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The Banner Sworn - 9th Company of the Crimson Fury


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Hey all - long time lurker finally popping out of the wood work. I managed to get a sweet as deal on some second hand FT's including a FW Dread so I decided to try and do a mass batch painting log in a bid to finally finish an army.


Instead of sticking with any of the named successors I decided to go for a DIY Successor so I can paint the DC and SG differently and just for the general freedom that it provides. Back when I first started the hobby I came up with a name for a Chapter but never did anything with it. The Crimson Fury. Now seems like the perfect time to put it into use


I’ll keep adding to the background as and when it comes to me but I think I’ve got enough for a good base-point.


I’ve also included an army list which I will add too if I decide to continue with the project if I actually manage to finish it... 2 storm ravens maybe? I never play, don’t actually know anybody who I could play with so how effective it is on the table top isn’t so much of a concern:


Remnants of the Crimson Fury’s 9th Company. “The Banner Sworn”




Captain Valerian with Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack, Frag and Krak grenades, Iron Halo





The Ascended: 5 Sanguinary Guard with 2 Infernus pistols and Chapter Banner


Sanguinary Priest Nixigal with Jump Pack, Power Sword


Sanguinary Priest Ephraim with Power Sword


Fursio Dreadnaught Rethal with melta gun, heavy flamer, blood talons





Squad Eligius: 5 Assault Marines with one flamer, Sergeant has a power sword and a hand flamer


Squad Thais 5 Assault Marines with one meltagun, Sergeant has a power fist, and infernus pistol


The Fury Unleashed: 9 Death Company with bolt pistols and chainswords


Heavy Support:


Squad Cato 10 Devestators with 2 las cannons and 2 heavy bolters, sergeant has a power fist and bolt gun


I’m currently waiting on a parcel containing 1 Death Company Box, 1 Assault Squad, 1 Sanguinary Guard and one set of Vanguard Veterans (planning on doing a kit-bash for my SG using the VV as a base). Then I just need to get 2 heavy bolters and 1 lascannon from somewhere and I’m set to go for the above list. Plus I have a whole load of random bits coming as well to make the force look suitably cool and individual.


That parcel might be a while considering its coming from the UK and I live in NZ so I might just start on the Death Company now.


I’m still a bit caught up on the Chapter symbol so if you guys and girls could provide me with some assistance that would be much appreciated. I’ve included the options (plus two pages of how I arrived at the five options, if you see something that really stands out then tell me)






So following that I’ve come up with the following options (most of it revolves around blood drops and saw blades):


I: Blood drop over riding a V with teeth

II: Smaller blood drop and curved teeth line

III: Blood drop with toothed wings (not a huge fan – very vampire to me)

IV: Blood drop with toothed V at the bottom

V: Blood drop over inverted V






Blood drop will be red and teeth and line will be black over a white background. In fact here is the chapter colour scheme.




They will follow the BA system of blue helmets for Devs, Yellow for Assault etc


Anyway tell me what you think. I’ll post up the fluff I’ve got tomorrow. And hopefully some DC.

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This seems like a pretty effective list. however, there are two things that you may want to change the heavy bolters to plasma cannons if you have the points. they are far more effective in most situations. One other thing is that you may want to drop the power sword from your priests. this makes them less of a target. Just my two cents.
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From a gaming perspective, captains aren't too good for BA in comparison to other choices, from a modelling perspective the named char models are pretty cool.

Assault squads you probably want in 10s, with two melta, and a PF or PW. If you want 5's then a razorback is more fitting. (also fun to paint)

Dev squads are generally popular with missile launchers, and there is a really nice set you can get from forgeworld if your more into the hobby aspect. Slightly expensive however. The 2/2 setup lets you combat squad of course, which is also a good idea.

The DC also beg for a transport due to rage, so you might be looking at a more mechanised list, unless you want them to have jump packs which are hideously expensive but also hideously cool!


I'm in Aus so I feel your pain over the model prices, although I have heard its even worse for you guys. Damn GWS gouge us so much its a practical joke. I use waylandgames for most of my purchases, its pretty much the best pricing for new stuff delivered to Oz that I've found. (assuming buying a bit at once, and mainly plastics)

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I run a captain most games, jus make sure hes a CC character in say an HG unit and always make sure there DoA rady.


Also, ive found that large orders are easily done from the USA with a parcel forwarding company, ive just ordered 2 stormravens and a battleforce box for about half the price GW AUS were going to charge me.

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@ Captain Ange: Cheers mate - seems I'm really outa touch - the last time I made a list (granted that was 2 years ago) it was all raving for the LC/HB Devys - pointswise I'm not bothered - don't really care how much it costs since I'll never take it to a tourney or probably even game with it. I've put the PW's on the Priests for fluff reasons - seems like a useful tool to have if you need to slice open a fallen brothers power armour. Like I said though I may change it to just base unit entry when I start painting them.


@Zealadin: Yea, she;s going to be a fluffy force so it had to a Captain leading it I'm afraid - I will hopefully be adding a Libby and Chappy if the build and paint goes well. If I do expand the force the AS's will getting bumped up to 10's. No flamers then? Both melta's you think? I suppose the marines them selves are anti infantry enough arn't they? I hadn't thought about Missile Launchers - and I've got a few lieing around.... hmmm that could be better fluffwise as well. The issue of a transport for the DC is a hard one, I don't really want just one tank, I'd have to go 2 minimum and I'd much rather go for another Dread or double Ravens. Also fluffwise I've always seen the DC as complete manics, can barely see the enemy, hunting on instinct, about the most control they have is pulling the trigger on their bolt pistols, certainly too far gone to operate a jumppack, so thats why they are on foot at the moment, "unleash the dogs!" kinda thinking. I was considering putting them in a stripped out Rhino; no back hatch, no roof, almost like a pick-up truck. The other option is to get a drop pod for them, or put them in a Raven. Untill I get one of those though they are going to have footslog it.


