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First Digital Artwork Finished

S. Bloodhowl

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Just finished this over in the WIP section and thought people over hear might like to see it. It's my first piece of Digital art ever and made with 3 pictures (each model and background) combined together and manipulated in GIMP over the last few days. C&C welcome,




PS I know the outcome of the fight isn't ideal for us Marine Lovers but the disintegration effect I wanted to try would work the other way round :P

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Very nice work.

My only critiques are:

1.) Check the edges on the model cut-outs, they look a little crunchy. In Photoshop, feathering is your friend. I'm not sure what it's called in GIMP but I would recommend using it.

2.) Check your lighting. I think the pic could be even better if you extend the glow effects onto the models themselves.


Keep up the good work

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Honesty mode is on today, I hope you don't hate me.


However, it doesn't look like much. The lighting is way off, with shadows all over the place. The marine is looking and aiming in a completely different direction, which makes it look like he doesn't really fight with the Necron.


It's also very visible that the Marine is cut-out from a picture of a miniature. Which reminds of the Christmas wish lists I did as a kid, where I would cut out pictures of toys from magazines etc and glue them on a sheet of paper.


The firing effect looks good, but has no visible effect on the marine than to light him up in pretty colors.


You did what you could with the ressources on hand, but in the end it's just a couple of pictures thrown together. It would look a lot better if you just cut away the left half of the picture, as the marine is the biggest let-down in the artwork. Then again, you wouldn't be allowed to put it here :lol:


So, I can't agree with the other comments, I'd say your best bet would be to find a better Space Marine picture and start over again.

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@cathar: I don't hate you.


This is just a wee thing to try a technique, i didn't meant to go so far with it so that's why its no the best. I have only spent a couple of hours here and there on it.

It's also very hard to find a picture taken from behind a model, and so i reckoned the marine could be looking over his shoulder (might add scarabs coming from the right)

As for the pretty colour lighting, there's a bit of adimantium and plasteel to take of first, this is meant to be it only just hitting him, hence little damage to most of the armour.

Also I can't for the life me get the marine to stop hovering.


Thank you for the honesty it is much appreciated.

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Good news, it finally struck me as to why the marine is floating: its a model so every surface has highlights!

I've burned it a bit and added more shadow, taking the beam as my light source. Let me know what you think


PS I might leave it at that seeing as how this is dangerously becoming a WiP thread

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@Captain Juan: Your attempt at sarcasm is noted ;) I don't know anything about making digital artwork. I do know something about constructive criticism and I try to give it when I have the chance.



Looks a lot better now. The only "floating" thing now is the top of the helmet. Maybe if you add a little more shadow over the thin white lines there, and it would be as good as it can get :)

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@Captain Juan: Your attempt at sarcasm is noted :) I don't know anything about making digital artwork. I do know something about constructive criticism and I try to give it when I have the chance.


The you misread what I said, there was no sarcasm involved.


My knowledge of artwork revolves around "Do I like how it looks..?", hence the only criticism I mentioned was blurring of the background.


You obviously know something about art - if not the digital kind - to give constructive criticism.

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Apart from that, very nice... Will you do more? Oh, and I got it as a wallpaper, just made it so's there's some black around it ^_^


The marine is looking and aiming in a completely different direction, which makes it look like he doesn't really fight with the Necron.


I just thought it made him look like he's trying to ward off the Death-Ray thing? (Sorry, the name just won't come to me)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys


@Chapter Master Ignis Domus: thank you


@Dark Apsotle Thirst: I was just doing this with models I could find since my tablet had yet to arrive and I couldn't draw the scene, hence I propose he was wounded earlier and the immortal has arrived to finish him off.


@pueriexdeus: Like I said above and earlier, this piece is made with pics I found on the internet, hence pose was always an issue. The marine, however, was the closest model I could find with a pose that sort of worked with the Immortal. I know a real Marine would try to take the Immortal with him rather than shield himself, but what I had meant to put in (and forgot to) was a swarm of Scarabs andvancing from the right towards the Marine, so he would be shooting the when the Immortal arrived.

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