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The Banner Sworn - 9th Company of the Crimson Fury


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Been a busy couple of days: Finished of the first half of Assault Squad Eliguis and decided to weather them up a bit – always felt something was missing with the 5 marines I’d finished previously and then I realised they were too clean so out came the browns and beiges to make them a bit filthy – I liked the effect so (stupidly) decided to go back and redo the guys I had previously done. Here is the result:





The Fury Unleashed:








Squad Thais:









Now they actually look like that have seen some combat. I'm not over joyed at the result but I'm happy - my painting is slow enough as it is. No doubt it will get better with time (and I need to get a stiffer brush so I can flick the paint onto the minis - did it to the next squad but it took ages so I didn't on the ones above - however I will try and to do it from now on)


Squad Eliguis to come in an hour or two once I have written the fluff for them.


C&C appreciated.

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And here finally is Squad Eliguis:




Here can be seen the first half of Squad Eliguis, 4th squad of the 9th Company: the Banner Sworn


Sergeant Eliguis:




The other half of “The White Twins” Eliguis is known to be a spirited officer who could go far should he learn to rein in his recklessness and his urge for combat (something that the years have not dulled), well liked by the men under his command, with the exception of Camfr there was none of the usual awkwardness when he took over 4th Squad following the death of their former Sergeant Agmemos during the Sinkhole Massacre. A former member of the 9th he has been welcomed back with open arms by all not just his blood brother Sergeant Thais with whom he has a long running contest over whose blade’s are the keenest when it comes to the field of battle. Now re-united Eliguis has the chance to catch up.




Like Thais Eliguis also wields a short pattern power gladius and a storm shield, a choice of arms that hark back to their days as recruits under the Scout master Lemari where they were often pitted against each other in the training circles. Eliguis wears a heavily decorated suit of Mark 4 armour with a helm in the style of Mark 2 Crusade armour but likely made much later. He bears a skull honorific on his left shoulder pad for the slaying of an Eldar farseer during his time with the 8th. His shield displays his coat of arms, the barbed line in the top half is as reminder of his on-going search for restraint and calm, however the lightning bolt and blue comet below it are in recognition of his perchant for striking as quickly as possible usually from Storm Raven or Thunder hawk – a tactic he excels at.


Brother Avl:




An aggressive close combat specialist who doesn’t wish to advance any further than he already has Avl is a veteran of 200 years service who followed Eliguis over from the 8th at the request of the Sergeant. He is known to be a scraper both in and out of armour, using his fists almost as much as his side arm and chain-sword. That said he is a crack shot with his bolt pistol as demonstrated by the angels wing and blood drop on the right hand side of the casing. He wears mark 6 pattern legs and a mark 5 Heresy pattern helmet – favoured by marines like Avl for its brutal appearance.


Brother Belre:




Belre only just made it out of the Sinkhole Massacre alive, he was the last marine out, making a blind jump pack flight through the hole to the surface, firing blindly behind him. The black knee pad shows his presence at the massacre and the blood drop and wing indicates his advanced skills with the jump pack. He wears mark 7 plate and a variation of the mark 7 helm. His right shoulder pad is of the mark 5 variety, and his left bears two honorifics – a skull for his 100th kill and the blood drop for his dedication to chapter rites.


Brother Camfr: (new picture due to the horribly bad painting of the eye which I only realised after the full squad photo – hence the new but not so nice one)




Brother Campf; second in command of the unit and was widely thought to be the successor of Agmemos following the sergeants death at the Sinkhole, however this was not to be. Campf not altogether at ease with the situation has born it however (although there is thought that one day there will be a reckoning in the sparing cages between himself and Sergeant Eliguis). Until that day however Campf will bear it without complaint. He wears mark seven pattern armour, recently replaced after nearly being crushed to death following action against a traitor titan just prior to the Banner Sworn’s deployment to Jaeger’s Reach which saw his previous armour needing an extensive overhaul in the armoury, the only parts still serviceable were his shoulder pads.