@emperors immortals and Zealadin: Yea Wayland Games is who I've made the 4 box order with and I just got the email saying the address has been changed (Thank god!) and that its on it's way. Prices over here are outrageous - $73 for a Tactical Squad!? - when I first started the hobby 10 years ago it was $40! everything seems to have doubled in price - thats why I generally buy second hand and strip them (got a WFB Brettonian army like that - alas not painted - opps, and a IG force mostly like that - half painted) or buy from Wayland games otherwise. I don't know what GW are playing at over here - I haven't bought anything from them in 5 years and I'm not the only one. Oh well ce la vie.


Cheers for your responses guys!


Heres some fluff for ya!



The Crimson Fury


The Fury are an old chapter, formed during the 4th Founding from Blood Angels gene-seed and it is rumoured within the chapter archives that it was taken from marines who had fought by Sanguinuis’s side during the Great Crusade. Giving the proximity of the Founding to the Heresy (Heresy: M31, and Third Founding: M32) it is possible that this is true although unlikely. Never the less there are sects within the chapter who believe this irrefutably although the majority of the chapter believe in the spiritual truth of the matter – they bear a direct link to Sanguinius other than simply the Black Rage. To add some creditability to the rumour of their origins, the Chapter has many older armour patterns in use, marines often sporting components from Mk5’s, 4’s and sometimes even 3’s alongside the newer models, though this might simple be as a result of the re-organisation of the chapters following the heresy and stockpiles of weapons and armour becoming found in the resulting restructuring of the Imperium.


It is said that the chapter name comes from their first blooding, where an unknown older Marine Commander commenting on their zeal remarked that:


“the newly formed successors fell upon the foe in good order, strong firing lines and an close combat assault of restrained yet righteous anger at an cowardly foe, a wave of crimson fury worthy of their Primarch.”


The Chapter took the moniker as their own.


Preferring to operate away from civilian eyes and indeed even non Astarte’s forces, the chapter’s preferred style of warfare is that of overwhelming force, brutal close combat, destroying the enemy on a physiological level as well as physical. Pounding them into submission from behind the barrel of a bolter may work for some chapters but to truly know and appreciate and therefore destroy your foe then you must face him up close and personal. If the enemy do not see their bane then they cannot know fear. Fear is what will keep them compliant. They believe that if the Astartes are needed then nearly all hope is lost, they are the last resort. Collateral damage is meaningless, total destruction of the enemy is the only outcome.


Like the Star Phantoms and the Flesh Tearers, these views on their role has lead to them to be distrusted by other Imperial Forces to the extent that they rarely deploy with them unless absolutely necessary (a notable exception being the Banner Sworn on Jaegers Reach).


The chapter is not one who favours garrison duty or close protection of vulnerable star systems, waiting for the enemy to strike is for the Imperial Guard, baiting and tricking them into forcing their hand the realm of the Inquisition. They are not pawns to be pushed around a board as part of some larger and unknown plan. They believe that it is the role of the Astartes to take the fight to the enemy autonomously.


The Chapter recruits from many worlds, each with strong and ruthless martial society’s where the harshness of life has made the cultures value strength and honour over all else. Upon being accepted into the ranks of the Fury the new recruits cast aside their memories of home, they owe no allegiance to them. Some worlds have been recruited from the beginnings of the chapter, others are new additions to the circuit and many others have been left behind and forgotten about.


The Chapters relationship to the Codex Astartes has always been rocky. Formed at a time when it was being introduced at the building blocks level of the Foundings, the Chapter has tried to stick to it in the past but as the chapter aged it soon became obvious that it was diluting their fighting strength, preventing them from playing to their strengths. To avoid unwarranted attention, on paper, the Crimson Fury follows it; within each company there are the required number of Tactical, Assault and Devastator trained marines.


In reality however, in the cut and thrust of battle it is routinely cast aside to allow the Crimson Fury Commanders greater flexibility in fighting the Emperors foes in the manner they know best: Close, brutal, personal, with the Fury of their birthright. The more junior Tactical Squads invariably find themselves donning the jump-pack, unsheathing the chain sword and supporting their dedicated Assault brethren.


Every company of the chapter are fighting companies – only the 10th is assigned to training duties and is constantly travelling the warp, recruiting and training replacements for the line companies, from there it is the responsibility of the Company Captain to ensure that the men under his command are capable of dealing with the enemy in whatever way he sees fit.


Those of the Chapter suffering the Black Rage are grouped together into groups much like other chapters Death Company’s, in the Fury they are called the “Fury Unleashed”. These poor souls have let their rage over come them and are clad in black as night armour, on their heads they wear death masks which cannot be removed once on, symbolising to their brothers that they are already dead. To the foe it says they have nothing to lose. Barely able to pull a trigger due to the strength of their visions they are simply pointed at the enemy by the Chaplains and Sanguinary Priests (the only chapter members who seem to be able to control them) and let loose; a tide of blood crazed maniacs charging on foot towards the enemy chain swords growling and the single clip in their bolt pistols chattering out.



