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Which Tycho is better?

captain Angel

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No one uses the Death Co. version in a serious game, because he isn't an Independent Character nor is he an Upgrade for the Death Co.

So you have a single madman on the field who costs 175 or so points, moves 7-12" per turn towards the nearest enemy he can see, and is just waiting to catch a few missiles in the face.


Captain Tycho, on the other hand, confers Rites of Battle (something our captains should give standard), has a cool combi-deathwatch bolter and a hand that belongs to a Dead Man.

Unfortunately this also makes Tycho a bit odd, as he's sort of a Shooty captain, which isn't really worth his points.. and to stick him in a Sternguard squad (as I would like to) would mean that you're paying a ton of points for a squad that has a model that SHOULD be in close combat.. but the rest of the squad really really shouldn't.


Short answer is that Cap'n Tycho is the one you should use, but think really hard about where to put him.

I used Tycho religiously for quite some time, as some may remember from earlier last year I made a custom Tycho and felt he deserved to be used after doing so.


I always ran him as Captain, never Death Company, though I do want to make one at some point.


He's always been with a unit of 5 or 6 sternguard and a priest with storm bolter. These are put in a drop pod.


I found that set up worked perfectly against pretty much every enemy I played against. Particularly if I don't get first turn.

I've been thinking of running Captain Tycho plus an honour guard in a Razorback, probably with 2x Meltaguns, Blood Champion, Novitiate and maybe a Thunderhammer. It think it would fit nicely in a mech army.



The more points spent on vehicles , the better. You're looking at a huge chunk of points tied up in an av11 paper can , all which detracts from your mech capabilities.

the thing that gets me about Tycho is that heisn't a bad choice, there is just imho alot better choices. And DC Tycho is a joke, why they dont allow him to attach to the DC i'll never know, but that was a stupid mistake. He'd be awesome in a DC :(
DC Tycho isn't a bad HQ & SR cargo choice... if one has a list that requires them to be one in the same. Fleet/jump SR cargo is strong.



It feels weird to me to spend the whole of the SR's great transport capability on a single model, even one like DC Tycho or Mephiston, but it looks like people are trying itl


To answer the OP: I prefer Psycho just because everyone says he's useless.


Here's my opening scenario I'll use for this weekend's match against the New & Improved Dark Eldar: While he and his Assault Terminator Honour Guard are being retro-fitted with their new black armour, Captain Psycho sees a vision of our Primarch engaged with the enemy. Enraged at the thought of not fighting at Sanguinius' side, Psycho somehow momentarily overpowers his Brother-Chaplain and steals a DC Storm Raven. Unbeknownst to Psycho, when the gunship touches down in the heart of the enemy, his Brother Dreadnought disembarks as well. Together they commence to unfathomable carnage until they are joined by 6 Knights in black Terminator armour. Who can stand-up to so much destruction? Certainly not a bunch of elves in flying pirate ships!!! :(

If you know you are playing against a guard with psyker squads, don't take Tycho.


If Tycho is hit by the leadership reducing psyker power, your whole army is suddenly reduced to a paltry leadership of 1.


The old wording of Rites were sooo much better.

It feels weird to me to spend the whole of the SR's great transport capability on a single model, even one like DC Tycho or Mephiston, but it looks like people are trying itl

With a DC dread, yep. They are. Keeping HQs cheap with him isn't a bad idea. He has a descent anti-transport role. He works especially well in smaller games on smaller tables. Relentless and his integrated rules are pretty cool.


As a 'cheap' HQ, regular Tycho with sternies + priest is yet another good SR cargo.

If you know you are playing against a guard with psyker squads, don't take Tycho.


If Tycho is hit by the leadership reducing psyker power, your whole army is suddenly reduced to a paltry leadership of 1.


The old wording of Rites were sooo much better.



But actually you don't have to use Tychos leadership or do I miss something?

If you know you are playing against a guard with psyker squads, don't take Tycho.


If Tycho is hit by the leadership reducing psyker power, your whole army is suddenly reduced to a paltry leadership of 1.


The old wording of Rites were sooo much better.



But actually you don't have to use Tychos leadership or do I miss something?



Unfortunately, the new Rites wording is like this:

Rites of Battle: If Captain Tycho is on the battlefield, all other friendly Blood Angels units use his Leadership for Morale and Pinning tests.

I dont remember how, unfortunately, but I've been convinced (perhaps wrongly) via some rule, errata or FAQ that his leadership after modification does not transfer to one's entire army. Maybe from some intimation of not being able to use the special rules of their own codex against them.


Perhaps because the RoB rule doesn't say:

Rites of Battle: If Captain Tycho is on the battlefield, all other friendly Blood Angels units use his Leadership (after any modifiers) for Morale and Pinning tests.
I dont remember how, unfortunately, but I've been convinced (perhaps wrongly) via some rule, errata or FAQ that his leadership after modification does not transfer to one's entire army. Maybe from some intimation of not being able to use the special rules of their own codex against them.


Perhaps because the RoB rule doesn't say:

Rites of Battle: If Captain Tycho is on the battlefield, all other friendly Blood Angels units use his Leadership (after any modifiers) for Morale and Pinning tests.


The wording isn't exact, but I think it'd bump up against this:


If a unit includes models with different Leadership

values, always use the one with the highest Ld value.


Okay, so technically Tycho isn't "in" the unit. But since their Ld value is higher than his, I'd use theirs.

I understand why you would argue against his rule, but RAW my interpretation is correct.


Don't get me wrong, i would love to use your version, but "If Captain Tycho is on the battlefield, all other friendly Blood Angels units use his Leadership for Morale and Pinning tests." there is no may like the older versions, and nowhere is it stated that he counts as a part of the group, and therefore that you use the highest leadership value.


I would much prefer the older versions, like Sicarius

Rites of Battle: If Sicarius is on the table, all other Space Marine units can use his Leadership for any Morale or Pinning tests.


Or the 4th edition one.

Rites of Battle: ...If a Space Marine Commander is on the table then all other Space Marine squads may use his Leadership for Morale, Pinning or Leadership tests, but not Psychic tests.

I would use captain tycho. Stick him with a squad of sternguard, and maybe a preist, then you got great bolters with feel no pain and and when assaulted (they always are due to being a shooty unit), (IF SERG HAS POWER WEAPON TOO) then you can hit back with tycho, preist and sergeant in CC, whilst getting fell no pain.


<_< yes please lol


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