Brother Navk:




As gentle as a superhuman killing machine can be Navk has the honour of being one only member of the 9th and one of only 3 marines in the chapter to have a statue made after him. He is immortalised on the surface of a planet called Kiver, shielding a small child from a Dark Eldar corsair’s splinter rifle fire at the moment of Imperial victory (it later turned out that the little girl was the Governors daughter). Another veteran of the Sinkhole he has wielded one of the squads meltagun’s since Brother Fahrew’s fall to the Black Rage, his armour is of Corvus pattern with a mark 7 helmet with an assisted targeting module – a great aid in the heat and turmoil of combat where a well placed melta gun shot could be difference between life and death for the entire squad. To compensate for the lack of a chain sword he wears ancient MK 3 Iron Armour vambraces perfect for bludgeoning foes out of the way. He also has a grail honorific for his compassion to his comrades.


Well that’s it – not entirely happy with the weathering – shouldn’t have used white, clouds the palate I think, brown and beige work ok but not the white, but still better than none at all. Next up is the five man Dev’s – Squad Cato and then maybe a land speeder and some scouts that were lying around from years ago or more assault marines (more jump-packs... yay... not)


Anyway C&C appreciated as usual.

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Finished my 5 man ML armed Dev Squad – Cato – felt weird to be painting blue helmets. Finishing them something felt a little wrong then I realised they just look different to the rest of the red guys I’ve painted due to the lack of yellow. Other than the eyes I’m pretty happy with them – think I should do the eyes last next time. And I wrote the usual fluff for them plus something a little more. Been a while since I’ve written anything so don’t expect miracles. Anyway enjoy.


"The Town Square"


Stationed high in the town square a man could see for miles, the streets below intersecting and breaking away again like the half torn cobweb that dominated the empty window frame. Or he would be able to had it not been for the heavy falling snow that had been an ever present fixture of the Crimson’s Fury’s deployment on Jaegers Reach for the past 8 days. Not that it bothered Sergeant Cato; his helmet optics filtered it out with little problem but it was playing absolute hell with the Imperial Guard infantry who could barely function in the heavy snow drifts that appeared faster than they could shift them. Armour units had taken over as the main offensive force since the storm hit and it was for this reason that Cato and his men were perched in the tower of the local church to the god Emperor, the abbot hadn’t been happy about it but had wisely allowed them to use the belfry as a fire point, not that he could do much to stop them, you didn’t argue with 8 feet of super human killing machine... it wouldn’t have been the first time that a member of the Fury had killed a civilian for obstructing his duty.


To the Bullet Seer’s left stood young Tavel, laying out a selection of rockets in preparation for the predicted coming armour assault. Eager to do his duty but preferring to face the enemy up close Fayin still tended to his duty with upmost care despite this Cato was still a little un easy about the new marine – it had been 12 missions since the damned Sinkhole and yet something still wasn’t gelling with Tavel, he was trying very hard granted but Cato still couldn’t shake the feeling that the Black Rage could take him soon. Time would tell, Cato had faith in that.


“One, this is three, coming up the stairs” Cato’s vox chirped in his ear and the crunch, crunch of approaching footsteps could be heard coming from behind the ragged cloth covering the door way. Rlocke returning from his sweep – not that he needed to Cato’s HUD told him where all his men were, it was just a habit of Rlocke’s that stemmed from years on the line, equipment sometimes failed and the last thing you wanted was to sneak up on your sergeant.


His ancient leg armour muddy from the puddles outside which Rlocke would obviously be peeved about, he cut an imposing fire as he ducked through the doorway, his red, blue and white armour contrasting starkly with the greys of their environment, not that they need be worried about blending in, the storm taking care of that for them effortlessly. With servo’s winning slightly Cato turned to take his brother’s report but his vox chattered in his ear cutting him short.


“One, four, hostiles sighted, 5 reb apc’s, 2 class 3 heavy’s, 1 light air approaching from the west, sector 5, grid ref 2gamma” – Fayin sounded almost disappointed that it wasn’t more.


“Squad, this is Cato, Ginl you take the skimmer first then disable apc 3, the rest of you smash and burn the rest of them, select and network your targets, after that skimmer is down I want 1 volley thats it. Confirm!”


