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Am I the only one curious what a list consisting of 4000 points of Sanguinary Guard would even look like?


Now you caught my interest as well :)   :) .


I suppose it's Dante, 6 overpowered Sang Guard squads, each one in its own StromRaven  :)

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Am I the only one curious what a list consisting of 4000 points of Sanguinary Guard would even look like?


Now you caught my interest as well :)   :) .


I suppose it's Dante, 6 overpowered Sang Guard squads, each one in its own StromRaven  :)


Well if he had 6 squads of Sang Guard without Fists, 6 Squads with Fists, and 6 squads with assorted pistols and Fists.....and then Dante and Mephiston that would be about right.

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Hi all,

I thought I'd stick my oar in since I know the people involved and consider myself a friend to them all :)


The guy who copies is annoying, but I don't think it deserved a topic. Saying that I don't think attacking Vagabond is the right reaction to it, if you don't agree or have something positive to say then try not to say anything at all.


Peter (the guy who copies) is a nice enough man, I think he's a good bloke. He's done a few armies and is a bit of a bandwagon jumper to be fair :/(played DW, Vulkan Marines and proxies to give himself the best chance of a win), that's not to say I don't enjoy his company or stories.

He's not the greatest gamer or painter and sometimes "forgets" or misinterprets rules which can be annoying as well, but he's enthusiastic and I for one think that's important. I don't play him that much unless I'm trying a new army because I feel bad after a game with him, or get annoyed at his attitude during some games.

He is still a great guy though who I enjoy talking to and enjoy meeting.


I Feel Vagabond was attacked in this thread by some people purely for his feelings, I don't think it's fair :/. I have read topics on the subject of people "jumping the bandwagon" before and don't think I've seen people be so negative, usually people on B+C are really positive and great, that's why I enjoying being part of it :D

Vagabond discussed the idea for his army BEFORE I read it anywhere online, I remember that. He's a good gamer (if a bit "tight-Arsed" ;) lol) and always tries to paint his army to a high degree and play fun games.


Anyway this is just my thoughts and feelings on all this, I'm sorry if I've offended anyone or that


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I'll post my list up later tonight once I get back from GW, got a few games lined up with my Nipplewing. I've stuck to the fluff when it comes to my Sanguinary Guard army, only just recently added Vanguard Veterans and a tooled up Honor Guard in a Thunder Pidgeon with a Furioso rolling in the back.


90% of the time I run purely SG depending on my playstyle or what I'm up against.

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Hi all,

I thought I'd stick my oar in since I know the people involved and consider myself a friend to them all :)


The guy who copies is annoying, but I don't think it deserved a topic. Saying that I don't think attacking Vagabond is the right reaction to it, if you don't agree or have something positive to say then try not to say anything at all.


Peter (the guy who copies) is a nice enough man, I think he's a good bloke. He's done a few armies and is a bit of a bandwagon jumper to be fair :/(played DW, Vulkan Marines and proxies to give himself the best chance of a win), that's not to say I don't enjoy his company or stories.

He's not the greatest gamer or painter and sometimes "forgets" or misinterprets rules which can be annoying as well, but he's enthusiastic and I for one think that's important. I don't play him that much unless I'm trying a new army because I feel bad after a game with him, or get annoyed at his attitude during some games.

He is still a great guy though who I enjoy talking to and enjoy meeting.


I Feel Vagabond was attacked in this thread by some people purely for his feelings, I don't think it's fair :/. I have read topics on the subject of people "jumping the bandwagon" before and don't think I've seen people be so negative, usually people on B+C are really positive and great, that's why I enjoying being part of it ^_^

Vagabond discussed the idea for his army BEFORE I read it anywhere online, I remember that. He's a good gamer (if a bit "tight-Arsed" :P lol) and always tries to paint his army to a high degree and play fun games.


Anyway this is just my thoughts and feelings on all this, I'm sorry if I've offended anyone or that



IMHO it was not right to bring this affair to public. Imagine you find yourself being discussed by your friend on the forum. "Why didn't you tell me this in the first place?" - would be a reasonable question. At least, I'd find it a bit offensive. 


I'm glad you are good friends, and I hope this "bandwagon jumping" won't spoil it.

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I can see - though maybe not agree - with all the points mentioned, but you have kind of brought it on yourself.


