses etc).

The only Black Crusade which tried to take Terra was the first, and even that wasn't a total loss, as it caused the Imperium to stretch itself thin by rushing troops and defenses to the Eye.

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I still believe he should have done more. Yes he is immortal, I'll give him that but ten thousand years isn't ... a short time. I understand he is a tactical genius as he is supposed to be and he kept his position as Warmaster for a long long time. Still in ten thousand years he would have had time to recruit,train and form a propper army, created more Black Legionnaires, ordered the other Legions to increase their forces. I am well aware the Iron Warriors still recruit and form new marines using the Daemonculaba machinery on Medrengard was it.... I keep forgetting the planet's name.


Still Abaddon has some of the best Primarchs still alive in his camp. Mortarion, Magnus, Perturabo ... and maybe Angron.


In my humble opinion Mortarion from a military point of view was a good officer, Magnus may have a smaller force but he brings in his psychic might to back it up, Perturabo is Siege-master and Angron if he even decides to move a finger (besides the First War on Armageddon) could bring the World Eaters together again. From whatever fluff I read the Black Legion still has a manner of organized structure, the Death Guard still follows Mortarion while Magnus and his Legion I am not sure.


As for the Iron Warriors, they still have grand Companies led by Warsmiths. Angron... I won't comment on his side. Captain Khârn is pretty much on his own or leading a warband of World Eaters now and then but that's it.


Lorgar is an idiot, Fulgrim.... is locked in the recesses of his own mind being possessed, Kurze is dead but his legion are stilll kicking. I will not utter anything on the Alpha Legion as their status is confusing. Some people say they have fallen to Chaos, some say they are using Chaos to disrupt it from within being still loyal to the Dead Emperor.


I apologize before hand about my rant. I still feel Abaddon should have done more.

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I still believe he should have done more. Yes he is immortal, I'll give him that but ten thousand years isn't ... a short time. I understand he is a tactical genius as he is supposed to be and he kept his position as Warmaster for a long long time. Still in ten thousand years he would have had time to recruit,train and form a propper army, created more Black Legionnaires, ordered the other Legions to increase their forces. I am well aware the Iron Warriors still recruit and form new marines using the Daemonculaba machinery on Medrengard was it.... I keep forgetting the planet's name.


Abaddon has done that. read Dark Creed. The Black Legion is effectively the largest chaos force in the Eye thanks to Abaddon. And he can't really order other Legions to do that. 1. Half of them are broken up into countless warbands. 2. He may bind them into Black Crusades, but he is not their day-today leader.


Still Abaddon has some of the best Primarchs still alive in his camp. Mortarion, Magnus, Perturabo ... and maybe Angron.


Did't you get the memo? the Daemon Primarchs don't do anything anymore, except for Angron. Mortarion Magnus and Peratubo are perfectly content to sit on their thrones all day and brood.

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You know. I was recently reflecting on my readings of the Horus Heresy novels and I do believe that, in the end, Abaddon will be the only member of the Mournival not to turn back to the Emperor. Lets break the mournival down.

1. Garviel Loken: Currently reported deceased on Istvaan V after attempting to ambush Abaddon and Horus Aximond.

2. Tarik Torgaddon: Deceased. Died attempting to slay Horus Aximond.

These two are not to be denied. It is factualy that these two members of the mournival have tried to stop Horus from turning to chaos and sided with the Emperor.

3. Abaddon. Currently leader of the Black Legion and one of the greatest threats to the Imperium.

Also fact. This is not to be disputed at this time.

4. Horus Aximond. "Little Horus" while mechanically serving Horus still seems to show some resistance. I have a theory that I'm about to reveal in the general thread. Followers of chaos may come up to general and are welcome to comment. You will either repent of your foul ways or become more embittered. (Much like Abaddon.)

So I have a theory that I am about to announce that in future releases "Little Horus" is going to realize what he's done wrong and repent in some way.


And we all know that Horus, when free of the influence of chaos, upon realizing how far he'd fallen repented but knew he was too far gone to continue. The Emperor's forgiveness is the Emperor's mercy...


So this is why Abaddon fights so hard. He's the only one left of his mournival brothers and even his primarch who proved "too weak". Thoughts heretics?

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Ok, big apologies to Roesor there. I've put up what I could figure out to use for a spoiler alert. I've also just posted my theory on Horus Aximand in the Horus Heresy forum. Please feel free to post your dirty dirty heretical thoughts. B)
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Dont take special characters. I am just starting on chaos having played vanilla marine and SW's. I took one look at the chaos lord and decided that a demon weapon plus mark of khornee should do nicely.


Plus like every CSM character has a 5+ invunerable as standard unlike any other SM army.

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Plus like every CSM character has a 5+ invunerable as standard unlike any other SM army.


Yeah, because Chaptermasters/Captains/Chaplains don't have a 4+ IVsave by default, and it's not like they + the librarian could easily take a Stormshield, giving them a better IVsave than anything in the CSMcodex can obtain?

