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Chaos Chapter Name . .

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Curious . . it's been a long time since I was involved in 40K.


Would that still be 'tournament legal' -- that was also one of my fears with this paint scheme.


For example:


Squad #2 contains two imperial fists, an ultramarine, a blood angel and a black templar. (Ignoring fluff stuff, I'm just pulling random chapters out of my ass)


I'm probably, because I lack the steady hand to paint insignias with a brush going to go the route of getting actual sculpted chapter shoulder pads for them, then mark them out with an X or deface them or the like . .


As long as they had appropriate squad markings and the like as being a member of that squad, would it still be tourney legal/official or would I get flak for it?


Thanks =)

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because back in 4th ed there was a tournament rule that to get a proper set of rules an army would have to be painted in a certain way . You couldnt get IF traits without painting your dudes yellow or play IW without going all silver.



What is this? I don't even....


I'm glad they abandoned this, even if it caused the caused the counts-as shinanigans we get today. I've always and forevermore will play a DIY warband/chapter.

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because back in 4th ed there was a tournament rule that to get a proper set of rules an army would have to be painted in a certain way . You couldnt get IF traits without painting your dudes yellow or play IW without going all silver.


Yeah, I knew that, I was asking how people could justify still having that belief.

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Here's the thing.


The whole retaining chapter colors but with a giant X on it still remains the same for the Red Corsairs.


In Skull Harvest by Graham, we see that those who are fully indoctrinated into the Corsairs has the new black and red color scheme. However there are those that still have their old chapter/legion colors but with a giant X over all fromer marks of loyalty.


My theory is that all former members of the Astral Claws and now those traitor astartes who have proven their worth and loyalty to Huron bear the Black and Red colors of the warband.


But those who have just joined the warband and have yet to earn their 'trust' retains their former colors.


This is just a theory of course so take it with a grain os salt.

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