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Blindhamster's 3rd Company Blog


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Alright, a little background for what it's worth...


Some of you likely remember my various Blood Angel armies from the distant past, probably most notably My Blood Angels from around 3 years ago when I was a staff member. When I stopped working for GW I also fell out of the hobby in a big way. In Doing so I sold all of my Blood Angels and a good amount of other models I'd done. Keeping just a small bits box.


It wasn't till a full year later that I had a great Idea, I'd been playing Dawn of War 2 as it'd just come out, I loved the depiction for Marines in that, and set about making 'the commander' from that game, with armour heavily based off of one of the suits available. I also took the time to cut the legs up and re-pose him. Once he was made I looked at him and it reminded me of what I loved about the hobby, this then got me wanting to build more, the decision I made was 'just a single squad' Each one would be reposed to be stood more upright as the effect was much better than previous 'true scale' attempts I'd made which had resulted in tall skinny models or tall fat models (the former being extended legs and a little bulkier torso, the latter being based off of terminators).


During the period of time it took me to get that initial squad built, Space Hulk was re-released. And of course, having found myself somewhat back in the hobby, I purchased it. Took it home and then looked at the AWESOME blood angel terminators, I then looked at my now finished tactical squad and decided that my army would be Blood Angels. Though I must admit to using the Marine Codex rather than the PDF (which I DID use for the army I'd sold over a year earlier).


From that point I've very slowly (it really has been a side project) been cutting up and building marines. My aim is to build and eventually :) paint the following (stuff thats done is coloured Red):


Tycho's 3rd Company.

Captain Tycho (both a Deathcompany and standard Version) Captain Tycho is done

6 x 10 man tactical squads 3 x 10 man are built

2 x 10 man Assault Squads 1 x 5 man are built

2 x 10 Devestator Squads

8 Rhinos 3 Rhinos Built


Supporting Units:

10 man Sternguard 5 Man Squad is built

10 man Vanguard 6 man squad is built

10 on Foot deathcompany

Drop pod done

2 Baal Preditors done

1 Vindicator done

1 Storm Raven

1 Furioso

5 Sanguinary Guard done



Dante DONE

5 man Jump pack Honour Guard (bling for these as they go with Dante)





an 'assortment' of Sanguinary priests (i.e. I'll use these as my keep me interested models when normal stuff get me bored) 3 Priests so far


Still with me? Hope so... Though I know most wont even really remember anything I've posted.


So, I'll post some pics of some of what I've got once I find the memory card for my camera, till then I'll recap what I can.


Dante 1.0

This was pretty much the last model I did for my Blood Angels a few years ago. I'm recapping him because Dante version 2.0 is much much better (though unpainted) and I want him here for comparison.


For those at all interested, here's a link to the old army:




Captain Tycho.

Currently the only model I have a picture available online of, and it's not a great picture.


Question, do I add blood to his 'dead mans hand'? also note, the Blood Song Combi-Melta is unfinished, the rest of the model is pretty much done.

some more pictures and WIP shots of him available here:



Finally, My Pledge for LPC is to get a Tactical Squad Painted and to finish Tycho.

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Can't wait to see more of your work. Your blog and your reconstruction of Dante I followed almost religiously. I really like the way you reposition your models. Matter of fact it was your work that got me back into the hobby. I had an entire Blood Angels force all painted up and ready to go; then I saw your guys and I tore mine apart and started them over again. I am glad I did. Your stuff is top notch. I will be following this thread closely. Finish those death company would ya?! Actually I think you sold them. Good luck with the next incarnation of the Third.


Obey the Emperor.

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all I'm going to say is Thanks! you guys are awesome! I really didn't expect so many folk to have such nice comments to leave, especially considering I've shown nothing new yet!


so I figured I should show some pictures, sadly I suffer from the same flaw as I've ever had, rubbish camera skills. To make things worse, I ran out of battery, so you get pictures of only a fraction of the models I've actually built.


sadly, due to the death of the battery, I got no pics of my Dante, but I'll try and get some soonish (he's not finished, still needs some little wings sculpted on his belt and ankles.



Everything below is wip if its in painting stage!