“One, this is Ginl, skimmer first and then APC 3, copy, networking to you now”


Cato smiled, knowing that his 2IC would take great pleasure in blowing the engine block of the rebel half track leaving the passengers unharmed. As the rest of the squad sent in their targets and he cross referenced them with his servo skull floating above his head Cato couldn’t help wondering; was that it? Intell had said there would be more. Maybe it was a fent? A false play set up by the Alpha Legion? No more likely a simple break downs had prevented other units from joining? Happy with the decision he voiced through to his comrade some 3 kilometers away.


“Swoop this is Road Block, ready and waiting, sending co-ordinates, go on your cue” A simple double tap over the com was all the reply he got, no doubt his battle brothers were lying low somewhere ready to pounce.


“Ginl fire when ready” before he could even finish the sentence he heard the swoosh of a rocket leaving its tube from a story below him and looking down his bolter scope he saw the flash as the rebel skimmer burst into flames.


Death had come once more to the streets of Jaeger Prime and now snow was not the only thing falling from the sky.


Hajuea saw the skimmer crash down and spat out a curse, there went their top cover but moments later his curse changed to a wordless cry of fear as the Yurt pattern tank at the front of the column exploded in a spray of metal and fire. Behind it the first two half tracks followed suit, troopers running screaming from the burning hulks to roll on the ground in a vain attempt to put out the flames on their backs. Hajuea spun the pintle mount around firing blindly into the snow storm in front them, hoping in vain to hit something. Without warning the vechile shock so violently Hajuea was nearly thrown clear, a clawed hand the only thing keeping him upright and in the turrent ring. With his ears ringing from the massive bang he looked around to see what had happened to find the engine block at the front of the track a smoking ruin. Hajuea laughed, his squad’s transport was disabled, but alive and by the dark powers they were going to make somebody pay for the ambush. 50 rebel milita, dedicated to the blood god Khorne were baying for blood in the troop bay behind him. Still laughing he reached for the leaver that would release the ramp, another explosion to the left caused him to turn momentarily – just a secondary explosion. He began to depress the lever...


There was a massive tug on his back and a sharp pain in the back of his head and the whole world went black...


With a scream of jumpjets Thais took off once more, the rebel tank crewman in his grip, blood dripping down his gauntlet the red fading in contrast to the bright crimson of his armour. He had come in so hard and fast the traitor hadn’t even noticed him, and the “secondary explosion” caused by one of his squad’s grenades had simply been a lucky distraction – no not luck, divine fortune from the hand of the Emperor himself.


“Road Block, this is Swoop, objective completed, you may precede with clean up” he voxed to Cato high up across the square.


Moments later a single missile launched from the church and with the prisoner in his grasp Thais rocketed skywards as below him the storm of ice and fire raged.


So without further ado:


Squad Cato




Above can be seen the five members of Squad Cato, kitted out with multipurpose rocket launcher systems they are the heavy weapon specialists of the company to which the rest of the company’s Fire Support element hinges around. Although only numbering 5 marines they more than make up for it in their effect on any armoured columns and hordes alike. The reason for only being 5 strong is the company’s focus on fighting light – 5 marines to act as body guards can hardly be spared in the hunt for the 9th’s banner. Instead Haas’s squad can be called upon should Cato’s men require an additional hand (although this has never happened).


Sergeant Cato – “The Bullet Seer”




As one of the Company’s inner council members Cato is highly respected within the company, his wisdom and restraint is legendary, the path of the Devastator it is not an easy road to tread for a son of Sanguinius and yet Cato seems to never give it a second thought (unlike Tactical Sergeant Haas). He and his squad are veterans of the Sinkhole; the only squad who has not taken a casualty since that fateful drop. Cato is second only to Haas in terms of seniority within the NCO’s of the 9th and although Haas is officially 2nd in command Cato is every bit his equal in terms of experience and knowledge – some would say more so. Cato is the former 2IC of 6th Company(his original company), leading their tactical squads however he grew to realise that he preferred the heavier weapons and has a natural flare for their use which saw him request a transfer to the 9th when one of their Devestator Sergeant (a marine by the name of Jakur) was laid low during the Kaie Pacification. Within any chapter founded from Blood Angels stock solid heavy weapons specialists are a valued commodity so the request was granted.