History of the 9th Company


When the Blood Angels called upon all their successors to help depend Baal in 999.M41 the Crimson Fury committed a full half of their Chapter strength to the defence of the their parent Chapter’s home world. The 9th Company were among those chosen to go to their aid; a great honour fitting for the company. When the call went out and the orders given, the 9th was on the other-side of the Galaxy assisting with the pacification of the Pictian Sector under the command of Brother Captain Gavrel. Taking their leave of the campaign with all due haste they entered the warp some 34 days travel from Baal aboard the strike cruiser Heilics Rage.


The force that emerged after 83 days on the edge of the Baal system was a shadow of the one that entered. Out of the 100 marines that were aboard the strike cruiser upon leaving only 28 remained with another 5 gravely injured and Brother Captain Gavrel lay in status. Great rents were torn in armour of the ship, no officers above the rank of sergeant remained and she was captained by one of the chapters up and comers – a member of Gavrels command squad and company champion; a marine by the name of Lecta Valerian.


What had befallen the 9th was this: 12 days into the voyage they had been pulled from the warp by unknown means into a system that registered on no maps and the light of the Astronomicon was impossibly weak. As they entered real space the ships sensors picked up an Imperial distress signal corresponding to that of the Crimson Fury’s 7th Company – honour bound to investigate why their brothers would be in distress in such a strange location. Wondering if it was by divine intervention that they had been pulled from the warp Gavrel lead half his company to the planet’s surface after no response was received from their hails.


The sensors of the Heilics Rage showed a fertile world with seas of water and verdant grasslands, two major settlements at the poles and small villages dotted in between. The company Librarian- Codicier Tepria reported nothing that he could detect untoward and so not stopping to enjoy the scenery the marines of the Crimson Fury quickly began to make their way to where the emergency beacon seemed to be transmitting from. Cautiously they made their way to a giant stone ringed sinkhole that descended deep into the bowels of the earth and after leaving the heavy weapon armed Devastator Squad under Sergeant Cato and half the Tactical Squad as over-watch, the remaining 3 and a half squads descended into the gloom via wide and winding stairs cut into the walls.


Reception with the Rage was quickly lost and contact to the over-watch became patchy. Tepria began to sense a dark presence beneath them and the alarmed Gavrel stationed the remaining half of the Tactical squad under Sergeant Hages to act as a further relayer. The remaining 2 Assault Squads and Gravels Command Squad with Tepria continued down. The sight that greeted them at the bottom of the hole shock them to their core: A vast cavern, a full kilometre square before fading into darkness and a hundred meters high. At the centre: 20 of their brothers strung up on great gibbets and the great hulking form of a daemon fused with Astartes was crouched on a depraved alter in the centre.


As one the marines raised their weapons and opened fire, tracer screaming towards their dread foe who wore the winged skull and midnight blue armour of the Night Lords traitor legion. He simply laughed as the shots pinged off his warp hardened carapace and uttered a single word.




To the horror of the Gavrel and his men, their brothers upon the gibbets pulled themselves free from their bindings, took up their fallen weapons and fired upon the loyalists. Taking cover behind what little there was, Gavrel relayed a message through Hage and Cato to Heilics Rage. “All squads to deploy via pods directly into the sinkhole.” Having passed that message on Cato and his Devastators bolted into the sinkhole, leaving the remaining half of Squad Hage to continue to act as a relayer should they need it.


Thousands of kilometres above aboard Helics Rage, the rest of the Company rushed to the Drop Pods, 5 chapter veterans in tactical dreadnaught armour, perfect for tunnel fighting, a two more Assault Squads, two Ancients Renthal and Vestubar in Dreadnaught Sarcophagus configured in Furioso pattern, another Devastator Squad, a further 10 Tactical marines and the “Fury Unleashed”. Known as the Death Company in other Blood Angels successors, these were the poor souls suffering from the Black Rage. At the time of the drop 12 marines were consigned to wear the death mask and black armour that set them apart.


Below in the sinkhole, knowing that enough force to subdue an entire system was but a minute away from landing Gavrel ordered his men to advance, Brother Benarth lifted high the banner of the 9th and with a roar the Crimson Fury broke cover. A mighty scream met them and from the black walls of the cavern came the Daemon Princes fallen brothers – Raptors of the Night Lords came streaming in and soon the sound of gunfire was drowned out by the clash and snarl of chain swords locked in a vicious dance of death.


Gavrel led from the front, his power sword humming in his hand, with the Noviate Ephraim behind him he charged towards the Deamon Prince. On his left fought Valerian, Company Champion, a cool and level headed marine bound for great things. On his right was Benarth, the grizzled veteran of a hundred battles, half his face cased in steel and in his hand the banner of the 9th, second only in sacredness to the Chapter Banner itself. Tepria fought with company Sanguinary Priest: Icona.


The ground thundered as the Drop Pods hammered down, cracking the earth and had it not been for the super human abilities of the combatants they would have been deafened by the noise. Their flanks opened and the remaining member of the 9th Company joined the fray. Before they could reach their charging brethren the Demon Prince raised his staff and began to chant.


From the ground beneath their feet came a rumbling and the rock itself began to smoulder, bubbling beneath them. Forms began to be made out, teeth, claws, horns and hooves. Unimaginable horrors burst forth from the cavern floor engaging the new arrivals before they had a chance to get to grips with the Night Lords and traitor 7th Company before them.