Your obvious main concern is winning - each to their own and all that - so why are you surprised that this is a big deal to this guy? Beating you with any list would obviously be a gaming achievement for him, especially as your comrade says that he is in that "average" class of everyday gamer.


EDIT: It's actually "If you can't beat them, you need a bigger stick..." ^_^

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You know, I had a very similar situation. while I played and collected over the years I had a friend who wasnt as interested mainly because it was expensive and time consuming. hey it's not for everybody. But he would always help me fine tune my lists, and come to tournaments with me because it was important to me. Eventually we began collecting beer bottle caps, bought a bunch of green army men from the dollar store, superglued the heck out of them to said bottle caps, and suddenly he`s got a pefect proxy army. as far as list building and strategy, he was good, but he never had the roles, plus my added years of actually playing, and obssessing over the hobby made me the more attentive player, and I would win. So much so that he never really got a win in, and he jumped from army to army.....

Look, I am very competitive, and I don`t like losing as much as the next guy, but it`s partof the game....but if I lost every game I played, I`d give up hope too. So!!! I let him win a big game, He learned a few things from winning, and we will never forget how I deep struck 10 terminators, couldn`t kill a single tyranid warrior, and then watched my termies get wiped out in a single turn of close combat....But to be fair vindicatored 9 of them the following turn in a single shot. So really, just grab a beer (if you`re old enough), have your GFs tell you that you argue more over the rules then play the game, and have a great time :P keep in mind we are both 30 now.


No sense getting mad over a game. I say if you dont want him copying your army, to make a counter army, this should be a good challenge to see if you can win against it. If he wins he will learn a few things and give him the confidence to build an army that works for him. Thats all.

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it's hard to win by copying or by using an "off the shelf" army tbh.


The stereotypical SG list is lots of SG squads supported with priests. I can't get on with the concept so I have Stormravens and dreads backing up the angels.

My SG army does not have a single priest but it's still effective, sure people can look down their noses and comment that it's sub-par, that I'm not milking the snyergies but who cares?


We pays our money and we have fun.

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I can see where you're coming from Vagabond. I started my current BA list way back when I was 8. I took a hiatus in 99' until 02'. Then I continued to build up. It took me 12 years to get my current 3000 point list built. I couldn't exactly start raking money in until I started working, even then it all went to school. I guess the feeling I got was that I poured sweat into this army working my ass off raking leaves, shoveling snow, etc... as a kid. I stuck with the BA through thick and thin even while everyone else went and ran off to play the "power army" of the time.


While I'm glad we're strong, it feels kind of lame that we're a current "power army" and people will switch to us for a crappy reason like that.


I don't begrudge those who switch to BA to play them for fun or the lore; that's why I chose BA in the first place. I had a acquaintance at my local store that I would beat, consecutively. I came back from school this December break and found that he had switched to a BA army. He had done so solely for the fact that I beat him all the time with my army and he wanted to play a "power army." The funny thing is that I don't use any of the flashy new BA units except for a Stormraven on occasion in larger games.


It's not so much a disdain for new people coming to BA, but the people sullying our great chapters name with there "power army fever." Like others have said, think of it this way. If he's a "power army" gimmick player then he'll probably drop them someday when they're not winning every game resulting in a big loss of money for his dumb move buying them all, and the ability for you to probably buy them off him for a butt-load cheaper. :P

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The Bottom line here is that it's a game that were supposed to play with friends(and make new friends too)

and have FUN with...unfortunately true personalities really come out when its crunch time in RL or in a Game....

we need to decide if those people are one's we need to be around to have fun with....even though it's seen as a "kids game" we need to be grown up about it....

enjoy Your gaming,dont ever let it become a sore point,then its not fun anymore...



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And this thread is about you why?

I can't speak for him, but...


Suggesting that anyone who is playing a SG army was "copying every other knee-jerk retard who collects the latest uber-elite choice spam army," is a rather harsh and broad indictment, don't you think?


Certainly you didn't expect that you could toss insults with impunity just because the thread was about someone else? I thought his response was fair.

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To be fair, if you managed to run with a sub-par expensive as all hell low model count army like pure SG and do so wel with it you have convinced some other shmoe to copy you, then that is a badge of honour all in itself.


I'd argue that an SG list isn't sub-par, just needs the right support elements. just plonking 6 squads of SG with a few priests is asking for trouble but with some dreads and stormravens the army becomes very copetetive.

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