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Looking for Titan Templates

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ive been searching and searching online and cant find any decent titan templates for reavers and warlords. i tried to sign on with a couple of yahoo groups that have been noted as sharing these but ive been waiting for close to a week to get membership to the groups. any links to get to downloading these would be great. thanks.
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Although we do allow members to utilise templates in their model building process, the B&C does not allow its members to actively distribute said templates (as per the PCA FAQ):


V. Green Stuff Casting and Paper Templates are allowed BUT!!

A tried and true hobby "tool" and a hotly debated topic on the B&C over the past 7 years. Currently you are allowed to discuss casting techniques. Given it's volume out on the web chances are you know how to do it already. You can even give tutorials on how to build moulds and the best resin in your opinion to use.


If at any time a mod feels that a casting post has gone beyond the realm of "personal use" it is at the moderators discretion as to whether the thread will stay open.


Keep in mind that counterfeiting (recasting and selling for your own profit) is illegal and Games Workshop will prosecute people for it. If it is shown that a user account or thread is dealing with casting for the purpose of counterfeiting the user account will be dealt with severely!


Paper templates are a cheap and some would say easy way to get some structures, vehicles and other model aspects built for gaming. GW however frowns on templates which too closely mimic their IP (and rightly so). So you can post your paper templates, however some things to keep in mind:


* The B&C does not condone using paper templates that mimic GW models.

* You cannot host your templates on the B&C. Those who are found to have uploaded them to their user gallery, BLOG or other B&C resource location will have the templates removed and risk losing access to those areas of the website.

* If at any point Games Workshops requests a post or thread containing templates to be removed we will do so without hesitation.


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