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Amazing greenstuff foo! I think what sets your charactors apart is the sense of presence they bring via their posing and your fine handling of flesh tones i.e Brother Lexicanum Ranor.


Your Dante 2.0 makes The Sanguinor look like a static pantomine prop! Keep it up!

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My first thought here, and echoed by my girl friend when I showed her was "That hair is totally going to get caught in an intake on the jump pack". That being said this is some of the most amazing modeling work I've ever seen on the B&C. I just recently got back in to the game after a very long break and this just makes me want to try my hand at using green-stuff all the more.

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You've inspired me kind sir. That was just the push I needed to try sculpting on a human scale. I've done some work in the past. Namely a Ghorgon for my beastmen army. Mayb you can comment and give advice? Your putty skills are excellent.


Heres a thread with the pics of the sculpt in it. Any advice you can give would be appreciated!




Im Gabe. Page 1

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You've inspired me kind sir. That was just the push I needed to try sculpting on a human scale. I've done some work in the past. Namely a Ghorgon for my beastmen army. Mayb you can comment and give advice? Your putty skills are excellent.


Heres a thread with the pics of the sculpt in it. Any advice you can give would be appreciated!




Im Gabe. Page 1

well, maybe not very constructive (i suck at Gs-ing :() but the only comment that i can give is that the arms look irky where they meet the torso. sure its a fantasy model but surely it should have something resembling a shoulder socket (or other connection to the body) as opposed to just having arms stapled on? about the only thing that i can say to. it looks awesome otherwise :(


and Losfer Werds: hes a space marine. if their cloaks can survive hanging behind a jumppack then im sure their hair is fireproof as well :(

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Very nice work here. Your GS sculpting has a better sense of form and proportion that most I have seen on the web. I have a couple of questions though. What heads did you use/convert for the following two figures? The first one looks familiar, but I can't place my finger on where I've seen it before. Thanks.




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Brother Ranor (the Librarian) actually uses the same head as my dante and my tycho (despite my rule of no bare heads can be duplicated). The head comes from the sanguinary guard kit, but I removed all the hair and sculpted unique hairstyles for each (as well as a mask for tycho of course).


The tactical sergeant head comes from the masters of the chapter, but again with sculpted hair.


Thanks hugely for all the comments guys!


@tommi3 : The GS work looks very good, you have a good crasp of muscles it seems, I kind of agree with Dem in that it looks like it couldve done with relatively pronounced shoulder blades. But I like it a lot ^_^.


@Losfer Werds : hehe, after your comment I had to go check the model to make sure his hair wasn't long enough to reach! Thankfully it isn't, so I can only assume Dante has some servitors keep his hair at a very specific length :P


@Adam R : cheers mate, Dynamic, yet subtle was definitely my aim with Dante. Hopefully the Honour guard will make a really cool contrast to him (ideas are forming)


I'll be updating over the weekend with painting and building progress.


In the meantime if any of you have any thoughts on improvements (especially with the vanguard) I'd love to hear them.

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Brother Ranor (the Librarian) actually uses the same head as my dante and my tycho (despite my rule of no bare heads can be duplicated). The head comes from the sanguinary guard kit, but I removed all the hair and sculpted unique hairstyles for each (as well as a mask for tycho of course).


Ah! Of course. I don't own any Sanguard and that head in particular was just tormenting me since I couldn't figure out where I had seen it before. (I sometimes have that problem in real life with people's faces too!) I suspected the master of the watch head for the second guy, but couldn't be sure from the picture. Thanks for clarifying.



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This may seem a bit weird, but I often anoint the tip of my sculpting tool with oil from the pores of my nose. It stops 'micro-sticking' of greenstuff to the tool. This 'micro-sticking' causes very tiny tufts of gs to be pulled from the surface as you remove your tool. They fall back down to their original position slightly irregularly as evidenced by the slight roughening of the feet and lower shins on that fantastic Dante.


But really, he's fantastic.


I'm a crappy lazy painter, but I love to sculpt.

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slightly irregularly as evidenced by the slight roughening of the feet and lower shins on that fantastic Dante


which do you refer to? there are intentional dents in the feet (both the toes and the upper part) as well as the shins having an intentional groove inward. Sorry, just unsure what you refer to? perhaps its the grainy-ness of the picture?