He wears a mark 7 suit in the majority although his helmet and shoulder pad are of Corvus pattern and he carries a standard Godwyn make bolt gun which has been modified with a drum pattern magazine and a M40 Targeter. The chain attaching it to his wrist is both a reminder to himself and to others in his squad of their role: fire support not close combat. It is for this reason that he bears no obvious close combat weapon.




His banner displays his personal heraldry – the black stripe of the Sinkhole Massacre, a white wreath which can also be found on his chest plate signifying his senior position within the Company and the white eagle representing his time within the First Company (the Crimson Fury use several symbols in addition to the Crux Terminatus to show Veteran status – white helmets, eagles etc). The cross hairs and stars in the centre of the banner show two things: one that he is company champion with the bolter and has been for many years, so much so that it is his primary device and the reason for his nick name of “the bullet seer” – if a vital shot needs to be made then it is Cato who will do it. The stars show that he is a native of the Siris system – one of 5 traditional recruiting systems for the Fury.


Brother Fayin




Not all together originally pleased with his re-assignment to the Devestator squad Fayin soon began to grudgingly admit that his skills with heavy weapons were of greater use to the chapter than his skills with the chainsword. He still relishes the few times when close combat does come his way however – beating the enemy to death with his “thrice damned shoulder tube” as he calls it, while not a preferred use of his rocket launcher still seems to have the desired effect.


He wears a mark 7 suit with a Corvus or Heresy Pattern shoulder pad and a mark 7 helmet with optical enhancements to aid with target acquisition and prioritisation – a common addition to Devastators equipment whose target list can quickly become cluttered in the heat of battle, these helmet modifications help to re-prioritise and number targets as and when they come in according to their threat levels, thus leaving the marine free to engage them with pinpoint accuracy utilising the enhanced optics of the HUD unit. He also wears a studded penance vambrace – no doubt at the order of the company tech priests following the unconventional use of his weapons system.

Brother Rlocke




Wearing Mark 3 “Iron Armour” greaves Rlocke is near to becoming the oldest marine within the company and as such has learnt to control his urges to get to grips with the enemy – as young marine he was a dependable assault marine who, although never going to be inducted into the first company, still was a canny and resourceful fighter within 5th company. After a period of 100 years with the assault core he was transferred the 3rd company’s Devastators, then Tactical and back to Devastators, coming to the 9th at the same time as Cato, the two are known to be close, often sharing simple board games with each during rest periods. His breast plate and right shoulder pad are also engraved as is becoming of a marine with his age and experience.

Brother Tavel




The most junior member of the squad, Tavel’s first mission with Squad Cato was the Sinkhole Massacre and he came to the very edge of his sanity on that day, having to be restrained by the Sergeant himself to stop him from falling upon the foe with his bare hands. Feeling the black rage so closely has given the young marine new purpose as he learns to control his rage and complete his requirements as a support marine. Should he do this he has the making of a very good heavy weapons operator.

Tavel wears Mark 6 pattern greaves and a mark 7 helmet which, like his legs, bears reminders of his search for calm embossed on it.


Brother Ginl




The squads 2ic and its resident rocket launcher “sniper” Ginl is a nondescript marine in every way with the exception of his skill with a missile launcher, indeed with every other weapon he is no different to any other marine but his ability with the Mark 2 rocket system that he carries is a thing of beauty. Much like Cato is the company’s top shot with a bolter, if a skimmer needs to be taken down, or a frag missile put through a window frame then Ginl is the marine to call on. The only member of the squad to carry such an ancient weapon (all others carry Mark 3’s) Ginl is waiting with baited breath for the day that a Mark 1 is found within the chapter stores, not that he is unhappy with his current weapon of course.


Other than the Mark 2 ML he carries, Ginl wears Eagle (M7) armour with three wings added to it – showing that despite his love of long range tank hunting he has also served with distinction in the Assualt Squads – a former member of Squad Thais who regularly jokes with Fesk over who flies faster; Fesk or Ginl’s rockets?