Seeing this Gavrel and his squad angled their attack to focus on the Daemon Prince and came face to face with the first of the 7th. With tears of rage in his eyes Gavrel screamed




The red armoured marine simply raised his plasma pistol and pulled the trigger. Not fast enough though. Valerians blade whistled down and took the arm off at the elbow, before pulling it upwards again in an effort to take off his enemy’s head. Despite the shock of loosing his arm the traitor dodged not a moment too soon... right into the wiring blade of the chain axe of Benarth. The teeth chewed through the shoulder pauldron of the fallen marine before glancing of the rim. Beneath the deep red of his armour another colour could be seen, another chapter symbol... turquoise blue and a triple headed snake. Tricksters, cowards. Alpha Legion. The word was quickly passed and where-as before the Crimson Fury had tried to disable the supposed 7th Company now they aimed to kill those who had thought to dupe them.


The two assault squads with Gavrel rallied behind him and together they pushed forwards, 20 marines on the edge of descending into the Black Rage and being lost forever. The Fury Unleashed were hard on their heels, sensing the Daemon Princes power they were homing in on it, urged on by Chaplain Karyu.


The Daemon Prince watched the battle laughing. His trap had gone perfectly, the blind loyalists baited in without a hitch. This hole would be their grave. Gravel screamed out a challenge and the Prince descended to join the fray, curved claws of warp hardened bone twitching in anticipation of the coming combat.


Gavrel; Captain of the 9th Company of the Crimson Fury, Chapter Veteran in service to the Emperor for 500 years, master of blade and bolt gun, axe and armour, Astartes, warrior beyond compared. His foe was older than even the Lord of the Blood Angels. Only one warrior in the whole Imperium was as old and he was interred in a Dreadnaughts armour, sleeping his long sleep as he had since the days of the Great Crusade, only Bjorn walked when this hateful traitor had risen to be inducted into the ranks of the space marines.


“Elukka” He spat the word.


“What traitor?” cryed Gavrel as he swung his blade in a wide arc and was parried by a claw.


“The name of he who trapped you.” Smiled the Prince “and the one who killed you” with that, quick as light he smashed his other claw into the torso of the Captain and flung him into the raging mass of fighting men.


Stunned for a moment the fighting paused. A calm fell over the cavern. It was Benarth who broke it.


“See to the Captain!” he ordered the remaining members of the command squad before swinging his axe at the Night Lord. It was parried and turned aside. Knowing that to argue was to invite death Valerian nodded and began to cut a path for Ephraim to Gavrel’s body.


Feeling the Fury Unleashed swirl around him, their mad charge allowing them to force themselves to centre of the battle Benarth’s mind snapped, the trauma of seeing his old friend so casually killed and cast aside, the shame of being pulled into such a simple trap. Succumbing to the Black Rage he leapt at Elukka, the hardened point of the banner thrust before him like a spear. The Fury Unleashed, numbering only 5 and without their Chaplin followed him, Icona and Tepria also joining the fight.


Valerian’s charge took him to the side of his mentor. He was breathing but only just. All around him Crimson Fury marines were falling, the forces against them too much to overcome: on the altar, the Fury Unleashed were tearing at Elukka, gouging at his armour but not seeming to weaken him. Icona was down, his head torn from his shoulders. Tepria was doing his best to defend himself but was faltering in the face of a physic assault the likes of which he had never experienced before. Chaplain Karyu, missing his legs and half his chest was being devoured by the horrors of the warp. Red and blue power armoured body’s littered the ground but the ratio was not in their favour.


As Ephraim worked away, trying to prevent the Captain from slipping away Valerian guarded his back while pulling the remaining squads closer together till they formed a ring around the body. Ancient Vestubar led the Terminators on a frontal assault to aid in the combat against Elukka, the squads assault cannon hammering at the warp filth and traitor marines between them and the Deamon Prince. Vestubar fell 10 meters from the prince, a warp spawn managing to tangle his legs and force his armoured form to the ground before cracking open the giant coffin and devouring the fleshing remains within.


Benarth, missing an arm, stabbed out with the banner pole once more, its point lodging itself in Elukka’s eye. Screaming with rage the Prince snapped the banner and cast it to the ground before pushing the snapped pole clean through his skull, causing it to exit the other side. Laughing now the Prince’s flesh re-knitted itself into a mockery of Benarth’s own metal skull. Frothing at the lips Benarth, swing his remaining fist at his foe but a pain in his gut overrode even the Black Rage. He looked down and where his belt buckle should be was the 9th Company’s banner pole, entering his abdominals and exiting his back. He fell to the ground and a sweep of Elukka’s claws decapitated him.


More chanting seeped from Elukka’s lips, the air grew colder and seemed to shimmer around him. He picked up the fallen banner, wrapped it in his fist and spat a lump of bloody bile upon the image. The Terminators, bordering on becoming part of the Unleashed themselves at the sight now reached him but were quickly torn asunder, their heavy armour preventing them from blocking the speed of his claw strikes.


Smiling Elukka beckoned the remaining Crimson Fury on as mist began to form on the edges of his armour.


“Fools! I will take this as a reminder of this day, a trinket to laugh over with the gods. To wipe the pus from my wounds with. Mark these words sons of Sanguinius the weakling, you will never see this banner or the light of day again!”


Valerian realising that the traitor was about to escape using warp craft ordered the survivors into a fighting wedge and charged! Renthal took the point, Gavrel’s broken body cradled in one arm, Valerian beside him. Under no circumstances would they let the Night Lord escape, not after what he had done, not after all they had lost, not when he had their standard!


