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  • 4 weeks later...

Greetings all, 


Got the camera working props again so here be some better pictures:


Improved Night Hunters Terminator Captain F

Improved Night Hunters Terminator Captain L

Improved Night Hunters Terminator Captain R

Improved Night Hunters Terminator Captain B

As said, still a bit of work to do, but surprised myself with the dust effect on the bottom of the cloak which has come out nicely!
Next up, the squad that is storming through the ruins and then I have promised myself to finish the diorama!!!
Cheers all


Cheers guys, the light was actually the same but my camera settings were all screwed up :sweat:


So yeah, have a free weekend which will I hope lead to some more work on the diorama, I might paint a whole scout bike, Ha!


And batu, thanks for that bro, the cloak was actually inspired by redneckboss, who suggested using artists pastels instead of weathering powders and that shizzle works great! Needs careful handling and some matt varnish so it doesn't rub off but great results simply achieved.


Again, cheers all, more over the weekend, emperor willing.



As you wish brother!


Not quite there, but 99.9% finished, but wanted to post this up as I am really tired and if I don't do it now it will go to the local GW tomorrow and may not be back for a while!




Cheers all and who knows, another weekend in the offing, maybe a scout bike, maybe........



Greetings Brethren!


Soooo, I got, shall we say distracted. The theme for the local GW's monthly painting comp is "Sneekyness" :ph34r.: and well I had a flash of inspiration.


Picture the scene if you will, a traitor guard commander is busy scanning the battlefield passing orders to his vox operator.....


Night Hunters "Sneaky" F

Night Hunters "Sneaky" L

Night Hunters "Sneaky" B

Obviously very WIP and missing said traitor commander who will have the BP pointing at the back of his skull :devil:
Anaraion: I promise I will paint a standard bearer soon, well this year honest!!
batu: Cheers Bruder! After the fail on the base for zero-3 I took some more time on this and really like the way it has come out too!
More soon!


Cheers guys!!


And Bio, splinter cell, wow, that is a massive blast from the past!!


Bit more work done on the base and the traitor officer. Pretty happy with how the concept is working out so will crack on with the greenstuffing, detailing etc






Cheers all!

Dude you just have such a sense for the flow of the overall composition.  You characters always look alive and in the process of very natural movements.


Obviously you paint and work on whatever you want.  Truth be told I love all your work (well except for maybe the flyer as it lacked shark teeth :tongue.:), seriously though I am just one of your many devoted fanbois!!


Just keep posting your work whatever it is!!

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