Enjoy, C&C appreciated

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Oh yea and this is whats up on the painting table next – The Speartip – a Landspeeder Tornado and a old scout squad I had kicking around that just needed some fixing up.




Land speeder's had the launchers added beneath the wings to make it a bit more streamlined and a sensor the vehicle command sprue beneath the nose as well as double fins on the bottom.




Hopefully get them done this week. Plus some stuff from the "band wagon" ;)

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I've just read all of this today, alot of work must have went in to all the character stories and chapter history

It's something I've always wanted to do but never got around to doing it!


It's all really good, fluff, modeling, painting, love it!! Keep up the good work.

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@Brother Yorei: Cheers - glad you like them.


@1Drop: Thanks mate, as I've said on a couple of other sites I'm just following the example of the likes of Bungaroo and Gorman. It can be tricky to do but I think it's worth it in the end, I like knowing where these guys are fighting in my mind when I'm painting them - adds some motivation as do comments like yours.


Got the Scouts finished last night and spent today doing the bases. Trying to paint freehand 10th company insignia at 1am in the morning wasn't fun I can tell you. I'm not overjoyed with them - the flesh looks better in person, probably the photography doesn't help (dam rain!) They weren't in great nic thanks to my 13 year old self slicing them up so a bit of work had to be done trying to fix them up. Anyway here they are:


The Young




Above is the squad known as “The Young” - this is the traditional name of any team of Scouts deployed by the Fury onto the field of battle. These are not full marines just yet instead it is their job to watch, to learn and to pick off the weaker enemy units to support their brothers and to test their skills. It can be noted that their left shoulders show a slightly modified version of the chapter heraldry – a blood drop with black V but without the barbs that usually accompany it. These will only be worn once the Initiate has become a fully fledged marine after undergoing the Trail of Barb, the final rite to prove themselves worthy.


Instructor Poite




Instructor Poite, a former ninth company sergeant of what is now Haag’s squad, has been with the 10th company for the past 56 years as a junior instructor. During that time he has lead 3 previous scout Team’s onto the field of combat, this being his fourth and final before taking on a more senior position within the company. An experienced field officer rather than a inspiring commander his strengths lie in teaching and passing on knowledge rather than taking the battle to the enemy – that said he is still a seasoned veteran having served in the First company and in every core of the Chapter.




He is armoured in the standard hardened carapace armour of the scout cadre and is armed with chainsword and a combi flamer which sits in the specially made socket where a normal humans right hand would be. Rather than taking a bionic replacement Poite chose to have a multi-purpose purpose plug installed instead so that he can remain adaptable to the situation. Poite lost his hand to an Ork choppa during the final assault on encampment of Gajkazza the terrible (whom Veteran Brother Renthal eventually slew) while he was 2ic of one the 9th Company’s Assault Squads (before Thais’s time). The Ork is question lost in his head in return.


Initiate Konal




Konal is a native of the Juik System – one of the five traditional recruiting systems of the Crimson Fury – rather than recruiting from one world and keep their chapter monastery there the Crimson Fury prefer to recruit from five systems and keep their Head Quarters a closely guarded secret – what is known is that they operate out of a hollowed out asteroid that continues to be built on and re-enforced. It is not thought to be warp capable but this is pure speculation. Konal bears the traditional blade and bolt pistol armament of the Scout. Known for his infectious laugh as much as his even tempter, should he pass the Trail of the Barb, Konal could go on to great things.


Initiate Imak




In contrast Imak has been noted to be a furious fighter, shouting and cursing his enemy even as he uploads clip after clip into them – armed with double bolt pistols he is ear marked for training in hand flamers showing a good understanding of the use of two close range weapons rather than a hand weapon. In this, his final assignment before the Final Test Imak has been granted permission to prove his skill with his preferred method of death dealing, close range fire fights.


Initiate Galwa




The youngest member of the team this is Galwa’s first mission, eager to please his teacher Galwa says little but acts without hesitation, he was noted by the medicine to have higher than average system tolerance for pain and subliminally very calm so it is possible that he may be fast-tracked through to sniper training as they are often required to spend up to a number of weeks in the same position observing enemy positions without giving their hiding places up – a sometimes tricky task for a son of Sanguinius.



