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Allying with Orks...


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Hey guys,


I need some justification why Orks and Chaos could work together. Are there any fluff that has Chaos and Orks working together? What was their justification? If they did work together, could you have Chaos enhanced Orks?



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I'm the greatest fluff monkey but I'm pretty sure Orks can't be corrupted by chaos due to having such a low warp presence. Someone else will be able to fill in the blanks though I'm sure.

In the Dawn of War PC game Orks and Chaos work together towards a common goal (STOMPIN' UMIES!!!!)but the relationship is strained at best and eventually the two sides clash as much as you would expect. For Apocalypse games the two armies could be fun to play together but you can justify anything for Apoc.

From a modelling perspective though? Rule of cool outweighs all, providing your opponent is clearly able to define what is what.



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It happens in Dawn of War games (the original DoW and in Winter Assault), where the Orks are used as more or less the mercenaries. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if some Ork tribes took to mercenary lifestyle, fighting for anyone they can - Imperium included. Wasn't there an Ork clan that was said to have been covertly assisted by the Imperium, and therefore seen as "un-Orky" (Blood Axes, if I recall correctly)?
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Hey guys,


I need some justification why Orks and Chaos could work together. Are there any fluff that has Chaos and Orks working together? What was their justification? If they did work together, could you have Chaos enhanced Orks?




Way back in an older edition (can't remember which), my brother had the Freebootaz book which had a bit about Orkz and their exposure (or not) to Chaos. I recall a Kult of Orkz who worshiped Khorne (Khornate Stormboyz if I recall - it's been a hell of a long time ago :( ), but besides the occassional Warphed whom are more sensitive to the vagaries of the Warp (and are totally unsettled by it understandably), Orkz aren't that bothered about Chaos (except to stomp upon) and vice versa. As for the agents of Chaos themselves, the only time I know of where they have had any dealings with Orkz which didn't involve trying to wipe each other out from the start, was in the Dawn of War computer game, where they promised the Orkz the prospect of kicking Hoomies (the Blood Ravens). The orkz decided that once they had finished the BR off, they would stomp on the "Chaos boyz" as well. Of course the Chaos Marines were only using the Blood Ravens as cannon fodder....


I suppose you can suppose that if there was enough benefit for both parties, then an alliance could be made. Just don't expect either party to completely honour any agreements made. Kinda like "A deal iz a deal, iz a deal, iz a deal..... but only with other Orkz'"*


*An internet cookie to whom ever knows where I paraphrased that from ;)


Edit: Midgard ninja'd me! :)



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Thanks for the quick replies. I'm not too clued up on Ork fluff. Are some Orks treasure hunters of somesort? Could a Chaos Daemon prince convince a Ork Warboss he would help him look for some sort of artifact if the Orks helped them out?


I guess a partnership of convenience is the most likely explaination...


Would a Ork seek Chaos help at all? Say if Ghazghkull while being chased by the Black Templars and the old man runs into a Chaos Daemon prince, would he say:"Giv us a `and! You `ate them hummies too don't you?"

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Thanks for the quick replies. I'm not too clued up on Ork fluff. Are some Orks treasure hunters of somesort? Could a Chaos Daemon prince convince a Ork Warboss he would help him look for some sort of artifact if the Orks helped them out?


I guess a partnership of convenience is the most likely explaination...


Would a Ork seek Chaos help at all? Say if Ghazghkull while being chased by the Black Templars and the old man runs into a Chaos Daemon prince, would he say:"Giv us a `and! You `ate them hummies too don't you?"


I'm not a huge expert on Orkz, as that was my brothers' thing when he was into 40k, but I suppose, generally Orkz hate the thought of asking anyone else for help. However, if the circumstances were dire enough even Thraka might consider it....Of course the Daemon would expect something massively significant in return ;)

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The Orks were allied with chaos in the 13th Black Crusade. They fought their own 'Green Kroosade' because "da chaos 'umies is givin us guns to help dem fight da uver 'umies cos day is too puny and need our 'elp". They also mentioned they would turn on their chaos allies as soon as there weren't any more Imperials to bash.


I think the DH and WH codices also mention possessed orks in the adversary sections.

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There is a Death Watch short story in the Heroes of the Space Marines book, in which one Ork Weirdboy has his mind linked via a crude machine on a space hulk to the minds of other Orks, drawing upon their WAAAGH energy to become an insanely powerful psyker. I can imagine Chaos corrupting this and gaining power over all of those Orks in the procedure, but that's a bit lengthy to explain to an opponent. If you have some cool Ork stuff that can "counts as" in your Chaos army, go for it and just say they're mercenaries.
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one idea i had for using iron warriors with orks is that they use some kind of electric mind control device to control them


I thought of this first too. But it just seems too much of a Deus Ex Mechina.


