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Arming your assault squad

captain Angel

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I have been contemplating this question for a while. Is it better to arm an assault squad with an infernus pistol, or a melta? On that note, is it better to have a flamer or hand flamer. the larger weapons are either more powerful or longer range, but the pistols give you the extra attack. What do you think?
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I would always chose the melta or the flamer over the infernus or hand flamer.


The full version has 2 advantages over the pistol.


1) It is cheaper in points.

2) The extra range for the melta is so worth it, 6 inch melta range is much better than 3 inch, easier to get those nice 2d6 pen shots off. For the flamer the higher strength and AP make it worthwhile.


If you have the points though, adding the infernus or hand flamer on the sergeant is not a bad idea.


Now, I arm my assault squads very simply, 2 meltas and a fist/thunder hammer. If I take 3+ assault squads then I'll mix in a 2 flamer squad.


I've seen some advocate the idea of melta, flamer, infernus pistol on sergeant or melta, melta, hand flamer on sergeant.

I find that the extra range of a Melta over an Infurnus makes a big difference, as opposed to one attack amid 30. Same with flamers verses hoards; the extra ST and AP make a massive difference compared to a standard attack. Special pistols I would keep for units like Honour Guard where attacks really matter.
I also find that the full weapon is almost always better than the pistol. I only use the infernus pistol when I am going for a bit of versatility; otherwise I only have two builds. PF, MG, MG or Serg. PF and IP and Flamer, MG. The second version is 10 points more expensive but can do a bit of everything. Reliably

I like most run with two melta guns on two guys and PF on SGT. I play a DOA army, fyi.


I have found this set up useful in most scenarios. I can pop armor when I deep strike. If Monstrous Creatures are on the board, its nice to do a few wounds before assaulting. Most times you will wound on two plus with melta gun.


If I have points available I will put infernus pistol on SGT.

I also run my Assault Squads with either a Hammer or a Fist and 2 meltaguns, I used to put IP's on my Sgt.s as well, but have lately gone with the cheaper option.


I also tend to have a priest attached to each of my assault squads-points allowing-is this a common trend or do people have other ways of using less priests more efficiently?


I think especially for a DoA army having Melta Guns as opposed to Infernus Pistols is the extra 3" range for 2D6 Pen is vital when dropping down next to an enemy tank. You can quite safely Deep Strike aiming for about 4-5" away from a tank and then you should hopefully be in half range, or at least if you scatter straight away from the tank you will still be within range to shoot it with 1D6 pen, which if you were using Pistols you would not be able to do, also you would have to aim closer and so increase the risk of a mishap if trying to drop and pop a tank with pistols.



Thanks for the input. what i used to do is run a Sargent with power sword, hand flamer, meltabomb, and sometimes combat shield. i did not put anything on any of the other men. what do you think about this? also i do tend to run one priest with each squad.
Thanks for the input. what i used to do is run a Sargent with power sword, hand flamer, meltabomb, and sometimes combat shield. i did not put anything on any of the other men. what do you think about this? also i do tend to run one priest with each squad.

The combat shield is pretty useless. And its a waste of an assautl squad's abilities to not take the meltaguns or flamers.

I usually give my priest no special weapons so he is less of a target.


That does not make any sense at all. His aura makes him more of a threat than a power weapon.


G :)


I think it makes a lot of sense to keep power weapons off priests. I keep them off mine because I know they're already a target. No sense in pointing up a super expensive priest when they're going to get rocked quick anyway. Say you have a librarian, or some other IC, in the same squad we're talking about. If you have a bare bones priest, the other player may go after the other IC. Now if the priest is all pointed up, the other player may go for them.


The exception to this is a combi-melta. In a DoA list I think combi's on a priest are great; you only want to be out of CC on the turn you land anyway, so the 1 shot per game imo is ok.

I usually give my priest no special weapons so he is less of a target.


That does not make any sense at all. His aura makes him more of a threat than a power weapon.


G :)

If you take PW on the Priest, you'll want to use it in combat, and thus increase the risk of losing him (I know WS5 and so on but still..). With standard equipment you lose little in terms of damage dealt, if you keep the priest out of combat.

As per RAS equipment, I'd suggest either 2 MGs and a PF, or MG,Flamer and PF. At least thats my preferred variant.


@ Warboss John: ;) .... plasmaguns....


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