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If you can't beat them, join them


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A good friend of mine who I play and beat on a regular basis has decided he is gonna do an all Sanguinary Guard army because he can never ever beat mine. Ths might sound a little childish but I'm a little pissed by this, I've put alot of money, time and effort into my 4000 point SG list and because it has such a good winning streak and rarely seems to lose. He plays Deathwing, again after copying my exact same DW list and still loses the majority of his games. I have made him lists in the past to try and help him and have given him advice and how to play his army but refuses to listen and does the complete opposite in his games.


After he told announced he was starting Blood Angels and wanted to know my list. I was a little annoyed and basically said to the guy, f you do decide to copy my army then fair enough just don't expect my help anymore and good luck winning gams without my help.


His reply being...


''Ryan this isn't just your hobby, everyone else plays it aswell''


I can understand his point, but copying me is pretty crap do you not think?

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What WFI and Volcatus said. Keep making your army look good and don't worry. Let me lay out the future for you:


Friend buys army

Friend builds army

Friend plays army

More than likely, friend gets stomped by your army

Newness wears off and friend moves on


If your friend likes to just copy other people's lists and blame his incompetence on his list then please ask him to play Chaos Space Marines ;)

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Is he some random guy friend, or a real friend? Let him win some. Clearly its not "just a game" if you're posting on here in frustration and hes getting ready to blow hundreds of dollars to mimic you. If the only thing hes wanting is a few wins, let em have em. Your friendship will thank you.
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You realise by running a deathwing and then a SG list in the first place, you were copying every other knee-jerk retard who collects the latest uber-elite choice spam army? I bet you collected a Loganwing army too.


Grow up, and try to stick with an army over a few years rather than just buying the latest elite choice spam army like a mong.


Your friend is right. You getting annoyed that he is copying the army that you copied off someone else is base hypocrisy. Its like GW suing someone and claiming that genestealers implanting eggs into humans that then burst out of thier chest and grow into Geiger-a-like monsters is thier intellectual property.


Oh, and real men sort out thier problems face-to-face, not moan on an internet forum.


You Sir, have a way with words!


@OP: Anyway why is it an issue? His will probably look like crap since he a fotm reroller. Plus if you are the better player you'll pound his face in anyway. JP lists are all about playing strategically for charges.

Suggest he play a disintegrator heavy DE army.

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I can understand his point, but copying me is pretty crap do you not think?

It doesn't matter if it is crap or not.


You have two options:

-Throw a temper tantrum


-Act like it is no big deal.


It is a zero sum game. Despite the fact that it pisses you off, you need to suck it up and act like it is no big deal. You are owning this guy on the table and no one likes a sore winner. I might be inclined to be grumpy if I was in your shoes, but you have to see that there is no benefit to expressing that grumpiness.

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You realise by running a deathwing and then a SG list in the first place, you were copying every other knee-jerk retard who collects the latest uber-elite choice spam army? I bet you collected a Loganwing army too.


Grow up, and try to stick with an army over a few years rather than just buying the latest elite choice spam army like a mong.


Your friend is right. You getting annoyed that he is copying the army that you copied off someone else is base hypocrisy. Its like GW suing someone and claiming that genestealers implanting eggs into humans that then burst out of thier chest and grow into Geiger-a-like monsters is thier intellectual property.


Oh, and real men sort out thier problems face-to-face, not moan on an internet forum.


@ BrotherMoses. Thats exactly what I intend to do, he can quite happily ''attempt'' to copy my army but when I challenge him to a game I will gladly hand him his ass on a plate.


@ d503. Well considering I've been playing Deathwing for roughly 9 years, I've never considered Space Wolves. I read the codex and created the list before it was even sniffed at in GW Glasgow. And to answer your question no I don't have Loganwing and neither did I jump on the bandwagon and go buy the most elite army. I wasn't having a rant or a moan I was merely asking what people thought of the situation and not for some idiot with an attitude problem to attempt to ''have a go''.


