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First post here, so a tiny intro! Played Blood Angels some years ago in 3rd Edition, have have taken a break until now. With all my stuff gone, and everything different, i was forced to start over.


I was very unsure what to buy initially, and i don't know what goes in lists these days. I tried some research and all i could find were DoA lists, and Razorspam lists, while nice for tournaments, probably aren't the nicest or even cheapest. I started with getting the Assault on Black Reach and the Space Marine Megaforce (I snagged a cheap Black Templars box for the CC weapons for some cheap DC), which leaves me with....


With an aim to play 1500-2000pts


30 Tactical Marines OR 20 and 10 Death Company

2x Dreadnoughts

1x Predator

5x Terminators

5x Assault Marines

5x Sniper scouts

1x Rhino


Now, with all this lists i can really find being DoA and Razorspam lists, i hope i haven't done a silly thing with the purchases, so i want to know if this stuff is very viable for Blood Angels or how best to use it.


Additionally, i can get TH/LC's for the Termies, turn the predator into a Razorback or Rhino, and presumably, ebay some Furioso arms for the dreads if needed. In theory it shouldn't be too bad, apart from having 20 Tactical Marines which noone seems to use in lists!


Finally, I like the idea of a Stormraven stuffed with something, presumably 10x DC and a Talon DC Dread? One Raven is enough, yes? In 1500-2000pt games.



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My son started from scratch last February when the last Codex came out. He was 8 then and is 9 now so we went for an all action army. It movest and thrives on being close to the enemy. He plays it quite well and has won a number of battles even against much more experienced players. I have played it a few times and it is great fun to play.




Mephiston, Dante or Astorith, Sanginour he takes whichever he feels like on the day!




2 x 10 man Assualt Marine Squads (all Jump Packs), Sergeant with PF, I Assualt Marine with Melta Gun and one with Infernus Pistol


1 x 10 man Death Company(all Jump Packs), 2 x Infernus Pistols, 2 x Power Weapon, 1 X Thunder Hammer, plus Lemartes - simply devestaing on the charge, but expensive in points




1 x 5 Man Sanginary Guard with 1 x Inferenus Pistol, 1 x PF, 1 x Chapter Banner, all with Death Masks - usually Deep Strike, always when Dante is selected!


1 x Furusio Dreadnought


Fast Attack


2 x Ball Predator Flamestorm Canon and Heavy Flamers - with Scout move or outflank can be devastating



Around 2000 points, fiddle with DC size to take different HQ. If we play 1500, usually drop a Ball Predator, Furusio and trim the DC



Looks great, moves fast, awesome on the charge, fun to play. Play it as move, lucky shot , thne assualt, Completely different from you army which at present is very regular Space Marine like!!

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Firstly, welcome to the Blood Angels; GWs original poster boys before the smurfs muscled in.


I suppose the next best thing to ask is whether or not you are open to considering a codex SM army, as that may fit the models you have a bit better. As you've pointed out, BA armies tend to work better around an assault theme. In saying that, I almost always bring along a tactical squad or two just because BAs have so many great troop choices that I usually max out on all 6 slots.


Now, to business.


30 Tactical Marines OR 20 and 10 Death Company

2x Dreadnoughts

1x Predator

5x Terminators

5x Assault Marines

5x Sniper scouts

1x Rhino


This is a decent start, though I think you will need more model investment to get the best out of it. Lets try the following:





10 tactical marines + rhino

10 tactical marines + rhino

10 assault marines

5 sniper scouts + 5 close combat scouts

10 death company

Death company dreadnought



5 terminators

sanguinary priests x3 (1 terminator, 1 jump pack, 1 regular)

Furioso dreadnought







This list involves you buying the following:


Dreadnought right arms (may be easier to get once the new furioso is out) x2

Space marine battleforce (cheaper than the BA one and better value)



A few heavy weapons

3 priests in various guises as above.