I use vaseline on my scultping tool personally, my nose doesn't like sharp objects (and my sculpting tool is sharpened) :lol:

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Well, amazing as it sounds, the oil from your facial 'oil pan' is wayyy better than vaseline as it's much much thinner at around 17 degrees C. It's been used for millenia for stopping stickiness and curing surfaces.


I can see your deliberate dents by the way, what I'm referring to is the actual surface texture as evidenced by the coloration of the gs.

And yeah, I apply the nose oil very carefully and would encourage you to do the same. =)


edit: btw, I did examine the grained nature of the pic before commenting.

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what I'm referring to is the actual surface texture as evidenced by the coloration of the gs.

Yeah, but couldn't that just be cause by the ratio of blue to yellow components in the GS? I'm sure that your aware of this, but you can get different effects by altering the ratio of blue to yellow. Given the graininess of the photo, I suppose I can't be sure, but it looks pretty smooth to me.

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Sure, I agree the stuff is different from biscuity-rubber to plastic depending on ratio. One end of the scale definitely does cause more micro-texturing than the other. The less elastic the mix, the more a slight sticking will fail to reform smooth. What I was referring to was texture at a detail level very close to the pixel size in the image shown. It tends to be displayed as a complexity of colour leaving the surface appearing a little 'creamy' for want of a better word. A good soft toothbrushing should take care of a lot of it.
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  • 4 months later...

So... I'm blowing the dust off of this thread, some of you may have noted that I've been gaming a bit more lately with my blood angels, I actually did next to no work on my army after the last update in this thread, right up until maybe a month ago.


I'll run over whats been built for my company as of now:


Captain (tycho)

three out of 6 tactical squads (each has a rhino built)

1 out of 2 assault squads

no devastators yet (these are actually next on my list)


As well as the above, I've got a 6 man sternguard sqaud (the sergeant is the Deathwatch Librarian above)

a ten man Vanguard Squad

6 Sanguinary Guard (one with chapter banner)

5 honour guard

5 scouts

3 priests (one jump packer, one on foot no gear, one on foot w/ power axe)


2 Baal Class preditors

a Vindicator



So as the above shows, I've still got a long ways to go. But The new additions since the last update is an assault squad and another 4 vanguard.

All models in my army (with the exception of my current sanguinary guard, 4 vanguard and the librarian) Have been heavily converted, with new poses etc.


I'll get pictures of the squads once they've been painted red, as the black they currently are does not take photos well.


But, I've got some pics of the VERY WIP 1st tactical squad. All I've been doing is getting shading done on each marine and blacking in areas of black (I've actually started work on the eyes for them now, in an effort to give them more 'life' till theyre finished) One needs both shading and blacking, another just needs blacking. Once they're at that stage, I'll be touching up the red on them all adding highlights and then doing the details before finally weathering.


here's pics of the squad as they stand (hopefully the poses are pretty clear, I've not added any height to them, but they all stand a fair bit above standard marines, purely because of the upright poses):




As well as the above, I've mentioned my honourguard quite a few times, these are designed to run alongside Commander Dante in my games, so I wanted them to be pretty 'bling' they wont be getting gold armour, but they will be getting lots of gold details.

Here are pics (there's quite a few)


Group shot, as you can see, they're all bare headed, this is because my Dante is bareheaded (mask on his belt) I also wanted to paint each one to really feel like a unique individual, so each got a unique head and hair style (I've only used the same head once in my army, that was for dante/the deathwatch librarian and Tycho, but each of those looks very different all the same)



Blood Champion, this guy I'm quite happy with, he got a leant forward pose, back foot just leaving the ground, the idea was he's just about to move into a run



first of the two 'defensive marines' for the squad, they're armed the same to give the idea of centurions, shields are on the side theyd be protecting.



The Priest got the same hair as the priest (or captain) from page 4 of our codex



My Favourite member, went for a swinging his axe type pose - different angles in the photobucket link at the bottom



The Chapter Banner Bearer, I wanted to have a look of an older marine, so while the rest of the squad have shouting heads he got a calm coposed expresssion, he also has a cowl covering his hair.



Shot with Dante (he's now very hard to see due to being black like a ninja!)



And here's a link to the photobucket page for more pics (along with pics of other stuff for the army)


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dear blind.. i hate you and may have to break your thumbs.


now i have to go and up my game!


really like the command squad, although i think their poses dont really fit with dante too much.. i want a picture of them together to see how the overall unit looks.


your dante makes my big billowy sanguinary captain man sad.

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