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If you can't beat them, join them


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To be fair, if you managed to run with a sub-par expensive as all hell low model count army like pure SG and do so wel with it you have convinced some other shmoe to copy you, then that is a badge of honour all in itself.


I'd argue that an SG list isn't sub-par, just needs the right support elements. just plonking 6 squads of SG with a few priests is asking for trouble but with some dreads and stormravens the army becomes very copetetive.


Trying it out is on my to-do list. It seems like great fun.

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A good friend of mine who I play and beat on a regular basis has decided he is gonna do an all Sanguinary Guard army because he can never ever beat mine. Ths might sound a little childish but I'm a little pissed by this, I've put alot of money, time and effort into my 4000 point SG list and because it has such a good winning streak and rarely seems to lose. He plays Deathwing, again after copying my exact same DW list and still loses the majority of his games. I have made him lists in the past to try and help him and have given him advice and how to play his army but refuses to listen and does the complete opposite in his games.


After he told announced he was starting Blood Angels and wanted to know my list. I was a little annoyed and basically said to the guy, f you do decide to copy my army then fair enough just don't expect my help anymore and good luck winning gams without my help.


His reply being...


''Ryan this isn't just your hobby, everyone else plays it aswell''


I can understand his point, but copying me is pretty crap do you not think?


I empathise with you. Whatever you do and are successful with, Bob does too. Then when you raise it with him, he has the cheek to say it is not all about you but still wants you to give him your exact list :tu:

He is either quite oblivious or boldy brazen :P


I think it is good that you asked the question here actually. I know some have said the thread is 'not right' but talking things through is always a good idea :huh: If only blokes did it more often ;)


Ultimately, I think you just have to accept what your friend is doing and take it as flattery, even if his dudes are 100% like yours. It is pretty funny when you think about it. At least as an onlooker :P


The thing that makes me laugh out loud is the fact, he's a godo few years older than me... he's 36. :D

Whats wrong with being 36?


Wow JamesI, you are really into the fluff. I know BA are very, very, very old. Congratulations on taking this to heart ;)

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I empathise with you. Whatever you do and are successful with, Bob does too. Then when you raise it with him, he has the cheek to say it is not all about you but still wants you to give him your exact list ^_^

He is either quite oblivious or boldy brazen :P


Are we talking me Bob? :3 Cause if so True Dat.


A local player switched from playing Ultramarines to blood angels and now plays 'ultrabloods' :) whilst I have been playing BA since I started (early third and I started just cause I painted my marines red) and now he is considered the preeminent BA player in our store XD Even though hes always asking me my opinion on things. I give up on that front and it makes it hard for me to want to play my BA its the same sort of thing that happened to my Orks but oh well I just try and tell myself its just a break.

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To be fair, if you managed to run with a sub-par expensive as all hell low model count army like pure SG and do so wel with it you have convinced some other shmoe to copy you, then that is a badge of honour all in itself.


I'd argue that an SG list isn't sub-par, just needs the right support elements. just plonking 6 squads of SG with a few priests is asking for trouble but with some dreads and stormravens the army becomes very copetetive.


Trying it out is on my to-do list. It seems like great fun.


It is, the trick is nailing the timing right and getting everything offloaded from a 'raven within 6 inches of the other guy. A neat trick is to fly up to a transport, offload, frag the transport and charge the poor buggers bailing out.

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Im actually really glad this post was made, because it raises a few points ive talked to RL people about.


First, im glad that BA didnt get the hysterical wave of army jumpers that say SW got, i think we got just a nice amount due to our trickier to play nature (not compared to SW per se, just SM in general).


Second, i believe that asking for someones exact list is really quite on the nose, so to say.If they want help putting an SG army together, direct them here or Warseer and tell them to work out most of it themself - its better for them as a player and better for the hobby as a whole, but by all means help finetune what he gets.


Third, i have been accused of army hopping too, and then when i brought in my 2nd ed BA army (oooo, there horrible - luckily ive seconded them over to my UM army now lol) to my local the reaction was almost nil, people like to be in a position of authority and power, its sucky but totally natural.Ive also been called a smurf player more times then i can count for my ultra army (which ironically is discounted by opponents because its all old rhinos and 2nd ed marine so they think stoopid kid).