This list comes out at just over 2000pts and has a nice spread of units. You can always proxy the predator as a Baal predator and put it in fast attack to try out some different things. The idea would be you have a solid firebase of devastators at the rear, 2 teams of scouts for objective grabbing, an armoured column of rhinos supported by a predator. You also have your stormraven packed with DC/chaplain/priest/dreadnought to bring the pain, with a second dread (may want a drop pod for that) terminators with priest and assault squad with priest to drop in where needed. FLuffy but not cheesy and has a wide variety of units to use. Sure you'll need to throw some £££ at it but hey, that's the hobby. You can still play with what you have for now and proxy things until you've gotten your list sorted.


Hope this helps - let us know how you're getting on.

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I play for fun and I don't enter tournaments, but my opinion is that if you like Blood Angels, play Blood Angels with the models you've got, and only worry about adding more if you like playing the army!


I'm basing this on my experience of getting back into 40k in 4th Ed. I started playing Blood Angels with a Dark Angels (!) Tactical Squad, some Space Crusade (!) Scouts and some Space Hulk (!) Terminators, plus a box of the old metal DC and a Chaplain. So about as sub-optimal as you can get!


It was still fun. :)


But, if I must make a constructive comment or two, don't go and spend huge sums of money, just get a HQ choice that you really like, some Sanguinary Priests, and five more Assault Marines. Because it's demoralising to Deep Strike an Assault Squad pinpoint perfect and have them get annihilated before achieving anything because you don't have the bodies to take any casualties. :)

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Welcome, and as said above we ARE the golden boys of GW, until those pesky Ultras took over while we were away on Armageddon.(I still have that box and all its contents, even the cardboard dreads lol).



Anyway, i play both ultra (nilla) and BA and i can assure you youre units will work fine for either.


Having said that, id consider making a Sternguard squad for you nillas (if you want to go that way) and converting the dread to a rifleman (2 twin linked Autocannons) alternitavly, id just add a few priests for the BA force and maybe pick up a storm raven or Baal pred, in general i run Razorbacks with specialist units like stern or HG, and rhino everything else that doesnt hae a JP.


DOnt worry about the tactical squads being non-BA, theyll do fine i pretty much always include at least one in my army, they can be podded down near an objective or used right are a great blocking army - and dont forget my favourite tactic - give the Sgt a homer and let teh termies come to them, creating one hell of a miniature fire base complete with cover save.



Thers some great advice for new beginers on this thread, and remember the golden rule - proxy what you dont have.Dont go buying a huge army in one hit, itll take forever to paint and you may slightly regret it (although its hard to do that with BA).

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There is nothing that goes against the fluff of Blood Angel's to feild tac squads. I love em, but people go with assault as it drops the price of razorbacks for razor spam, or so they can go DOA. In third edition my force was based soley on the strength of my DC and tac squads, with a single small assault squad for tactical response. It was the PDF codex that first even let you get away from tac squads to begin with, prior to that assault squads were still considered fast attack. Personalyl I still think there is a place for a ten man tac squad kitted to the T to squat on objectives and dare anyone to take it, but that is me. Just make sure they can stay mobile, with rhinos or LRs. I hope you have fun with whatever you choose to do though, this is a great game.
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I think your list is fine, all you need is 5 more assault marines, a HQ (reclusiarch or libby) and your set.


You have the objective holders, objective takers and the armour to go with it. Obviously as time goes on yourt want to buy more, but thats when you then truely theme/ set your army in stone.


Playa few games with what you got and see what your missing ;) and then go from their.


Hope this helps



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Thanks for all the replys! And the advice, some very useful things in here.


I made a starter list with what i have here:




Some questions!

What powers for the Librarian, and what to give the DC? I've seen mainly Boltguns, but why? Bolt pistol is better surely? Lastly, how fares the ranged dread?


Expanding from that list would be a DC Dread with Talons and a Stormraven or so, up to 1500, untill i own more to replace the Tac squads for DoA or half/half




*Quick Edit*

This still leaves the Predator useless, and i didn't plan to have a ranged dread in the final army)

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Since it sounds like picking up 5 assault marines is more or less a unanimous decision, definitely pick up the DC box instead of a regular assault squad box as it'll give you enough BA bitz to pepper throughout the other squads to make them a little more Blood Angel unique. Pick up an HQ or two, some Sanguinary Priests and you are all set.


It looks like a solid start to a well rounded Blood Angels force, for sure. And welcome to the Blood Angels!

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