Initiate Belo




The team’s heavy weapon operator Belo is also 2ic of the squad, should Poite go to the Emperor’s side then it falls to Belo to order and execute the extraction of his fellow Initiates, it is not there place to sacrifice themselves just yet. Although his primary weapon rarely allows to close combat with the enemy to be made Belo still carries a hefty combat knife on his back just for that purpose.


Anyway c&c appreciated.

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I realised that I still hadn't finished my SP's so I thought I should probably do that before going on with the Land Speeder - they are nearly done, just need to do the bases, purity seals, chapter symbols, power weapons and blue shoulder trim + clean up and they are done. Heres a preview:








No thats not a mold line on his shoulder its a crack that runs though it that I added, some battle damage.


Hope fully be done in about 2 days. C&C Appreciated

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Jacobite, very nice background. I am impressed with how well you have translated the massacre to the individual models and structure of the Company. Those Priests are amazing. I may have to do something similiar to the second one! Possibly a Sergeant for my own force...I would recommend lightly washing the whites with light blue or grey and then adding another layer of thinned white brushing towards the edges to really make them pop on the battlefield! Good work.
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Jacobite, very nice background. I am impressed with how well you have translated the massacre to the individual models and structure of the Company. Those Priests are amazing. I may have to do something similiar to the second one! Possibly a Sergeant for my own force...I would recommend lightly washing the whites with light blue or grey and then adding another layer of thinned white brushing towards the edges to really make them pop on the battlefield! Good work.


Cheers Robot, glad thats coming through. Re the white - I already do something like that - hopefully you will be able to see it in the side on photos.


So first Priest is done. Second one will be finished tomorrow. Pretty happy with him - the base was a late addition and took some fiddling to get right - he will be running with a SG/VV squad which are made from the metal mini's so he needed to be fit with them. Hopefully this will do the trick.


Sanguinary Priest Nixilan




The former noviate of Gavrel’s Command Squad Nixilan is now a fully fledged Priest, after his efforts in keeping his former captain alive despite terrible wounds it was recognised that he now possessed the skills needed to done the chiselled armour of the priesthood and to enter the inner circle of one of the chapter’s specialist orders.


As a mark of their rank and roles the Priests, Chaplains and Librarians of the Crimson Fury wear ornate and engraved power armour in a style more commonly found within their parent chapter than their own. Each suit is a relic and much reverence is taken with it – once given ownership of it no other may done it after it until death. In addition to his jump-pack Nixilan wields the traditional weapons of the Sanguinary Preists – the “blood chalice” – similer in effect and purpose to a Narcuim and a power axe – Fury marines (although up to personal choice) tend not to use axes instead preferring swords, fists, maces, spears etc for power weapons. This is in part to their use by the Priests as a means of delivering absolution to critical injured marines; giving them a warriors death rather than a bolt to the heart as in other chapters, it is seen by many as “their” weapon and no-one elses.




Born in the Siris System (like Cato, Valerian and the primary recruiting ground of the 5th and 9th companies) Nixilan is a thoughtful marine who will often only speak when spoken too and can usually be found within the chapter library when not on duty, diligently studying the chapter historys, some say he is looking for a cure to the curse, others than he simply wishes to become a better marine. He refuses to say. Right from the early stages of his time within the Fury it was obvious that Nixilan was bound for the Priests, his care for others apparent even from before he was a marine.




Uncommon for marines within the Fury Nixilan and Valerian have been in the same company from the time they were Initiates, serving in the same Scout Team together but then serving apart in different assault squads before Nixilan joined the Tactical core and then into training with the Priests in the First Company, while Valerian was promoted to the Vanguard, from there both were picked to aid Garvel following the deaths of his priest and his bodyguard. Having served so long together they have a bond that is stronger than most others within the Chapter. It is whispered by some that should they reclaim the 9th’s honour then the pair could have a profound effect on the future of the chapter. As he did before Garvel’s fall he fights alongside Lecta Valerian but this time instead of it being Noviate and Company Champion it is Priest and Captain who draw blades together – pity the foolish who dares stand in their way.