Vanguard Veteran Squad:


the one with the black torso and legs was originally going to be a captain, counts as shrike before the new BA codex arrived (yes I fully admit to returning to the BAs with the new codex, it wasn't a power thing (I sorely miss Telion, whom I used every game) It was just that we got a proper codex and I felt I should use it)


one of the Sergeant:



ones of the squad:






As you can see the full squad uses the company champion shoulder pad. I stole the concept of this being a veteran shoulderpad from Dawn of War 2.


Brother Lexicanum Ranor of the Deathwatch




This model is my deathwatch character for the game of the same name by FFG. He also acts as a Librarian for my army (ran as a standard 100pt libby) in times of need. He has like all the rest had legs cut up and reposed, some extra detals on the legs sculpted, the deathwatch arm is culpted below the elbow and modified above. His robes were sculpted as was the detailing on the sword. He uses the Forgeworld grey knight shoulder pad. His paint job is very basic currently


Beginings of my first tactical squad.



The sergeant was heavily based on the collectors edition Dawn of War 2 armour for Tarkus. Oddly the lighting in the room made the blood red (sprayed over a black undercoat) look a little pink, in RL they're very red, even orangy :S I decided to spray them red, and do a model a day to the point of being shaded and all black areas painted black. this means I should have 'em done for the LPC deadline.


The only Sternguard veteran I've started painting


this model was actually painted to this stage before the above tactical squad. As you can likely see, he has a lot of extra details sculpted on. I also copied sergeant lorenzo from space hulks leg details for this mini. He also sports the Company Champion shoulder pad, which all my veterans and sergeants bar the one above use.


Finally, the Veteran Sergeant of my first squad, the one that started it all


Not a very close pic (sorry) or a great quality pick (sorry again)

but this model was the first one done for this army, sadly the detail cannot really be seen, but I painted the gold, the red on this model was finished, his heraldry on the shield was complete and I painted the sword in the style depicted in space hulk. He was painted about 6 months before the Tycho from the first post, except the head, which was painted at the same time as Tycho.


At this point the camera died.. ^_^


Hope these pics are an acceptable thankyou for all the kind words. I'll try and get more (as well as an update on the tactical squad and tycho relatively soon!)



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Yes, I think we can classify this as an acceptable update ;) . I do love the work you put into each of your marines... the poses, conversions, left handed bolter marine etc. Great attention to detail. Gives us all fresh ideas we can bounce around.
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Wow these are excellent, great posing (for me to steal) and I must say I am envious of your greenstuff skills. Lots of little details on them all, the standard grunts especially! I don't suppose you mind sharing how you scult the hair on these guys (I don't care for the standard GW 'mop-tops!'). BTW your Tycho rocks!


The start of something special me-thinks B)

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Hi all,


I think I've got a reasonable grasp of my camera now, I still need practice and to make a light box, but for now, I've got a couple of pics for you, Dante as he currently looks :)


Now, my reference for his pose was this:


Leogante, Wings of Redemption


Reason I went with this? The model has a huge amount of grace while still looking powerful. This is exactly how I imagine Dante, he's ancient, skilled and fast. Someone with an initiative of 6 (and now hit and run) I see as being swift and graceful. This pose epitomised the feeling I wanted perfectly. Dante is just landing gracefully onto the battlefield, his honourguard (when I get round to making them ^_^ will all have somewhat heavier poses, perhaps cracked tiles etc)


so, onto some pics:


Front pic:


again I've kept him unhelmed, and tried to have multiple accessories that convey motion in the model, his hair was heavily copied from the above miniature and the addition of blood drops on chains and purity seals all with a back and up movement to help the image of him landing.

His legs are completely sculpted below the thighs, I used thick wire to get the pose then greenstuffed the basic shape over before building up. You'll note that his knees use the sanguinor style laurel rather than dantes old school style, this was simply because the laurels look better imo.

He still needs wings added to the skull on his abdomen and to the skulls on his ankles. as well as the laurel sculpted on his right knee and an iron halo.


side pics:



I cut down a standard marine arm and then went about making a replica sanguinary guard arm without a wrist mounted weapon for his left arm, his axe was the space wolf axe from the wolf guard blade, the sanguinary guard arm and shaft and the wings from the sanguinary guard axe also.


Rear view:




one of the things I wanted to do with my old dante, but simply sucked at, was a mask on his belt, this time around, with the sanguinary guard masks as a reference I was much more successful:



Hope folk like :)


Comments, thoughts and ideas are welcome, he's not finished anyway.


thankyou again for all the kind words so far!

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