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Apoc battle report mixed with story


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Please bare with me this is my first battle report and I'd like to add a bit of story to keep this battle report interesting. Everything here did happen in the game.


The battle was Imperium (3 ultramarine armies, 1 i.g. army, 1 blood angels army, and a kid with 4 different superheavy tank's) versus xenos (eldar, My World eaters & my bloodthirster bloodbath formation, traitor guard, and a handful of necrons) IMPERIUM TURN ONE shoots the crap out of our armies messing up almost every single vehicle on the map (around 50 guard tanks and 4 super heavy tanks) mafiston flys across the board and rips a baneblade apart. XENOS TURN ONE: (from left to right) eldar jet bikes move forward and kill lots of guards men, Eldar Titan kills a crap load of marines with its strength D pie plates and lots of eldar shooting. The bloodthirsty World Eaters move forward towards the enemy and engage in close combat completely wiping out a blood angels close combat squad before they even got to swing back. The traitor guard fire off what remaining artillery pieces they have left hoping to do something but not much was achieved. Necrons walk onto the board but due to bad commander orders they just hang out for the first turn. IMPERIUM TURN TWO The ultramarines run towards the Eldar in fury and continue shooting at them but due to the speed of the jet bikes only bring down a couple. The imperial guard valkeryies come onto the board and the infantry takes cover in the fortress of redemption to avoid further gunfire. The blood angels tanks move forward to engage the world eaters, the sanguinore, mafiston and the rest of the blood angels HQ's entered the board ready to fight but all the superheavy tanks blew the world eaters off the board, more traitor guard tanks were shot at and necrons were ignored. XENOS TURN TWO The eldar move forward and utterly wipe out more and more marines while the eldar titan moved forward shot the company and stomped on some more. Khorne was watching over his world eaters and was enraged by the fact that his chapter was cheated due to ranged weapons he decided to unleash his ultimate range and tasked Angron his favored primarch to lead 7 bloodthirsters and skarbrand the exiled one to destroy everything on that battlefield and to make the blood flow and the skulls roll. Unfortunately they mishapped and were placed in the corner of the map further angering them. The traitor guard called in more vehicle reinforcements and was blessed with medusa tanks as far as the eye can see and they blew apart a few dreadnaughts. the necrons moved forward finally and a necron lord lead 20 squads of scarabs forward into the battlefield at a quick speed. IMPERIAL TURN THREE: most of the space marines exhausted from the constant pounding of artillery and assaults were luckily able to call in more imperial guard and ultramarine reinforcements and a black templar bike army and 7 dreadnaughts accompanied by a tech priest to assault the daemons opposite of the map unfortunately for them skarbrands rage carried over to the other bloodthirsters and they slapped all the dreadnaughts to pieces and annihilated the techpriest with little trouble and the bloodthirsters took flight towards the 4 superheavies that had been shooting at them but not actually hurting them. XENOS TURN THREE The eldar turned to the right and blasted the crap out of the blood angels killing two razor backs and wiping out a blood angels bike squad. The Thirster squad moved forward and wiped out all the black templars and killed 10 terminators and a grey knights grand master smiting them all down for Khorne. Since they had no problem killing all the marines they kept moving forward towards the vehicles. and the necrons took an objective. The ending is for you to write I unfortunately had an emergency and had to go and pack up all my daemons :cuss but thats what happened while I was there.

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but the eldar player was wiping through them with ease and Nothing was going to be able to stop me lol I only took two wounds on the bloodthirster squad the whole game :cuss but all in all it was fun but the blood angels guy was the complete package: power gamer, rules nazi ( I had all my rules right but insisted to argue with about every little thing and question everything I had on the board) making it very unenjoyable and led to me "emergency" -___-


so please don't be to rough on my story telling its my first one and just thought it was a cool battle to talk about hope you guys enjoy :D

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