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Motivation for model building

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In all honesty? I don't think about it at all. At. All. I go to work, hang out with friends, chill with the girl, all the normal stuff...and inspiration hits me. It's the inspiration to do something, try something out, or tweak something that motivates me to sit in the chair. Granted, it takes practice to get results, but once I start seeing results and how awesome it is, it motivates me to do even MORE.


I'm also mildly masochistic (see Librarium Painting Challenge > Thunderhawk Gunship "Litany of Chastisement").

Instead of making the average Joe, try to think of an awesome conversion that you would like to try, or maybe a unit that looks really bad ass (Thunderwolf Cavalry, Honour Guard, Stromraven, etc) and just try to make your own interpratation of it.

Basically, conversions, conversions and more conversions!

That, or have a look at some 40k artwork and try to make something similar.

hope this helps.


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