They fought like warrior poets, they fought harder than ever before but it was not enough. With a cackle that cracked rock Elukka vanished into the warp, and in his place a portal that spawned more daemons. To try and follow was madness, Valerian knew this but it still hurt him more than a thousand gunshot wounds to give the order to fall back. To reclaim their standard, their honour, they had to survive, that meant withdrawing.


Hages, still in the tunnel above, near mad with rage called in Storm Ravens to extract them. The gunships dropping in from orbit found a planet completely changed. Now with the Daemon Prince gone the glamour fell away to reveal a reality far different, the surface was blackened as if by hellfire and visibility was cut to a matter of a hundred meters by the vast maze that covered the rocky terrain.


Pursued all the way by Night Lord’s Raptors and Alpha Legionnaires Valerian and his men made for the surface. The fighting withdrawal cost them yet more lives. Renthal went first up the giant stair case, still carrying Gavrel’s body. By the time they reached the surface they numbered a quarter of the number they had when they arrived in system. In the sky’s above lightning crashed and the howls of winged horrors shattered the air.


The Storm Ravens flew to the limits of their air frames getting the remains of the 9th company back to the Helics Rage. As soon as they were aboard despite the weak light from the Golden Throne they jumped back into the warp. Over the following 7 days the ship would be buffeted by the tides, battered and assaulted by a storm nearly impassable. After that it calmed allowing the marines within to take stock. Valerian took command, although the mantle should have fallen to Hages as the senior tactical sergeant it was decided by the surviving marines that Valerian was better suited to the task. By Hages own admission if he had been in charge during the sinkhole massacre he would have tried to follow Elukka through the portal thus damming them all.


Gavrel was placed in status to await the care of the Sanguinary Priests. Icona, Karyu, Tepria, Vestubar and a full 64 others were dead or missing, unable to extract themselves in time. The loss of equipment was devastating; 5 terminator suits gone plus many old armour marks and weapons but all of this was nothing in comparison to theft of their standard.


They arrived within the Baal system 6 days after hostilities had ended. The whole chapter, shocked at the events convened to investigate what had happened and how to avenge it. Some called for the entire chapter to be sent in search of revenge, others laid blame at Gavrel’s feet, saying his lack of caution caused this, while others applauded his and Valerians responses. The other chapters watched with interested, hesitant to offer advice. After 2 weeks of planning, debating and discussion it was decided that the 9th Company would be removed from their normal duties and would not return until Elukka was killed and the banner of the 9th returned. They had to regain their honour. Nothing would stop them in this task, they had the full backing of the Chapter, and Fury Father Haklian, Chapter Master of the Crimson Fury decreed that any member of the 9th company in the past would be given the opportunity to rejoin it for the duration of the task.


Valerian would remain in command promoted to the rank of Captain. Some disagreed with the promotion, saying that he was not ready. However if Valerian was to lead the Company and few disputed he should, then he would have the required authority. To please those dissenters he would be joined by a new Librarian: Epistolary Preyan and the Reclusiarch ranked Chaplin Vadsar both senior chapter members who had started in the 9th. Noviate Ephraim was made a full Priest and was joined by another: Nixigal, a former 9th company member who had been serving as the senior priest in the 3rd company.


No longer a fully fledged battle company, but a special formation they were not forced to even pretend to be constrained by the edicts of the Codex Astartes. The company would strike hard and fast, knowing what Elukka was capable off, heavy equipment was a liability, becoming bogged down would give him time to escape again and could lead to the destruction of Banner Sworn as they were now to be known. Their old title of “The True Born” could only be used again with the retrieval of their banner. Playing to the strengths of their gene seed Valerian’s force would be assault heavy, get in and out quickly causing as much damage as possible up close. Cato, survivor of the Sinkhole Massacre would lead the only heavy weapons squad and Hages the Tactical. So vital to the Chapter was task considered that 5 of the “The Ascended”, (the Fury’s equivalent of the Sanguinary Guard) were placed on permanent assignment to Valerian’s force.


With Helics Fury repaired the Banner Sworn set out to reclaim their lost Standard. Their search took them far and wide, hunting any clue as to the whereabouts of the being calling itself “Elukka”. This took them into contact with other Imperial Forces, a occurrence that the chapter usually strongly avoided. Their quest soon became known to the Ordo Mallus Inquisitor Bartholomew Speare , at first both parties viewed the other with suspicion and then with a grudging respect as the two forces realised their goals ran parallel.


Their search would come to an end on the planet of Jaeger’s Reach, a frozen world locked in a siege for 9 years. Imperial forces from five Guard Regiments battling to reclaim a vital chemical processing and shrine world from the fell forces of Chaos desecrating it’s holy soil. The men and women of the Dunblain Highlanders, the Karten Light Foot, Yerw Armoured, Pallmian Heavy Artillery and Cadian Shock Troops surprised at the intervention of the Emperors finest.


On the frozen soil the Banner Sworn would reclaim their honour or die trying.


Battle Cry: “For the 9th!”

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So here are the minis for the fluff.


Just getting started - waiting on a big package from Wayland games but to warm up into it I've started on the DC - just a basecoat so far - I know they don't look very black at the moment but they (hopefully) will soon. Yes I know they are headless... those are on their way.




And my FW Dread - magnetised so it can Furioso or HS








Hopefully more to come...

