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Badab War marine chapters


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I've been building a painting some test figures while trying to decide which chapter I'd like to start to run alongside my wolves. I'm a fan of FW figures and had bought the Red Scorpion Vanguard Squad some time ago but it languished in my spares box until the appearance of the Badab Wars books. I decided to try some test figures for other chapters including Astral Claws, Raptors and Salamanders which were built using the clip together marines as I wasn't looking for perfection just a quick look at how the colours would work on a mini.






Oh and there was no way I could resist the Lugft Huron figure and it was great fun to paint ;)










While I'm posting pics here are some of my Wolves









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Thanks for the kind comments :tu:


The sculpt of Huron is very nice with a lot of fine details, the plastic GW figures get better with each release but the FW resin figures have such delicate detail on them it makes them a joy to paint. I followed the cover illustration of Huron from IA10 for a guide to colours rather than the painted version shown on the FW website so my take has a touch more blue on the armour details and I used red as a spot colour for the details as it contrasted nicely with the red. The cover illustration also used red for some of the details too.


Very nice! Tho a minor nitpick: Red Scorpion sergeants seemingly stick with the white helmet of a veteran, but their veterans do still wear white helmets.


I posted this picture over on the Red Scorpion thread with the exact comment you made - I wasn't sure when I painted them if the sergeant or the full squad should have white helms it was only as I finished them that I realised with the RS being so strict on following the codex that they would likely all need to be white, too late was the cry :) Still they were fun to paint even if not 100% accurate to fluff.


As for painting the RS figures they were very straight forward.

Sprayed chaos black undercoat.

Adeptus grey - Badab black wash - edge highlight with adeptus - fine highlights with adeptus + fortress grey only on a few points - done.

The yellow is Iyanden darksun - light wash of gryphone sepia, some areas got an extra wash of this once the first dried such as around the shoulder pad rivets, helmet front vent - edge highlight with Iyandsun - light highlights with Iyandsun + Dheneb stone.

All the highlights are done with thinned paints at least 50/50 water paint with slightly more water added to the foundation colours to help blend the highlights into the basecoat.


I've painted the armour joints black on these but I think I'd have painted them with boltgun looking at them now. With this finish you can paint the armour joints after the adeptus basecoat is done and before the badab wash. In fact it's possible to paint things like the boltguns themselves, grenades, belts, etc and then hit it all with a badab wash which speeds up getting them finished. I cheated with the veteran markings as I used decals then painted over them with skull white as they were a little bit transparent over the chaos black shoulder pads.

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Looks really good. But for my minor nit pick, Raptors were still using the blue and yellow scheme for the Badb war. Not owning the books myself but hearing that this is a common... uh miss understanding that was caused by Forgeworld. But like I said, the painting is really good!
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Looks really good. But for my minor nit pick, Raptors were still using the blue and yellow scheme for the Badb war. Not owning the books myself but hearing that this is a common... uh miss understanding that was caused by Forgeworld. But like I said, the painting is really good!


I've seen lots of discussion on this and you are correct by the original fluff but it now appears that FW have changed the Raptors to green and camo loving for the IA9/10 Badab Wars books despite them not getting stuck on the jungle world until waay after the badab Wars took place. Still it's not like GW ever mess around with background fluff is it :D

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