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Marines Malevolent +Vis Sanctimonia+


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Been a while now but here is an update on my Malevolents.

Lately I have been working on 2 LRs and a Ven Dread,both wip,the LRs are not far off,just need tidying and some more weathering and scratches. Ven Dread is basically the same.

Here are some wip pics.

Venerable Dread









Dunno if I should continue the red section of the stripe to the bottom of the Raider....opinions?

C&C most welcome!!


  • 5 months later...

Hello,just a small update on what I am working on!

As you can see its a LR...Malevolent version of a LR Crusader....I think I will name it LR Invader,the vehicles name is "Devine Wrath" it belongs to the Captain/Master of the 5th Crusade. The colour scheme is in honour of the Malevolents founder Mikal Varen as this is His personal colours. The other is a Vindicator.

As said its all WIP and there is a fair bit of work to do to finish them both.

LR Invader and Vindicator


LR Invader







As always C&C most welcome!!


Excelent work! Your weathering is really good! Especially on the yellows.


My only critique would be on the blacks. They dont seem to get the same attention as your yellows. The yellow pops and the weathering incredible. The blacks seem flat and not much weathering done to them.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Styro!

Here is an update on what I am working on at the moment. The Landraider and Vindicator are finished,just need to take some pics and post them up in the Hall of Honour.

Right.....this is my Stormhawk,it has a Chapterhouse true scale kit on it...which isnt to bad...bit flimsy in places...BUT gotta say I have had this kit kicking around since the first batch they produced so hopefully the latest kits are better!!

I am in the process of fitting a rear mounted weapon to catch out sneaky fighter planes coming up from behind....but as of yet not fitted. Here are the pics......




........and this is it covered in sepia wash ready for dry brushing!


As always, comments appreciated!! :)

You can never have too many Land Raiders! They're all looking awesome, as always zxyogi.


Styrofoam04: I must admit, the black on my Malevolents looks flat, but I suspect its the brightness of the yellow that make it look that way.


Keep up the good work Brother. Glory and Hate!

  • 7 months later...

Hello,been away a while doing other things. Dug my Malevolents out of the garage and started where I left off. Been working on my LR and Vindi. Not as yet finished,need to tidy them up and finish the detail.











C&C as always welcome!




Looks like I will mainly be stealing alot of the weathering techniques for my hog!


Also how did you get the blue tint? Lots of layers of blue ink/wash a little blue mixed into some silver?


Cheers brother and keep up the good work!

Thanks for the comments!!


NightHunter....the blue tint....the front intake or the rear exhaust?

If the front intake...really basic!! Darkened boltgun metal,mithril silver over the top then a wash of azure[?] Blue to finish.

The exhaust part was done by doing whatever you do for your metal look then I dry brush Regal Blue then Liche Purple leaving some of the Blue showing then Brazen Brass on the edges....I think it gives a nice looking heat effect.


I like it. you have a nice crisp color. especially being yellow, and that's hard to do. I like how you've done the red border to sperate the black, and yellow contrast on you vehicle that along gives them the bling they need.

On thing thou your techmarine "stormhawk" pilot kinda looks like a Howling Griffon. I'd sugget a techmarine be all red in color save for his hereldry pad dooning his chapters colors. Example; a chaplain, or a libriarian.


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