Fourth, i think Vagabond has done nothign wrong starting this thread at all, hes simply asking for opinions from his fellows here at B+C, and frankly ive noticed an ever so slight thread of reactionary rhetoric since just before the SR was released.This is the premier site for PA issues and aspects of our beloved hobby/life and far and away the nicest site ive ever been involved in (much nicer then "rants'n'raves" ;p )



I think in conclusion the answer is to give minimal help in pointing your friend to this site and perhaps warseer in order for him to develop his own army with his own style.


And James1, congratulations, i think your the only person here older then me ;)

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Vagabond, if your friend is not able to win with whatever army he chooses, how about switching the armies? You play with his, and he with your all-SG army. I'm quite sure that he won't win with this army either(just because it needs practice to run an all-SG army successfully, which he most likely doesn't have).

That will be the point where he is desperate and sometimes even willing to quit, but in this condition you can probably make him listen to your advice and become better with his own army. Just a thought, going the psychological, erm psyker-way. B)


Or, just don't care about him and beat him, again and again, to the point where he will quit naturally. I'm not suggesting this one though. :unsure:




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I can understand how you feel. I think many of us like to have a unique army. With all the choices out there it just seems kind of lame to copy an army of a friend you play a lot.


G :HQ:


This! This! This!


Unique feels even more so unique and awesome when you're an unorthodox list. That's what drove me nuts is that the guy at my store practically copied my list, unit for unit, squad weapons for squad weapons, etc... The only deviance is that he used a Redeemer instead of a Crusader.


Drove me bonkers. x.x


But I put him in his place. Still hasn't beaten me, despite asking for 2 matches BA vs BA. It's all about how you play your army. ;)

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* Note to self - don't ask vagabond on the B&C for tactical advice or army selection....he may get annoyed if i take what he says and run with it,heaven forbid if i copy his army.... ;)

see my point? everyone here asks for advice and army selection and im sure many armies out there are straight copies of lists here...why is that fine here but not at your local gaming club??

who's the diddum's now? ;)



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Why is that fine here but not at your local gaming club??


While I agree you have a point — no really, you do, you're right! — there's an answer to your question. A stupidly obvious one.


Internet-people aren't as "real" to us as people we see and talk to. If someone, somewhere else in the world copies your list, your list nevertheless remains the only one of its type in your gaming club. And for most of us, our gaming clubs are the only ones that actually matter. I know that Space Marines are a popular army, but if my gaming club had 6 people and 5 of them were Eldar players, all those Space Marine players in the world don't enter the equation. This is a game, so who you actually play the game with matters. I've seen friends start the game as a group, and go out of their way to pick different armies so their own individual clubs have variety. Who cares if Blood Angels are the band-wagon army, if I'm the only one among the 10 people here who play them?


So yes — someone in your club copying your list is completely different than someone else from a different club bringing your list to his club's games.

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Honestly if he's your friend what you should do is play the game then when its over, have a 2nd game but you trade lists. Let him play your army you play his, and let him see the SG.


I can pretty much guess just from reading that he's just a newish player or too proud to make advice and making poor decisions. I've used SG... they aren't bad... but they aren't super awesome completely unbeatable... so my guess is he's making poor tacticle decisions.

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* Note to self - don't ask vagabond on the B&C for tactical advice or army selection....he may get annoyed if i take what he says and run with it,heaven forbid if i copy his army.... :mellow:

see my point? everyone here asks for advice and army selection and im sure many armies out there are straight copies of lists here...why is that fine here but not at your local gaming club??

who's the diddum's now? ;)




I don't act any different on a forum than I do in person, there are a few guys on here that know me in person and would agree that I'd give someone advice if they asked or not. Some of the better plsyers including staff in my local GW have asked me for pointers and what not to take. I have no reason to copy someones army or list for that matter. I pick elite armies and what I like the look of and what they can do on the tabletop.

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