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Dont take special characters. I am just starting on chaos having played vanilla marine and SW's. I took one look at the chaos lord and decided that a demon weapon plus mark of khornee should do nicely.


Plus like every CSM character has a 5+ invunerable as standard unlike any other SM army.


That 5++ won't avail you much when you roll a 1 on either of two d6 and accomplish utterly nothing, or run up against an Assault Terminator squad with 3++ storm shields that Save against every attack you throw.

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Sorry for your loss mate. If you think about it though, the dude has run away from 13 Black Crusades, how is your battle any different?


And which 13 Black Crusades would those be? The first Crusade was the only one with the goal of "destroy Terra". Every other Crusade has had a different goal, all of which were at least partially completed, to the best of our knowledge. The "Failbaddon" is just an oversimplification by the internet, which has been repeated so often that people think it's true.


*gives him a cookie*

At least someone is intelligent.

But I guess it's either easier to troll or to blatantly hype one's own faction for others.

Failbaddon is a contradictio in terminis. It makes no sense given what is literally said in the fluff. If the guy is the biggest and most dangerous villain out there, scheming and manipulating then how can he be a failure? As this would mean everyone else is even more pitiful. Which by extension means that the galaxy is actually a rather fun place because all the bad guys are incompetent goofy fellows.

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look what horus did in a relatively short time. compare that to what abbadon has donw with 10k years. sure horus has suprise and was a primarch but still...


Horus was far more powerful than Abaddon.

Was supported by other Primarchs.

Came as a complete surprise.

And sure as hell wasn't bottlenecked.

If someone else was around that would do better than Abby, the Chaos Gods would pick him.

Getting through the Cadian Gate is a pesky attrition war.

Not to mention Abby has to reunite everyone for every operation. There is little unity on the side of Chaos. While Horus more or less had everyone longterm on his side.

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yes but abbadon stilll has had 10 k years.and is favoured by all the gods compared to the primarchs, wait hows this dude not a deamon prince? oh right he obviously sucks... ;)


also on the Khârn thing, why does noone seem to setach him from the squad before assault?

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look what horus did in a relatively short time. compare that to what abbadon has donw with 10k years. sure horus has suprise and was a primarch but still...


Horus was far more powerful than Abaddon.

Was supported by other Primarchs.

Came as a complete surprise.

And sure as hell wasn't bottlenecked.

If someone else was around that would do better than Abby, the Chaos Gods would pick him.

Getting through the Cadian Gate is a pesky attrition war.

Not to mention Abby has to reunite everyone for every operation. There is little unity on the side of Chaos. While Horus more or less had everyone longterm on his side.


But part of that is the Chaos Astartes believed in Horus.


Many of them don't believe in Abaddon.

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also on the Khârn thing, why does noone seem to setach him from the squad before assault?


Depending on how you read the rules detaching from a unit is more or less easy if you plan to assault the same target given the 2" distance rule.

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look what horus did in a relatively short time. compare that to what abbadon has donw with 10k years. sure horus has suprise and was a primarch but still...


Horus was far more powerful than Abaddon.

Was supported by other Primarchs.

Came as a complete surprise.

And sure as hell wasn't bottlenecked.

If someone else was around that would do better than Abby, the Chaos Gods would pick him.

Getting through the Cadian Gate is a pesky attrition war.

Not to mention Abby has to reunite everyone for every operation. There is little unity on the side of Chaos. While Horus more or less had everyone longterm on his side.


But part of that is the Chaos Astartes believed in Horus.


Many of them don't believe in Abaddon.


Exactly. In the Horus era, the Chaos Warbands maintained a lot more unity. There was far more continuity.

While nowadays, Chaos is fractured, divided and a lot of warbands/Legions are more busy being pissy at each other than anything else.


Not to mention one can wonder if Chaos even wants Abaddon to succeed short term.

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not that this thread has got :) at all heh, but if chaos wanted abaddon to win short term we would have won by now :P


All in all, It's not in GW's to advance the story line in order for one side to win, remember, in the grim dark future, there is only war. If one side won there would be less armies to play with.


Abaddon can be nasty, but I prefered him with 1 attack from his daemon sword that if hit would wound and kill automatically "hold still, so I can poke you with drach'nyen"

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not that this thread has got :) at all heh, but if chaos wanted abaddon to win short term we would have won by now :P


All in all, It's not in GW's to advance the story line in order for one side to win, remember, in the grim dark future, there is only war. If one side won there would be less armies to play with.


Abaddon can be nasty, but I prefered him with 1 attack from his daemon sword that if hit would wound and kill automatically "hold still, so I can poke you with drach'nyen"


Yeah but like all the special chaos chars... well you know already.


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yes but abbadon stilll has had 10 k years.and is favoured by all the gods compared to the primarchs, wait hows this dude not a deamon prince? oh right he obviously sucks... :)


There was an explanation for that in the 3.5 dex.

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