I'm also doing a bare head for him since the squad will have both helmets and bare heads. WIP below.




C&C appreciated

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Finished up the second Priest, this time with no J/P – I had to redo his axe head as I painted blood splatter on it (lots of it) and then realised that power weapons are like light sabres – they should seal of the wound after making it... ergo no blood, plus I ballsed up the lightening pattern on it (I’m slowly getting better – Nixilans is the best I’ve done though). So I had to go back and redo it – turned out alright in the end though – I lengthened the axe blade with the bit that I cut off the other side which I think looks really brutal. I quite like the idea of him only using the blade on marine who need to be put out of their misery and the blunt end on everybody else hence the blood spatter on it. Anyway...


Senior Sanguinary Priest Ephraim – “The Watcher”




Senior Sanguinary Priest Ephraim is one third of the group known as Alter Guard, these three marines are the senior Priests within the Fury, offering advice to High Priest Kectuil on the occasion it is asked for. Each having been within the chapter for upwards of 500 years they oversee the training and induction of the both Neotypes and Sanguinary Noviates. Ephraim is known as “The Watcher” (as can be seen by the engraved symbol on his left kneepad) – it is his job to judge marines to see if they possess the potential required to join the ranks of the Priests, a job that requires absolute calmness under fire and control over the Red Thirst.


It is for this reason that he is with the 9th on Jaegers Reach – in what other action that the Crimson Fury is undertaking would be the greatest test of their warriors? There is some talk in darkened corners that he is also here to check that Nixilan’s elevation was correct and not a mistake made in the heat of the moment...




(Good god that mould line is horrible - I'm going to have to do something about that - how did I miss it?)


As with all Priests he wears the relic armour of his rank, emblazoned with gilds and engravings as justified by his position, his white loin cloth a reminder of purity and restraint. His axe is an executioner’s weapon – before joining the Priesthood some 378 years ago Ephraim acted as a body guard for the Chapter Master of the day himself wielding the great hammer of that office with consummate skill. When he was inducted into the ranks of the Priests he chose to stick with a weapon that could be used for blunt trauma as well as it sacred duty. “Blood feather” as the axe is called in his hands becomes a circle of death, spinning, slashing and budging any who come within reach. Unlike Nixilan he wears a standard backpack but with the usual modifications that marine Apothecaries make: vials, over the shoulder illumination devices and other tools to make battlefield surgery a smoother and more efficient process.




As with all Preists he is a quiet individual, often found meditating and studying within his private cell when not in battle his shaved skull bearing a winged blood drop. In battle he is a inspiration to all who follow him, leading from the front yet always watching. During his time with the Banner Sworn, he has taken to operating with Squad Kitia, acting as the buffer line with Renthal and the Fury Unleashed between the enemy and the rest of the “Bait”; Squads Cato and Haas. High above the “Kill force” of Thais, Eliguis and the Ascended with Valerian and Nixilan search for their illusive target.


Land Speeder is up next.


C&C appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...

Yes its been a long time since an update, moving me and all my stuff back to the town where my parents live for a 10 week Theatre contract which has rapidly turned to a nightmare situation due to the drinking habits of my co-workers. Nice to be working but its not in my job description to be dealing with 3 hours of abuse trying to get one of them home and potentially breaking the law doing it.


Anyway I have been busy at work on these guys. The Landspeeder is done although I have lost all motovation to complete its base so it might be a while before that is posted up. I've done some GK goodness that I had lying around who are done but I want to change their bases to set them apart from these the Fury before putting them up.


Good news however! Half of Squad Haas is done! (photos arn't as great but best I could do given the location)


Squad Hass - Fireteam Tormul




Above can be seen half of Squad Haas – the Banner Sworn’s sole Tactical Squad. Often the squad is broken into Fire Teams with this one, lead by Brother Tormul acting in a similar manner to Squad Cato: long range fire support and while Cato acts as a versatile suppression platform, Tormuls men are specifically on the lookout for enemy armour as targets for the squads lascannon to punch through. This fire-team has the only two members of the squad who were not at the Sinkhole Massacre, like Squad Cato they have remained largely the same since the tragedy.