@ MrDante. Lol, I didn't even think of that aswell. Nah by the way he paints, it looks as if it was painted by Stevie Wonder with a paint roller.


@ Leksington. I'm planning to own his ass once it's finished anyway so I've got not worries about that.


The thing that makes me laugh out loud is the fact, he's a godo few years older than me... he's 36. <_<

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I think your response is about as stupid as...


"you play white in chess all the time, I wanna play white!" and you replying with "NO! WHITE IS MINE! COZ I THOUGHT OF THE COLOUR FIRST!"


But, from an emotional attachment to fluff, style and character of a buncha plastic guys, I can understand your feelings. An adult simply doesn't care. A kid whines about it like something's been taken from them. Nothing has. Your army is untouched.


Dont be a punk kid. You'll be happier.



or, what volcatus said.

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You said he's a good friend of yours, isn't he? Why not be happy for him to join the most honoured and noble Chapter of all?

Anyway, if he has his particular play-style, if he prefers certain type of combat (shooty, HtH, whatever) just help him design his own army. Just point to the fact that he already copied your DW and had no luck with it - maybe because this was not "his" army - help him find himself on the battlefields of 40k, I'm sure he'll be grateful.

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You said he's a good friend of yours, isn't he? Why not be happy for him to join the most honoured and noble Chapter of all?


Eh, nobody likes a copy-cat, right? -shrug-


Like I said, I can see why this is annoying. But I don't see why it's a problem. It's like... the little hum of your light bulbs that never goes away, or maybe a wheezy air conditioner. Not worth getting upset over.


That said, Gv0zD has the right idea.


Also, if he is your friend and you are both adults, have you tried saying "Hey bro, that's kinda lame that you just copy my armies and it sorta bugs me"?

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I can understand his point, but copying me is pretty crap do you not think?

depands . if someone thinks that fluff and own testing is important then it maybe crap . But if he has a MtG /WoW mind set then the only important thing is the list and how it is used the fluff aint important , neither is the own testing . As long as the list works it is good . Guy wants a working list and doesnt want to do the hours of playtesting and he probably wants to avoid buying stuff that doesnt work . I dont see anything bad in that to be honest .

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Your friend is right. You getting annoyed that he is copying the army that you copied off someone else is base hypocrisy. Its like GW suing someone and claiming that genestealers implanting eggs into humans that then burst out of thier chest and grow into Geiger-a-like monsters is thier intellectual property.


Oh, and real men sort out thier problems face-to-face, not moan on an internet forum.


Excuse me?


I run an SG list, not because it's FotM but because I love classics like Paradise lost and Dantes Inferno, because I enjoy renaissance religous artwork and because I'm fascinated y the concept of angels and angelic lore.


For years I've played Grey Knights (since their release back in 2003) even though they are now substandard i still play them because of the looka nd feel.


I play Spacewolves with a DIY Wolf Lord and a pod list because I like Nordic history and enjoy dropping Vikings on people's heads.


Then some loudmouth walks in, insults EVERY player who has an SG army by assuming we are all knee-jerk, retarded mongs.


This has annoyed me.

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What a sad thing to start a thread about. Really


This. Sad times.


I'd not even realised how exclusive Sang Gaurd armies are! How dare someone else consider using your army? It's not like the option for it's in a book available for everyone to buy now is it?!


Dude, seriously, remember the 'game' part of wargame. If it's so annoying then mention it - the guy's meant to be your friend so don't keep slagging him off on the web to strangers and if he's not really your friend (you don't sound like friends much) then you don't have to play him do you?

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What a sad thing to start a thread about. Really

Dude, seriously, remember the 'game' part of wargame. If it's so annoying then mention it - the guy's meant to be your friend so don't keep slagging him off on the web to strangers and if he's not really your friend (you don't sound like friends much) then you don't have to play him do you?

Well said, mate :) I second.

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