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Done some work on the DC - black and bone (God dam it I HATE trying to highlight proper black). I'm happy enough with them. Can't start work on the red until my parcel arrives. Parchment up next (its already basecoated.) Still not sure what I'm going to use helmet wise.










I also spent about an hour today with my flatmate's dremmel working on the first of my SG - I'm going to convert them up from VV's. This one is the BA VV Veteran Sergeant and he's going to be the banner bearer for the unit. I just think there is too much detail on the outa the box ones - one of the banes of the 28mm scale. Anyway I've taken this guys shoulder pad off so I can use one of the huge winged ones. Luckily his head is already seperate - like the DC headwise I'm not sure of what I'm going to use. The Death Masks are tempting to really make it clear that they are SG - although I'm hoping the wings, bolters, glaives and shoulder pads will be enough.






The end result of the dremmel action. Yes I know the hand is at a bit of a weird angle at the moment, I'll rememedy that with some filling and some greenstuff. I'm just so stoked that I've got hold of that classic BA Banner from the old honour gaurd. Only cost me NZD $3.50 (about 1.50 pound). I'm planning on maybe using the SG banner as an objective marker (see fluff section for why).


Anyway hope you enjoy.

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So over the last two days two boxs arrived for me. One from bits and kits (champions!) containing this:




Some FW Mk 3,4,5's parts to make things look sexy (really trying hard to resist the temptation to use them to pimp characters), plus other delights.


Then today my package from Wayland arrived:




Vanguard Veterans to be turned into SG

Assault Squad

Death Company

Sanguinary Guard for parts to convert all other minis (DC, VV/SG and characters)

Highlander Hero (it was only 1 pound 70p)

Pot of Mechandrite Red


And yea and bought some more files.


So time for me to get the dremmel out, start cliping, upend the bottle of glue and generally start squint for the next couple of hours.


But before I go, the first four DC are nearly done, the parcel from Bits and Kits contained some Death Masks and I've decided to make the DC look different by putting them in the SG Death Masks (no ingame effect intended). These guys just need the red painting for some contrast which I can now do and basing.




C&C always appreciated.

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i like the fluff overall, but you want to REALLY careful about changing canon. Your chapter can not be a second founding chapter. Games Workshop has already established all second founding chapters. Anything after second founding is fair game however.


Hmmm sorry I must have missed that. I had just assumed it was free for all. Right I'll change that right away. Cheers for the heads up.



Nice touch adding the Death masks to the DC. I also like you banner bearer conversion... very nice use of bits. I foresee a whole lot of pimping going on here in the near future :P


Cheers mate - hadn't seen it done before so I thought I would give it a go. Haha I will try and pimp as much as possible - nothing too major as I want to get the force actually completed - which means it needs to be done fast. The longer it takes the more likely I will stop, however I will try and give at least every marine something that makes him very identifiable as BA successor.


In that vein I spent another 2 hours today with the dremmel going ape:cuss on the VV's - 3 outa 5 heads removed as well as all weapons from them so they can be all SG'd up. 2 more to go and then I'll see if some of the shoulder pads needs to be removed. At the moment its looking like I may only have to remove 2 of them which is a relief. Dremelling is scary.

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Been cleaning and demolding all the parts I received and then dremmeling the VV's.


Sorry about the bad pics - weather at the moment is constantly cloudy and misty (its supposed to be summer) and has been for the past week - so no natural sunlight. Anyway, I've nearly finished the DC, just need a bit of retouching and basing. The pics I took though are so bad that I'm not even going to bother posting them



Started on the red of the Dread




WIP of the SG/VV








The GS'ing isn't finished yet and does look better in person.

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Sorry about the bad pics - weather at the moment is constantly cloudy and misty (its supposed to be summer) and has been for the past week - so no natural sunlight..


I wouldn't worry about that, it's like that pretty much all the time where I live ;) . Anyway I like what you've done with the VV's, they look much better with the new heads. I done the same with some of the older SM Veterans only I used heavy duty snips and an electric drill to bore the hollow in which the heads sit. I don't know if it's the casting or the lighting but the paint on the dreads plates either side of the sarcophagus looks a little lumpy, the rest looks smooth.

I might just "borrow" the banner bearer conversion :P

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I wouldn't worry about that, it's like that pretty much all the time where I live :P . Anyway I like what you've done with the VV's, they look much better with the new heads. I done the same with some of the older SM Veterans only I used heavy duty snips and an electric drill to bore the hollow in which the heads sit. I don't know if it's the casting or the lighting but the paint on the dreads plates either side of the sarcophagus looks a little lumpy, the rest looks smooth.

I might just "borrow" the banner bearer conversion :(


Haha cheers mate. Boring out those heads was a pain to do, took ages, glad you like the end result, I was a little scared it wouldn't work but hopefully with the bolt guns, swords and wings it will do the trick. Re the Dread - its a bit of both tbh, you can slightly see it in the top pics, the bright red makes it a lot more noticeable though, oh yea and the fact a camera's on it, it shows up all the little things the eye doesn't notice. I might hide some of it with purity seals and the like.


Go nuts with the borrowing of the banner bearer- sincerest form of flattery and all that, I'm surprised it hasn't been done before is all.

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Been doing some painting over the last couple of days. Finished the Death Company, I'm going for coble stone bases with a light pattering of snow to tie them into my half built IG force - although they are more snowy wilderness.


First time I've used testors dullcoat - smells horrible but I like the finish.





Also working on my the first half of the first Assualt Squad. Halfway through painting the red, really enjoying painting a bright colour as well.