Brother Tormul




Although not the most decorated member of the squad Tormul serves as Haas’s second in command, his shrewd mind a perfect counter point to Haas’s sometimes blunt demeanour. Tormul lost his arm during the Sinkhole Massacre and unlike most Fury marines chose not to have his bionics encased in the armour instead wearing the bare metal proudly as a mark of respect to those who fell.




He wears a Mark 8 pattern breast plate and helmet (with white honour markings and metal service studs) with mark 6 legs. His backpack also bears a Grail icon as a re-affirmation of his faith in his Primarch. His left should pad carries a winged sword as an identification of his time with the Assualt Corps and the skill he has an with a jump-pack. Tormul has a command aspirations and is likely to become promoted to Sergeant should he survive.


Brother Coet




A former member of the 2rd company, this is Coet’s first deployment to the tactical corp. He is a capable and practically minded brother whose career while slow has been steady. He has acquired the wreath and skull for his distinguished service on Uilp Centouri and also has a rope of service wrapped around his arm. This is present of some members of the Banner Sworn as a reminder of the duty that they have undertaken, it can often been seen on members who were not present at the Sinkhole massacre.




He wears MK7 pattern armour, with a helm that has been modified to in-corporate a kludging blade, a lesson learnt on Uilp where he only just managed to escape death at the hands of a Ork Nob by beating it to death with his helmet, a job that would have been easier had an edge been present. He also has two remeberance markings, a skull and a blood drop; the blooddrop for comrade he was forced to euthanise while taking part in the Galac uprising. Oddly for a Space Marine his bolter has strap present, most marines choose not to make use of one believing it to get in the way of combat operations instead preferring to make use of magnetic plates on their armour for storing equipment (although it can be used as a means of showing an award). The bolter itself bares his former company’s markings.


Brother Velrum




Velrum is the squad’s heavy weapon operator and the only member of the 9th to carry a lascannon. He is one of the longest serving members of the squad Haas, having served in it since before Haas took command of it 25 Terran years ago and as such was present at the Sinkhole.




He wears a Mark 7 suit of armour and carries a Ecless Pattern Lascannon which is lighter than standard type and is aimed through a direct link to the helmet (the optical pick-up can be seen on the side of his helmet). This is the most common type of Lascannon seen in the Fury’s tactical squads as it is less clumbersome than the usual type, if a little less accurate.


Brother Vipn




Although a slightly shorter than normal marine Brother Vipn is an accomplished marksmen within the squad; as noted by the white strap on his boltgun, awarded only to accomplished shots with a un-enhanced boltgun. Vipn’s justifiably very proud of this and when the Banner Sworn’s trail is over it is thought that he will be sent to the 10th Company to assist in tutoring new recruits in the art of the Bolter, a role he has already fulfilled once.


He wears Mark 6 legs with additional ablative plate on the front of the right shin, possibly as a result of a weakness in the pre-existing plating. The black knee marking can be seen there. He wears a Mark 7 breast plate with a skull and crossbones marking showing his role as a teacher. His back pack bears a spiked blood drop, a symbol of devotion to his chapter in his many roles.


Brother Vusk




Vuck is a former member of the 9th who has been serving in the 1st company of the Crimson Fury as can be seen from the white knee pad and wreath. A comparatively young marine, although not having noticeable leadership skills he is a very effective tactical marine. Vusk epitomises the Crimson Fury’s distain for subtlety often preferring the more brutal tactics, this occasionally leads to some arguments between him and Tormul who sees Vusk as trying to usurp his position in the squad.




Vusk wears a Mark 7 suit and helmet with modified Mark 2 or 3 shoulder pads. His breast plate forgoes the Imperial Eagle in favour of 5 skulls, noting 5 high profile victories. The spiked ring on his left thigh a mark of Penance for a incident on Yulim Prime where he failed to follow orders. On his left shoulder pad and from his belt are a oaths of the moment and the right shoulder pad bears honorific’s of skill and devotion.


I also have a secret project I'm working on as well as a break from painting red.


Anyway enjoy.

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