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Chaplain on a bike


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Hello brothers,


A long time ago, I bought the Chaplain on a Bike box. Because it later turned out to not even be an option, the model hasn't been assembled yet and I've been thinking of making it a Librarian on a bike instead. Seeing as to how the current codex allows Chaplains to ride bikes again and I have some skeletal horse bits to decorate the vehicle with, I've been considering scrapping that idea though.


Obviously, Liturgies of Blood are pretty pointless if you never plan to make a charge, and bikers aren't optimally suited to the close combat role, given their expensive, small squads and only 1 Attack per model to work with. On the other hand, between Turbo-Boost, Fearless and +1 Toughness, the squad is pretty tough to take out before it can get into combat and packs a bit more firepower per model (though not a whole lot more per point) than an Assault Squad, to soften the target up a bit.


So, do you think the Biker Chaplain/Reclusiarch can be a viable addition to a Blood Angels army and if so, how would you equip him and, if applicable, the squad he leads? How do you feel about adding a Priest to the mix, or perhaps even replacing the Chaplain in a Bike Squad? Of course, a Chaplain, Priest and Captain leading a squad could wreck a lot of things in close combat, but things may be getting a bit cumbersome and expensive at this point.




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Blood angels could make a pretty nasty CC bike squad.


8 Bikes (sarge with fist, 23 meltas))

Attack bike multi melta

Sanguinary Priest on Bike (with PW of some sort, infernus pistol)

Chaplain on Bike(infernus pistol).


While they certainly won't have a ton of attacks. They are likely to get the charge (12" move. + charge) are very durable (T5 3+ save 3+ turbo boost cover save.) Furiouc charge, and rerolls to hit.

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Yeah, for those models with bubble-effects or joining units, the mobility of a bike can be pretty useful. A biker priest, for example, can zip around giving his FC/FNP as needed.



For a Chaplain — I like heavy bolters well enough for shooting. He already has a power weapon and invulnerable save, so I'm not sure what else, if anything, I'd give him beyond the bike. Zipping around and helping out everyone as he will, will make him a target, so cheap is good, he already has 3 attacks, and I'd leave the plasma and melta to others. Holds true for Reclusiarch as well.

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Yeah, for those models with bubble-effects or joining units, the mobility of a bike can be pretty useful. A biker priest, for example, can zip around giving his FC/FNP as needed.



For a Chaplain — I like heavy bolters well enough for shooting. He already has a power weapon and invulnerable save, so I'm not sure what else, if anything, I'd give him beyond the bike. Zipping around and helping out everyone as he will, will make him a target, so cheap is good, he already has 3 attacks, and I'd leave the plasma and melta to others. Holds true for Reclusiarch as well.


Hell Fire Rounsd? (We can do that right???)

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Yeah, for those models with bubble-effects or joining units, the mobility of a bike can be pretty useful. A biker priest, for example, can zip around giving his FC/FNP as needed.



For a Chaplain — I like heavy bolters well enough for shooting. He already has a power weapon and invulnerable save, so I'm not sure what else, if anything, I'd give him beyond the bike. Zipping around and helping out everyone as he will, will make him a target, so cheap is good, he already has 3 attacks, and I'd leave the plasma and melta to others. Holds true for Reclusiarch as well.


Hell Fire Rounsd? (We can do that right???)


Only our Sternguard and Tycho. Unless I've somehow missed it, our other units can't take the special ammo.

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Not even our scouts can take hellfire shells, unless I'm missing something. Thanks for the input so far, I guess I will see that equine skeleton attached to a bike after all and maybe build a Priest on a bike as well.




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Remember wih ba stick any 2 ic wih em and they can be deadly.


An example could be sternguard, stick preist with storm bolter and pw withthem for fnp and fc, add captain tycho and you got shooty guys who when assaulted can kick butt



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