Also done some work on the Dread, red is finished - it looks a bit better in person. Need to fix the GS on the hull. Also came up with a banner.




Tryed to put some little things under the paint work - kinda worked. Tryed to make it look a little less "stock". Also converted a heavy flamer instead of the storm bolter from a normal Dread heavy flamer and a IG Flamer. Prefer the slimmer nozzel.




Got a 5 man Dev squad and the 1st half of the 2nd Assault Squad basecoated dark grey so I'll get to work on the red on them soon.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a while but I've been busy with both painting and with other stuff. Nearly finished the first half of the first assault squad, here are the pictures:






Just got the parchment, eyes, bases, individual heraldry's and other random touch ups to do. Shouldn't take too long - pretty happy with the way they have turned out. Currently working the chapter symbol.




I've decided that when the first half of the second assault squad is done, plus the 5 man Dev, the 2 SP's and Dread I will treat myself into buying a pair of SR's - only allowed to assemble one of them though. Then I have to complete remaining 10 RAS's, plus the tac and SG's and the Chaplin and Captain before I can build the remaining one and then paint them(with freehand on the wings). Seems resonable to me. After that I don't know. Another Dread (Forgeworld) possibly a Lib Termy and CC Termi squad. Maybe who knows.

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I'm warming even more to the DC death masks, makes them look even more sinister :lol: . The yellow helmets have turned out well, what recipe did you use?

Good luck with the personal heraldry, it may be a pain in the ass but it will look really nice. Hell, go treat yourself to one Stormraven now ;)

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Cheers Ebsolom: Thought I'd take a risk on the masks - I'm also liking the sinister nature of them. Personal heraldry.... yea once I actually thought about that I think im only going to go for the sergeant for it - every marine might be a struggle.


The yellow (aka bain of every painters life) is as follows:


- Shadow Grey base coat

- thin Iyanden Darksun everywhere

- Devlan Mud wash in the recesses

- dry brush Iyanden Darksun keeping out of the recesses

- 50/50 mix of Badmoon Yellow and Iyanden Darksun keeping out of the recesses


These were the only yellows I had on hand but you could do a final highlight of Golden Yellow just on the edges which would look good. I'll do it the next time I'm buying paint.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a while, been rehearsing a circus show for the national children’s theatre and it opens in a week, which has eaten into painting times. However only got the head of the Assault Squad leader to do (i changed it, then I changed it back, then I changed it again) and the squad will be done. Hopefully get that done today and post pictures tomorrow.


I’m about halfway through painting the remainder of the first wave of guys, red is nearly done on half of them and I’m racing to bring the other half up to the same level. Some quick pics:


Five man dev squad bodies and half of an Assault Squad bodies as well, these just need inking now. I’m not going to do this until the parts I missed are also highlighted.



Rocket Launchers and other bits I missed when painting the red’s the first time. It annoys me to have to go through and do this. I’d much rather paint all the colours at once.



That said, all the guys in this wave are now at the same point including these two Priests, so they should be completed at the same time as the Dev and Assault Squad.



And another, this guy will have a jump pack



I’m going with axes for the Priests – as a way to make them stand out further – plus I like the image of them using them to put a badly wounded marine out of his misery in a suitably honourable way.


And a little side project I picked up – always wanted his dogs for my IG and I saw him under half price on Trademe (kinda like a kiwi version of eBay) so I just went and did it. Going to paint him as if its his last couple of days before he dies in Autumn, so lots of different coloured leaves in his cloak, skin will be a light green like the ‘eavy Metal painted one. Always thought this was cool sculpt and it’ll be a nice break from painting blue, white and red all the time.





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I really like the subtle converting you've done on the Vanguard Veterans. Well done. :tu:


Thanks Darth - can't wait to get onto them but it will be a while I'm afraid. But...



Got Thais’s helmet finished so the first half of Squad Thais is done! I’m pretty pleased with how they turned out all things considered I’ve never really painted red before, or yellow for that matter. Usually I stick to blacks and greens because if you bugger them up then its easy to hide since they are so dark.


Anyway here they are:




Here can be seen the first half of Squad Thais, third squad of the 9th Company: the Banner Sworn.

Sergeant Thais:




Half of the pair known as informally “The White Twins” due to his shock white hair Thais has risen to the rank of Sergeant of third squad through sheer hard work, a capable and disciplined officer of the line he has proven himself time and time again as a marine that, while not destined for a high command is one that can be relied upon to get the job done swiftly and without complaining. Both he and his brother (Eligius – Sergeant of 4th Squad) were recruited at the same time, served as scouts together and then into the 9th’s 3rd Assault Squad. It was only when they were both promoted that they were separated, Eligius to the 6th companys 5th squad as 2nd in command and Thais to the same postion in 8th company’s 2nd squad. When Sergeant Tabith (formally of the 9th’s 3rd) was killed some 15 years later Thais was promoted and returned to the 9th to take up the mantle of his former Sergeant. Eligius was also promoted soon after but stayed within the 6th.




Thais was present at the Sinkhole Massacre as can be seen by the black bar on the right hand side of his storm shield which also bears his personal heraldry, the two yellow lines representing his time in the 8th. The two purity seals are citations for valour and at the top of the shield can be seen the Winged Skull, an award for bravery in the face of crippling injury (awarded during the Sinkhole Massacre).




