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Blood Angels & Successor Chapter


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Hello guys im new to warhammer 40k and i decided to do my first army on blood angels, but i hit a problem which chapter do i do.


I like the basic blood angels color scheme but everybody does it, im a little more interested in the successor chapters


so what im trying to say is how did you guys pick a chapter to base your army on.

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I wanted a darker red paint scheme.


I also liked using an official chapter with little fluff making it easier for me to create my own.


That led me to the Angels Vermillion.

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I started Blood Angels back in 3e because they were the ones on the cover and I was 12 or 13.. I thought I could handle the color scheme.


When I restarted my BAs at the start of 5e (my 3e army was stolen) I chose BA's yet again because they were what I was familiar with and I've always loved the fluff.

Now that my painting skills have advanced a bit, I sometimes regret not making my army Angels Sanguine. I love their color scheme. After all, I love the historical fluff of the BA's, and all Blood Angels successors share that history. Plus I love helmets... I don't for having bare-headed men, and the AS are all about helmets.

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I was drawn to the dual nature of the Blood Angels. On one hand they're the most noble of all Astartes, but on the other, they have a dark streak to them. I loved the idea of the clash within the successors that was in the fandex and quickly aligned with Faust. I gave the name to the Chapter Master of my chapter and went with the idea of them trying to use the rage as a weapon that just needs to be mastered.


I didn't think this theme would fit with any of the established Chapters (well, maybe Knights of Blood), but I wanted complete freedom with my army so I just created my own Chapter.

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The page of successor chapters in Codex Blood Angels is a nice one. I flip-flopped a lot.


I almost went with Flesh Tearers, because the colors are very appealing, and because I could use Gabriel Seth as himself without doing any counts-as.


I almost went with Angels Encarmine, because their fluff is my favorite and "carmine" has always been my favorite word for a shade of red. (You're talking to a man who obsesses over the names of colors as one of his hobbies, by the way.) But I couldn't bring myself to play them because the Angels Encarmine wear vermillion armor, and the Angels Vermillion wear carmine armor. I know that's incredibly silly of me, but it's my own particular brand of OCD and I can't shake it.


I almost went with Angels Sanguine because I love halved schemes on my Astartes.


But in the end, since I was so indecisive, I decided that the best thing to do would be to create my own successor chapter that combined the elements of everything above that I liked, let me leave out parts that didn't matter to me as much, let me flesh out as I liked without worrying about anybody else's views on the chapter, and could bring in elements I thought were interesting that hadn't been done before (stigmata, in this case). We were the Angels Incarnadine for a bit, but then I decided that "Host" was one of my favorite words in the English language, so here we are.


This is my color scheme:





As you can see, I used the halved-scheme from the Angels Sanguine, and the wine-and-black of the Flesh Tearers, along with a word that means "to cause something to be carmine-colored." Also it's a Shakespeare reference since 40k has a few of those already, which I enjoy. So... for a project that started with such silly goals, I feel satisfied that I've accomplished them.

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Dual nature of BA is well demonstrated by Angels Sanguine colors - half red (honorable and heroic chapter)/half black (the dark curse bestowed upon them).

And OMG's IA just boosted my interest towards Angels Sanguine. I run Blood Angels myself, but if I wanted to choose successor chapter - it would be definitely Angels Sanguine.

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I was in a gaming group in highschool, over a decade ago, and we decided to try out Warhammer 40k. There were about a dozen of us who went to this small rogue trader event at this little local gym. We all decided we would play, though I was the only one who decided to play Impirial. I got to talking with other space marine players there finding out about the fluff behind chapters and I really like the idea of a chapter of marines that glorified close combat and would drink the blood of their foes. Even more then that they painted their armor blood red, no one would ever see them bleed, much like the spartans and romans of old. What finally settled it was one of the vendors there had a BA dreadnaught fully painted for sale for something like 15 bucks if I remember correctly. A tac squad, assault squad, DC, and chaplain later and I had my first real 40k army.


Of course the dread is pretty horribly painted, but I would not change it just because even now when I look at it I think of that first wonder at holding it in my hands and thinking of the enemies of mankind falling before it. I have 2k of chaos and maybe 8 to 12k of nids (don't ask how much BA I have, because I have no clue, far too many likely), but my BAs are still the only thing I ever play, the other armies were just for fun converting and such. Something about the parent chapter, direct inheritors of the legions name, just makes me want to smite others.

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I almost repainted all my blood dragons to this armor color after i saw these.. http://flesheaters.net/pics/minis/hq/hq_dc/P1010018.jpg the site is from http://flesheaters.net/ I wish I had one iota of that person's talent to pant mine that way. I'm thinking of changing my FT successor to a FE successor after seeing that!
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I started out 20 years ago with GW games and really got into 40K with 2nd ed when the Chapters started to get their own flavour. Reglar marines didn't do it for me but Blood Angels and Wolves caught my attention (still have the 2nd ed Angels of death and Space Wolves books).