But then Mr. Bleak's idea is similar, yet very much plausiable...

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they're more used like a sledgehammer.




like the eldar throwing the orks and humans into combat on a world about to be consumed by tyranids so they could escape safetly(i believe that's dow2)

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It is not so true that orks are inert to chaos, my ork-lovig friend plays told me they have something like orky inquisitors whose are told to search and destroy corrupted orks. And Blood axes even fought for imperium, although inq denies it and often are used as mercenaries.

There are wide records of CSM and orks helping each other:



The 3rd War for Armageddon (2 months before the war)


The machinations of the Legion arrange an "accidental" emergency alarm in the Hive Tempestora factory complex two months prior to the 3rd War for Armageddon. Due to the ensuing panic and mass-evacuation the tank and ordinance production are thrown 5 days back.




* Sources

US WD #276/UK WD #277: Index Astartes - Alpha Legion by Graham Davey

Reprinted in: Index Astartes IV


Not talking about "Green krosade"...

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It is not so true that orks are inert to chaos, my ork-lovig friend plays told me they have something like orky inquisitors whose are told to search and destroy corrupted orks. And Blood axes even fought for imperium, although inq denies it and often are used as mercenaries.

Source? I doubt this is Canon. Not belittling your friends creativity, but creativity IS creativity.


As for Orks allying with Chaos, use your imagination. I once had a game of Raven Guard (One of the most prevalent Ork-hunting chapters around) allied with Orks VS Chaos. We decided that the Raven Guard had assaulted an Ork Waaaagh! in order to draw them away from a neighbouring system, and lured them into an invading Chaos force, killing two birds with one fell swoop.

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IIRC, Chaos could take Ork allies back in 2nd Edition.


All sorts of reasons an Ork warband might hook up with some Chaos Marines to wreck hell upon...well, everything. The motivation's different, but the effects are fairly similar. :D

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It is not so true that orks are inert to chaos, my ork-lovig friend plays told me they have something like orky inquisitors whose are told to search and destroy corrupted orks. And Blood axes even fought for imperium, although inq denies it and often are used as mercenaries.

Source? I doubt this is


Not sure if you are on about both bits Shas or just the Orky -][- which I know nothing about but the Imperium has certainly used Orks as mercs.

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Definitely Blood Axes. Other orks don't like the Blood Axes for being "unorky" because the Blood Axes will ally with non-ork forces. Including, yes, the Imperium, at least if you go by the old clan-specific lists in which a Blood Axe army could take an Imperial "advisor" as an attachment to their Warboss. Blood Axes would certainly work with Chaos.


Freebootas, too, could do it if the price were right.


Under other circumstances — if it gave them the best opportunity for fighting, and they couldn't find a better fight to take them away — Goffs, Deff Skulls, Red Sunz and Bad Moons are all possible, I suppose, but not to the degree the first two would be. Much more rare, certainly.

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It is not so true that orks are inert to chaos, my ork-lovig friend plays told me they have something like orky inquisitors whose are told to search and destroy corrupted orks. And Blood axes even fought for imperium, although inq denies it and often are used as mercenaries.

Source? I doubt this is Canon. Not belittling your friends creativity, but creativity IS creativity.


The Blood Axes have indeed fought for the Imperium, Ork warbands have been persuaded on many occasions to fight for mankind, against a greater present threat, all that is needed is a massive cargo ship full of fast vehicles, weapons and useful worky gubbinz!

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Orks are Worship Khorne (Khaine/Gork... or possibly Mork). About orks being weak in the warp? Quite the opposite in fact, wyrdboyz derive their power from the psychic energy of their fellows and channel it into shoop da woop. Notice how their ld. (ability to cast spells) is affected by 'ow many boys dere wiv?


There's TONS of fluff from across the editions that explains orks are highly psychic, their technology functions because of their psychic powers. In 2nd edition, a unit of madboys could convince one another that their guns were trying to fly away from them, and because they thought that, guns started flying away from them. The psychic energies from that ability stopped attacks towards the unit too. My favourite example of ork psychics is the part about them stealing a few valkerie dropships by flying them out of a refueling station; WITHOUT ANY FUEL!


As for orks allying with chaos? Why not, the chaos could entice the orks with all manners of things, and orks will accept ogryn into their warbands, why not Khorne("Gork") berserkers? Orks will work as mercenaries, the Imperium will employ them, and chaos isn't so picky about xenos. Both orks and chaos can be interested in destroying and attacking only for the sake of causing "chaos".

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