The grail on his left shoulder is an acknowledgment of his devotion to the care of the men under his command, awarded following his actions on moons of Yuilpa 8. He wields a short pattern power gladius, both he and Eligius favour a power

sword and shield as their weapons of choice. Thais wears Mark 7 suit of armour with a Mark 8 helmet – a replacement for the Corvus pattern he wore prior to the Sinkhole Massacre, during this action he was gravely injured by a Alpha Legion power axe which clipped him, splitting his helmet and nearly blinding him. Despite this he fought on, slaying his attacker and continuing to lead his squad which resulted in the award of the winged skull is recognition for it. The helmet also bears the award as a way of honouring the previous equipment.


Brother Fesk:




Armed with two hand flamers (counts as flamer) Fesk is the units oldest member, a born brawler he has never risen above the assault squads and never wishes too, he has used every weapon type issued to the squad and is always willing to offer a word of advice to a younger marine in the finer points of these weapons. While the squad is at half strength he is the squads specialist weapon operator but will not doubt return to the bolt pistol and chain sword when the time arises.


Like Thais he has spent time within the 8th company as noted by the yellow stripe on his shoulder pad. The wing at the front signifies his age and experience, approaching 400 years old he holds a special yet informal position within the company. Fesk wears a Mark 5 pattern breast plate and a variant of the Heresy-Pattern Helmet as well, also given to him as sign of respect, the rest of his suit is a mark 7. As can be seen by the blacked right kneepad – Fesk was present at the Sinkhole Massacre.


Brother Gosa:




Another Sinkhole Massacre survivor Gosa is a younger marine who is known for his constant practice with the chainsword, the wing on his blades hilt; an award for his skill. Seen as a potential future tech marine Gosa has served honourably in several campaigns and has been rewarded with several older components of armour as a means of seeing if he has enough potential to be sent to Mars for further training. He wears Maximus type leg armour, a Mark 6 Corvus Helmet with studded shoulder pad. The Crimson Fury tend to try and keep armour components together where possible as a sign of respect to the armour’s spirit and it is very common to see Mark 5 and 6 shoulder pads with Heresy or Corvus pattern helmets.




Brother Pella:




A close friend of Fesk, although a hundred and forty years younger, Pella started life in the 9th but was transferred to 5th Company to a Devastator Squad upon his 125th year of service, now 30 years later he finds himself back as a Assault Marine, volunteering to return to his original company to reclaim their honour. Pella wears a mark 7 suit and a grail award for devotion to his squad can be seen on his left shoulder. The blood drop of his chapter symbol has also been raised, a award for the reclaiming of a chapter relic, in his case, he was part of a squad that fought to retrieve a crippled land raider from the clutches of an ork mek’s warband.


Brother Delph:




The squads youngest member and very keen to prove himself Delph has only just been promoted from the scout squads, despite this he has proved himself a capable fighter and a modest marine, always willing to take a word of advice from his betters. He can often be found sparing with Gosa, practicing his technique so as not to let his lust for battle prove his undoing. He wears a set of mark 7 legs that have been crafted by one of the chapters artesian techmarines, no doubt a gift of encouragement. Apart from the iron skull on his helmet marking him out to be a close student of the teachings of Sebestian Thor his armour is so far unadorned.


Well thats it for now. Back to working on the rest of them. However a ebeer for anybody who can guess the two TV series I was watching while painting these guys... clues are in the fluff. Enjoy.

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@Whitefireinferno: I'm up in Welly, soon to be a shaky warzone probably - not hit too bad by the quake were you?


Hey ho the Dread is done (absent banner but thats not as important), I present to you:



Veteran Brother Renthal – The slayer of Gajkazza the terrible, saviour of Prist 5




Veteran Brother Renthal was the senior sergeant of the 9th prior to his internment within the Dreadnaught armour. It was his power fist that split the skull of the Ork warlord Gajkazza, and he lead the detachment that freed the moon of Prist 5 while his CO prosecuted the war on Prist itself. Prior to his brush with death Renthal was known to be a bombastic joker although this has faded with the passing of the years until now he rarely speaks.


A couple of years into his 4th century within the Fury Renthal was involved in a deadly Storm Raven crash. As he and his squad were undergoing what should have been a routine and harmless deployment to the surface of Yualn’s system’s main planets surface before the investigation of a suspected STC site, his storm raven was hit by weather conditions never before seen and impossible to predect, massive spikes of lightening raining down and winds that would strip the flesh from bone in seconds. He was the only survivor, crippled, missing both legs and in extreme shock, he was found 3 weeks later. It is thought that Eldar pirates could be behind the incident but this cannot be confirmed.



As a mark of honour and to preserve the knowledge he held he was placed within Dreadnaught armour.


The markings on his groin plate represent his time commanding assault, tactical and devastator squads as well as his time in the first company before being transferred back to the 9th to take up the role of senior sergeant. The three blood drops on his shoulder mark the 300 years he has been within the armour. He fights with two blood talons traditionally although he has been known to take up longer range weaponry should the task require it.




Well thats him, still working away at the Devs and Assault Marines. Onto their black metals now the red is done. Here is a preview of Renthals banner though, converted from WFB Marauder Horseman banners (such very nice peices to work with, I'm almost tempted to start a Chaos Mortals army for them):




Luck C&C appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been a bit busy with work (show for the Nathional Childrens Theatre) but have been slowly chugging away at the 5 man Dev and another 5 RAS marines - doing all the fiddly little bits now - and figuring out which bits I forgot to paint - lesson learnt: really make sure you have all the parts that you need before you start painting (and I mean REALLY make sure and don't change your mind!). Anyway here is a WIP taster:



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