For me the Blood Angels attract me for their imagery and the background, I've never got into successor chapters I prefer the original deal. To me BA represent what humanity fighst for, salvation, freedom and culture.


The Wolves fight because they enjoy fighting, vanilla chapters fight because it's their duty, what they where created to do and DA fight to expunge guilt.

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My army are Blood angels, but they are not a BA successor. They are recruited from the redemptionists of necromunda, and paint thier armour white (so the blood splatters show up) with red parts with yellow flames.


They suffer from fleshtearer-esque rage, but its not a gene-flaw - its just them being incurably psychotic, and thier extreme upbringing as being child soldiers of the redemption before being marines showing through.


They are led into battle by a seth-a-like, and they love anything with flamers. I often use 2 triple-flamer baal preds and a LR redeemer in games. Also, terminators with eviscerators make common appearances. I don't use any exotic BA stuff at all other than the baal predators (they have too much fire to ignore) so they are pretty much a codex chapter using the BA codex to make them psychotic enough.


So what I'm saying, is you don't need to use a dedicated successor chapter to use a specific list - just choose a colourscheme and go with it. Just try not to have blue blood angels though. People will laugh :P

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So what I'm saying, is you don't need to use a dedicated successor chapter to use a specific list - just choose a colourscheme and go with it. Just try not to have blue blood angels though. People will laugh :P


Hmmm...... blood smurfs......"feel the terror of our blue blood might.....stop laughing!"

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I like your guys stories of how you picked your armies, for me im mixed between them all.


I like angels vermillion and angels encarmine but like stated above the colors are switched i it would feel weird switching them annd calling them that name i.e painting angels vermillion vermillion and vise virsa.


Lamenters are kinda cool, but its the whole checkerd thing that i might have a problem with because im a newbie.


Blood Drinkers are too bright for me.


Knights of blood are kinda cool, not many people do them so thats a possibality.


Flesh Tearers are overdone at my GW shop so i dont want them ( i knda want an orginal army, one thats not played that much)


Angels saguine are pretty cool but i dont think i could pull of the split thing, it would be cool to do them though.

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The other thing you can do is make your own successor chapter, that is what I did. I loved the look of the Black Templar models, the tabbards, chains and corsses, bubt I liked red as well..So I made my own chapter, Sanguine Templars, they have are painted a dark red, and I used a lot of the BT bits from the upgrade sprue. Then I used bits from the DC pack to give it that blood angely feel, and then for me what really made the chapter my own was the incorporation of the "checkerboard theme" Each company is represented by a color, first company is yellow, second is white, 3rd is blue, and so on, but each color is always contrasted with black, making a checkerboard. So all of my 2nd company marines have a black and white checkerboard variation of one kind on one shoulder, and the other has the Templar cross, it makes for a very interesting looking marine as it breaks up a lot of the red.


Good luck and let us know what you decide on.


By the way, here is a pic of one of my marines;




You can see the checker pattern on the helmet, and on the shoulder of the guy in the background.



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I am thinking of starting a Knights of Blood army for a few reasons. I like the fluff and don't want to be just another Blood Angels army, I get to use the "knight-ish" helmets from the ravenwing sprue (with a little filing) and most importantly IMH the colour scheme can be applied quickly. An overbrush of boltgun metal followed by a drybrush or two of mithril gets the job done, but as I progress as a painter I can use more advanced techniques, NMM for example.
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It just kind of happened. I've always had some purple Space Marines. Of the two squads in the 2nd edition box set, one was painted purple. I don't really remember my reasoning for it, other than it was a rare color in those days. I do remember what attracted me to the Blood Angels, the Baal Predator. Once I saw it in WD I knew which chapter codex I would be using. Never could decide on a name or badge for the longest time. It has taken many years, but the army is finally coming together. I can actually play with a completely painted force now. :HQ:
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I made my own (distant) successor Chapter. It allowed me to use the colors I wanted. I took inspiration from the page in the new Codex. I've got a halved dried blood/german grey base. Death Company are black. Sanguinary Guard are in white, Sanguinary Priest tradition says the priest adopts the unit's colors.


Like the Blood Drinkers, unit markings are fairly close to Codex. This allows me to use more models with sculpted icons and a greater diversity of decals. It is also a much easier system for me to decipher than the normal BA system.

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I made a chapter that uses Flesh Tearers when I can, but Blood Angels icons are good too. The Blood Suns (since the spiky wheel of tearing for FT looks like a stylized sun) could be fluff-spinned into a too-dogmatic, almost renegade chapter, or puritan-Emperor-botherers. Even if it's just a "friendly" game, I inject some kind of story into it, so even if I'm the "bad" guy when playing other Imperium forces, I feel like something meaningful is happening.


I've been helping a buddy do a Dark Angel army, and all those Angels with swords, shields with swords, etc would go really well with a Blood Angel army easily. The difference is some are swords, some are blood drops inside the wings. You could lessen the "confusion" by painting both some chapter neutral color, like violet, silver, yellow, or something like that.

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